Our story begins late last week when I got a tweet from @AlphaInvictus telling me to go check “who’s sponsoring BuzzFeed today.”
I wasn’t expecting much… After all, BuzzFeed’s known for creating custom posts for advertisers, like the “15 Delicious Things You Can Stuff In A Crescent Roll” post it created for Pillsbury. Weird, yes. Possibly even shady, given how BuzzFeed’s sponsored content looks almost exactly the same as its regular posts. But given the scandal over the Atlantic’s advertorial for Scientology, most sites have become ultra-cautious about allowing controversial sponsors to brand their “content.” How bad could BuzzFeed’s latest sponsor be? (more…)
There have only been a handful of instances over the years when Megan McArdle felt compelled to issue a “full disclosure” about her journalism conflicts of interest. And every time, these “full disclosures” have been used as smokescreens to give readers the false impression that McArdle was being up-front about her conflicted relationships.
To celebrate today’s announcement that Ayn Rand fanboy Paul Ryan will in a few months’ time be a heartbeat from the presidency—and to honor this special moment, marking the final syphilitic pus-spasms of America’s decline and fall–we are reposting for…
Limey libertarian conspiracy theorist James Delingpole befouls the land Down Under with a book claiming that climate change science is an Illuminati conspiracy by the Club of Rome to enslave mankind…And Australia’s top libertarian think-tank is James Delingpole’s biggest promoter…
John Yoo, author of the notorious “torture memo,” served on the Cato Editorial Board for Cato Supreme Court Review during the Bush presidency. At the same time, Yoo was writing the Bush administration’s legal justifications for waterboarding, Guantanamo, warrantless wiretapping and more.
I travelled to Breitbart’s hood to carry out a private investigation into what happened that fateful night …and found a grisly, blood-splattered crime scene just a block away from his home.
I came across this hilarious groveling quote from Heartland founder David Padden about his all-knowing Master and Dear Leader, Charles Koch:
“I would never attempt to second-guess whatever he’s doing in the interest of making this a free country…”