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MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
What You Should Know / July 5, 2011 -- And now, crime is on the rise.No one knows that better than Charles Barron.He has plenty of time now to care for his cattle.That's because Barron is Alto's police chief, and no longer has a police department to run.The patrol cars are locked in an impound lot. The police station is locked, except when Barron stops in to check the mail.And all five police officers, including Barron, are unemployed, after the city council cut the police budget to zero."They put a bulls-eye target on law enforcement -- police department -- and police department only," he tells CBS News.The council furloughed the police department for at least six months to make up for a $185,000 budget deficit.

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