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MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
What You Should Know / May 2, 2011 -- Green groups loved nuclear power back in the 1950s, so long as we would swear off abundant coal (and, at the time, oil) for producing electricity. Then nukes became reality and, well, the greens changed their tune. Natural gas was considered too valuable for mere electricity production - yeah, re-read that, and think of it when EPA's ‘utility MACT' closes plants and shuts off the lights in a few short years - so it wasn't really in the equation. That latter reality changed over time, thanks to e.g., the Arab oil embargo and the war on coal, and therefore so did the way the greens receive the notion of fuel-switching. What, you say we're awash in it? Why, this mean wo-ah!

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