Vanity Fair profiles The eXile: "Gutsy...visceral...serious journalism...abusive, defamatory...poignant...paranoid...and right!"
MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
david koch

When billionaire brats attack!

One thing I learned from watching last week’s RNC: Being a reporter with a video camera at a GOP convention and doing anything other than sucking up to power . . . well, that just might be the most dangerous journalism job in America today. Hell, people are in danger of being lynched just for reporting while being black. (more…)

September 7th, 2012 | Comments (44)

The Left's Big Sellout: How The ACLU & Human Rights Groups Quietly Exterminated Labor Rights

I did a simple check: I went to the websites of three of the biggest names in liberal activist politics: Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the ACLU. Checking their websites, I was surprised to find that not one of those three organizations lists labor as a major topic or issue that it covers.

June 22nd, 2012 | Comments (70)

Anti-war Libertarians Charles and David Koch Love Profiteering Off America's War Machine

Data pulled from publicly-accessible federal contract databases shows that over the past 15 years, the Kochs have milked the U.S. war machine for about $170 million, all while funding libertarian groups, organizations and media outfits with anti-war positions.

March 25th, 2011 | Comments (17)

Dylan Ratigan Makes It Official: Mark Ames & Yasha Levine Broke The Koch Brothers' Takeover Of America

The biggest story of the past year—the takeover of America by the billionaire Koch brothers—was first reported by eXiled Online editors Mark Ames and Yasha Levine over two years ago, in a controversial article for Playboy. Dylan Ratigan sets the…

March 24th, 2011 | Comments (19)

7 Ways the Koch Bros. Benefit from Corporate Welfare

An abridged version of this article was first published in the New York Observer Mainstream America is finally getting to know the billionaire brothers backing the libertarian movement, thanks to a pair of dueling profiles in New York and The…

September 4th, 2010 | Comments (14)

Teagagged! Born In Offshore Drilling, Tea Party Protest Silenced Over Organizers' Links To 2008 "Drill Here! Drill Now!" Campaign

This article was first published in Alternet. Why are the hoppin’-mad Teabaggers so oddly quiet these days, ever since the BP oil disaster? That’s what Thomas Frank, author of What’s The Matter With Kansas? asked last week in his column, “Laissez-faire…

June 13th, 2010 | Comments (30)