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The War Nerd
The War Nerd: Golan: When Your Green March Turns Red

While everybody was distracted with Libya, something interesting happened on the Golan Heights. The Palestinians, with a lot of pushing from the Assad people, staged their own version of the Green March. And it failed.

Posted on: September 2nd, 2011 | Comments (63)

War Nerd Alert: This Guy Look Libyan to You?

Dude on the right look local? A sharp-eyed reader named Pete S. sent me a picture off an Al Jazeera blog on Libya with what Pete thinks might be an SAS operator taking in the parade. This is the guy…

Posted on: August 31st, 2011 | Comments (60)

The War Nerd: Libya, By da Yout', For da Yout'...For Now

A little secret you won’t hear much about: Libya under Qaddafi wasn’t that bad for most people. And that’s according to the CIA. Take a look at the CIA factbook on Libya under Qaddafi and you’re in for a shock.
Subsidized medical care, subsidized education, one of the highest average incomes in Africa, a life expectancy of 77 point something, and rankings in the 90s, pretty low, on most of the bad stuff like infant mortality.

Posted on: August 30th, 2011 | Comments (46)

The War Nerd: So Who Killed Younes?

The truth is, it was no surprise Younes got shot. He was an old Qaddafi enforcer who’d made a lot of enemies, and he did one of the most dangerous things a general can do: Change sides in the middle of a civil war.

Posted on: August 28th, 2011 | Comments (40)

The War Nerd: Libya: The Berb-Burb Alliance

Well, that was a quick takedown. One of the strange things about Libya was the pacing. It needed a good editor, because it started fast, then bogged down, and then just when everybody’d given up and gone to get some caramel corn, the credits started rolling.

Posted on: August 23rd, 2011 | Comments (89)

The War Nerd Vs. Darrell Issa's Goldman Sachs Staffer: A Brief History Of Hungarian Fascism Made Simple For Lying Scum

Rep. Darrell Issa got busted hiring a Goldman Sachs VP, Peter Simonyi/Heller, who changed his last name to hide his Goldman Sachs past in favor of his fascist Hungarian grandfather’s past…The War Nerd explains why Simonyi should be much more embarrassed about Grandpa Heller…

Posted on: August 19th, 2011 | Comments (97)

War Nerd: What’s Holdin’ You Up, Muammar?

I’m back, thanks to the don’t-call-it-a-depression. Thanks to this brief correction in the US economy, then. My new job lasted three months. I did all the right things, too, even smiled. Didn’t matter. I was the last hired, and you…

Posted on: August 17th, 2011 | Comments (78)