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Posted: April 11th, 2012


Posted: April 11th, 2012


Posted: April 11th, 2012


Posted: April 10th, 2012


Posted: April 10th, 2012


Posted: April 10th, 2012

This article is cross-posted from When the Crisis Hits the Fan…

A man shot himself on April 4th in the very center of Athens. He is the latest in hundreds of suicides during and because of the crisis. Dimitris Christoulas chose the place (Syntagma Square) and the time (rush hour) to pass his message. Many have called Christoulas “the Greek Bouazizi“. Christoulas’ message was handwritten on the note below.

Here’s a translation of it:

The collaborationist Tsolakoglou [see note below —eXiled] government has annihilated my ability for my survival, which was based on a very dignified pension that I alone (without any state sponsoring) paid for 35 years.

Since my advanced age does not allow me a way of a dynamic reaction (although if a fellow Greek was to grab a Kalashnikov, I would be the second after him), I see no other solution than this dignified end to my life, so I don’t find myself fishing through garbage cans for my sustenance.

I believe that young people with no future, will one day take up arms and hang the traitors of this country at Syntagma square, just like the Italians did to Mussolini in 1945 (Piazza Loreto in Milan).

Note: Georgios Tsolakoglou was a Greek military officer who became the first Prime Minister of the Greek collaborationist government during the Axis Occupation in 1941-1942.

Kostas Kallergis is freelance journalist from Athens who runs the blog When the Crisis Hits the Fan

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Posted: April 10th, 2012