-- Now lets talk a little about the recent events surrounding Stratfor [22]. As you have read in the news, hackers managed to download roughly 200GB worth of company emails, various IT support tickets, and the complete (90K strong) customer database including credit card information . Not only did the hackers acquire this information, once they were done downloading it all they deleted the backups [23], effectively putting Stratfor out of business for the time being. Many people [24] are left wondering why Anonymous has targeted such a company. Stratfor worked by providing news analysis to subscribers via email and their website and used mainly OSINT [25] to accomplish this. Their subscribers are made up of a multitude of organizations and people including: Police, Schools, Intelligence Services, Journalists, and international affairs aficionados. So this attack raises some eyebrows when it comes from the Anonymous name since the Anonymous name was at first established by those seeking to provide transparency and fight for first amendment rights in other countries.
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