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MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
What You Should Know / May 5, 2010

img-696 -- The CBS affiliate in New York reported today: "In the end, it was secret Army intelligence planes that did him in. Armed with his cell phone number, they circled the skies over the New York area, intercepting a call to Emirates Airlines reservations, before scrambling to catch him at John F. Kennedy International Airport." The post at 5:34 PM was titled "Army Intelligence Planes Led To Suspect's Arrest." But then at 6:21 PM, the article's title was changed to "Total Time Of Investigation: 53 Hours, 20 Minutes: Faisal Shahzad In Custody After Nearly Fleeing United States." As Rayne observed on FireDogLake, the paragraph about the Army planes was deleted from the CBS story.

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  • 1. Rubicon  |  May 5th, 2010 at 2:38 pm

    Anyone else think that whole incident was a total patsy setup? Motive–what, mad that he got foreclosed on? Heck we got a million more ‘terrorists’ waiting in the wings if that’s the case. Anyway, the bomb making (if you believe he went to Pakistan to learn Bombing 101) was unbearably lame, only sputtered and smoked for several minutes before a couple of street vendors called the bomb squad. Let’s not forget the daring near-getaway. So you setup a bomb, then wait 2.5 days before leaving? Did he not think to buy a ticket before then? He could’ve caught a cab from Times Sq to the airport 30 seconds after parking that car. While I’m at it, he kept using his usual cell phone, not some cheap throwaway one, or none at all. I just don’t buy it.

    Sadly, the totalitarian aspect is expected. Power is viagra for politicians, not easily given up after experiencing it. As I cautioned one repugnican friend, will you appreciate these “executive privileges” when a Democrat is holding them? Now they’re scared.

  • 2. RecoverylessRecovery  |  May 5th, 2010 at 3:06 pm

    “They sidestep Posse Comitatus,..”

    The federal government is simply trying to find an adecuate ENCORE that will follow-up on their side-stepping of the Constitution, the Geneva Convention, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), Transparency and Rule of Law.

  • 3. RecoverylessRecovery  |  May 5th, 2010 at 4:31 pm

    “As I cautioned one repugnican friend, will you appreciate these “executive privileges” when a Democrat is holding them? Now they’re scared.”

    Right on! Americans chose to over-empower the Bush administration with EXCESSIVELY broad authority as a knee-jerk reaction to ‘Islamic terrorist’ fear-mongering, astutely fueled by the very same admninistration.
    That would make the average American voter the “patsy” in this case.

    And as for that wanna-be jihadist; fortunately for U.S. cities it’s still the clueless DIPSHITS like him who are trying to pull-off these attacks against American society with their faulty exploding shoes and crappy single-engine-aircraft against IRS buildings and defective bags of fertilizer.

    Just WAIT until the SMART guys start organizing and executing THEIR plans of mass destruction!

  • 4. RecoverylessRecovery  |  May 5th, 2010 at 4:37 pm

    “Just WAIT until the SMART guys start organizing and executing THEIR plans of mass destruction!”

    PS: Dear American KGB Officer (I know you’re out there listening!)

    BEFORE you come kicking down my door, the above was meant as a cautionary statement ..NOT a threat.


  • 5. dwayne chandler  |  May 6th, 2010 at 2:02 am

    Yup, it is what it is, there’s
    no denying that.
    Posse Comitatus(dead), the Second
    Ammendment(dead), the Constitution
    Let’s keep reading and writting
    about our slave state, it’s going
    to make a difference.

  • 6. WE  |  May 6th, 2010 at 5:15 am


    “PS: Dear American KGB Officer (I know you’re out there listening!)

    BEFORE you come kicking down my door, the above was meant as a cautionary statement ..NOT a threat.”

    I doubt they had you in mind, though I look forward to any attempts you might have in the works of turning your scrotum and the hard, aging cushion of any variety of transport into the next Dadaist masterpiece.

  • 7. Eric  |  May 6th, 2010 at 7:12 am

    I’m sorry, but AG Holder and SHS Napolitano were too busy lying about intercepting Shahzad before he boarded his plane to personally arrest him. Why do you care who helps to convict an attempted mass murderer? And to these “Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with Islam” responses – give credit where credit’s due, jihad has been officially recognized by Pakistan as a pillar of Islam since Zia ul-Haq. Do me a favor and go feed Khalid Sheikh Mohammad some applesauce.

  • 8. az  |  May 6th, 2010 at 6:07 pm

    Dwayne Chandler, are you black?

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