www.telegraph.co.uk -- All of these protests and riots were inspired by Bill Ayers and his group, i. e. Valerie Jarrett, Van Jones. If you google "day of rage" and go to the links, you will see, also if you google European revolution" you will see their calendars showing a global revolution" planned for Oct. 17th. These pot-heads are being led by the communist group mentioned above. These same people led and instigated the riots in the mid-east. You will connect the dots easily The goal is to start unrest everywhere and ultimately DESTROY America. Some of us will laugh it off, but we remember "smal events can have huge consequences". Obama wants this, then he will declare "marshall law", and attempt to confiscate our arms. Get the info from the sites that give you the dates, cities, etc. Go to your search engine and begin with "day of rage", you will see link to " European revolution" Look at the background and lists of people supporting and involved .
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