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MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
bill black

This article was first published in The Daily Banter

Last month, shareholders finally rebelled against Citigroup, the worst of the Too Big To Fail bailout disasters, by filing a lawsuit against outgoing chairman Dick Parsons and handful of executives for stuffing their pockets while running the bank into the ground.

Anyone familiar with Dick Parsons’ past could have told you his term as Citigroup’s chairman would end like this: Shareholder lawsuits, executive pay scandals, and corporate failure on a colossal scale. It’s the Dick Parsons Management Style. In each of the three companies Parsons was appointed to lead, they all failed spectacularly, and somehow Parsons and a handful of top executives always walked away from the yellow-tape crime scenes unscathed. (more…)

May 14th, 2012 | Comments (19)

Exiled Hero Bill Black: "Kabul Bank" Is A Giant "Control Fraud" Scam Enriching Corrupt Insiders At U.S. Taxpayer Expense...And The New York Times Are Lying Pussies...

September 6th, 2010 | Leave Comment