Last summer, I grossed out a bunch of my guests at a small party I had at my apartment. We watched a gruesome beheading video that was posted on the Internet that day. The video showed two masked Russian skinheads performing a ritual execution of what appeared to be two Caucasian gastarbeiters. Both were gagged and bound with ropes. One was beheaded with a long, dull knife, while the other was shot. The video was truly revolting. It took the killer a while to fully sever the head of his victim, and all the while you could see the raw fear in the man’s eyes and hear him gurgling his own blood in his trachea. It was the worst snuff footage that I had ever seen. I managed to download the video from some obscure Russian white power site up before the Russian government moved in to cleanse the net of its nauseating presence.
At the time, Russian police brushed off the video as a hoax. It sure didn’t seem that way, especially when a Dagestani family identified the beheaded man as their relative. Just imagine: your friend is browsing the Internet at your house when he stumbles upon the video and says: “Hey Abdul, isn’t that your third cousin, what’s his name. You know, the one that went to Moscow to find a job last spring? Dude, I think he got his head cut off.”
Fucking brutal.
Initially, the police wouldn’t pursue the matter, making them silent accomplices in the race crime tsunami that’s hit Russia in the past few years. But now it seems they nabbed four suspects in relation to the two murders.
Here’s what the Moscow Times had to say about it:
A senior Interior Ministry official said four suspects had been detained in connection with a horrific video showing the execution of two men that was circulated on the Internet last year.
The video, which appeared on ultranationalist web sites under the title “The Execution of a Tajik and a Dagestani,” showed two dark-skinned men kneeling, bound and gagged in front of a Nazi flag. The two men say, “Russian national-socialists have arrested us,” before masked men cut one man’s head off and shoot the other at point-blank range.
Boris Miroshnikov, head of the Interior Ministry’s hi-tech crimes department, told Rossiiskaya Gazeta in an interview published Wednesday that four suspects had been detained. He did not elaborate.
It’s still too early to tell if they’ll get a conviction, but the kid who first posted this video got one year in the slammer. So they’ll at least get two or three, maybe even four years. And by Russian standards, that’s a serious punishment.
Read more: execution, Russia, skinheads, Yasha Levine, Russia

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