Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Compare these two photographs, which show two signs posted a quarter mile apart along a road right outside Victorville’s maximum security federal prison. (Click the pics for a close up.)
Exhibit A reads:
“NO TRESPASSING / Federal Bureau of Prisons / Federal Correctional Complex / Victorville”
Exhibit B reads:
“American Jobs / American Values / U.S. Department of Commerce . . . Creating High-Skill, High-Wage Job Opportunities in Your Community”
There ain’t much beyond that second sign, nothing but a dirty desert and a concrete prison wall. There sure as hell ain’t no jobs behind there. Other than, you know, jobs at the prison. Gentlemen, I think we just witnessed the federal government make a funny.
Wanna know more about California prisons? Read this: CALIFORNIA PAROLEES: COMING TO A NEIGHBORHOOD NEAR YOU (AND ME)
Read more: Class War, funny, Prisons, victorville, Yasha Levine, What You Should Hate

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Add your own1. lyle! | September 2nd, 2009 at 4:29 pm
thanks for keeping it real in my hometown man! IE pride yall, and keep the prisons coming Sactown boyos >:D
2. KKKk is 4 kkknowledge | September 2nd, 2009 at 7:06 pm
Prison guards are bitches. What the San Jaquin needs is more military bases. And In-N-Out Burgers. And gigantic HMO medical coumpounds. And more police to oppress the crop slaves. Hooah!
3. twentyeight | September 2nd, 2009 at 8:19 pm
…what’s that? The faint whiff of, hmm, socialism, courtesy of the gov’t-sponsored prison industry variety, lining the pockets of white trash with hard-earned $8/hour paychecks.
4. Sin Froneres | September 2nd, 2009 at 8:22 pm
@1 Who the hell has IE pride? 99.1 KGGI teenie boppers? Bros in lifted trucks? Who?
5. geo8rge | September 3rd, 2009 at 6:10 pm
Hey Levine how about a prison visit? I think there is even a women’s prison there. Make some new firends.
6. running dog lackey | September 4th, 2009 at 8:11 am
hey the Romans had an answer for prison overcrowding – they fed inmates to the gladiattors and lions., How come FOX hasn’t tried that yet?
7. Jet Li | September 4th, 2009 at 2:08 pm
Big deal! As many prisons as you think you can stuff out there in the scrubb, there are still beaucoup more private ghettos (AKA ‘gated communities’) dotting the landscape. Down the road, there’ll be more gates than people.
Levine, climb aboard your ’51 Nash Ambassador with the windshield fuzzies, head down I-5, and do an expose on the enslaved masses of Corona del Mar.
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