Last week, Yasha Levine and I broke our Nation magazine story on The Dylan Ratigan Show exposing free-market hypocrisy by Charles Koch and Austrian economist Friedrich von Hayek on a scale so grotesque it was hard to know whether to laugh or scream, or both. A brief recap: We revealed letters from the early-mid 1970s in which Charles Koch– the biggest funder of a four-decade-long campaign to destroy Social Security and Medicare–privately championed Social Security and Medicare in order to lure Hayek out of Austria (where he enjoyed universal health care) and into America, so that Hayek could front for Koch’s war on entitlements. Hayek was more than happy to oblige Koch, except for one problem: Hayek was privately afraid of America’s free-market health care system, so afraid that he initially turned Koch’s offer down. But as Charles Koch was to find out, Hayek was a fellow traveler in free-market hypocrisy: Back in the 1950’s, while Hayek was at the University of Chicago, the Austrian-born economist had secretly and voluntarily opted into the Social Security program, and continued paying in for 40 quarters—qualifying Hayek for Medicare and Social Security, just in time for Charles Koch’s invitation. That was great news for all, because it meant Hayek could come out and help Koch destroy Social Security and Medicare while simultaneously living off those same programs, and not worry about falling through the brutal free-market “safety net” that Hayek privately feared.
This was more than mere rank hypocrisy. This was—and is—a colossal scam played out on a public largely unaware that ideas could be corrupted and sold in respectable society in a manner as blatantly corrupt and cynical as this.
Why did Koch need Hayek to front for him? Imagine if Koch himself—a billionaire heir to his daddy’s oil fortune—went around arguing that all the non-billionaire non-heirs should drop their Medicare and Social Security for the cause of “freedom” and “personal liberty” and “empowerment”: No one would buy it.
Moreover, things were much, much different in 1973, when Koch and Hayek had those exchange of letters. Back then, no sane politician from either party would be caught dead saying the sorts of things that mainstream Republicans today are saying about these programs (“Ponzi scheme” “monstrous lie”) and mainstream Democrats are preparing to enact (“entitlement reforms” “Bowles-Simpson Commission”). It wasn’t just Democrats who fully supported those programs, so did Republicans. Nixon, for example, massively expanded both programs during his presidency; and President Eisenhower famously wrote during his term in the White House,
“Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H. L. Hunt (you possibly know his background), a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.”
Eisenhower hadn’t imagined that the grandson of one of those “Texas oil millionaires,” Charles Koch, had a plan on how to raise their numbers from negligible to the tipping point of respectability: Corrupt ideas at their source, so that as they disseminate throughout the culture, eventually such ideas become respectable, and even “courageous” in the words of many a Sunday talk show host…and when that happens, you have an environment that Ike never imagined, in which Republican candidates Go Galt on Social Security to the cheers of the party base, while the fake-progressive Democratic Party President occupies the “reasonable” “middle-ground” on slashing those programs…leaving little or no oxygen for any politician in either party to talk about how both programs might be expanded, let alone preserved.
So Koch needed a guy like Hayek to provide respectable academic/intellectual cover for a set of ideas—equating “liberty” and “freedom” with “I can’t afford health care” and “I can’t afford to retire”—ideas whose real goal is to claw back for Koch’s ultra-rich class all of the wealth redistributed to the middle- and working-classes in the post-New Deal era.
Hayek had academic respectability; with Hayek fronting for Charles Koch, Hayek could plausibly claim that he’d arrived at this set of ideas calling for the dismantling of Social Security and Medicare not out of his own self-interest, since Hayek wasn’t ultra-rich like Koch, but rather through rigorous, disinterested intellectual pursuit of Higher Truths.
In Hayek’s 1960 work, Constitution of Liberty, he devotes an entire chapter titled “Social Security” arguing nine essential reasons why Social Security and socialized medicine will destroy freedom-loving peoples everywhere (they will lead to Soviet-style hospitals and mind-control, bring on totalitarianism, lower our life spans, etc.). And yet, as we learn from the private Koch-Hayek letters in the 1970s, even while Hayek was working on Constitution of Liberty denouncing Social Security, privately, he was paying in to the program, on a purely voluntary basis (as a foreign citizen working at the University of Chicago, Hayek had the option of declining) hoping that some day the state would take care of him, totalitarianism or no totalitarianism.
Hayek got his socialized-medicine wish; and Koch got his Hayek. Today, “Austrian Economics” is a branded version of austere free-market economics that owes its success to its rich rightwing sponsors. Once considered crackpots and corporate frauds, today these economists are responsible for framing the way we talk about politics—and they owe it all to Charles Koch and a handful of his fellow ‘Bagger Barons on the right.
This is how crazy ideas are seeded, cultivated, and distributed, particularly since the explosion of right-wing think-tanks in the 1970s, coinciding with the explosion of money in politics.
Thanks to the Koch brothers’ long-term investments into ideas that directly benefit them and promote their vision of a return to the Harding-Coolidge Era—and thanks to their mandarins like Hayek—today, corrupt politicians don’t fear promoting a blatantly pro-plutocratic, anti-middle-class, anti-99-percenter politics.
Listen to Mark Ames talk to Dylan Ratigan on Ideas for Sale
Which brings me to a recent story in the New Yorker by Jane Mayer about an up-and-coming right-wing minigarch named Art Pope, a North Carolina dime-store magnate who has learned the Charles Koch the myriad advantages of investing into ideology—a strategy that Charles has variously called “The Science of Liberty” or “Market-Based Management.”
Mayer writes,
So far, Pope’s strategy seems to be a success. Martin Nesbitt, the Democratic leader in the State Senate, says, “Art Pope set out to buy power, and it’s working.” He believes that Pope’s forces, by redrawing the political districts, are setting the stage to control the state for the next decade. Nesbitt says, “I don’t hold anyone’s political views against them. But any time you have the takeover we did, with the influence of money and absolute power, you have to worry. It’s a blue state that has a Democratic governor, and voted for Obama in 2008, but in two years they turned it into a red state, all because of their money.”
Art Pope, director of the Koch-founded “Americans For Plutocracy Prosperity”
I first came across the Pope family name only a few weeks ago while Yasha and I were preparing our Koch-Hayek article. The letters that Levine discovered came from the Friedrich von Hayek Papers at Stanford University’s Hoover Institute. To get permission to quote from those letters for our article, we had to contact the man in charge of the Hayek papers, Bruce Caldwell, a professor of economics at Duke University in North Carolina. I looked up Caldwell’s name just to see who he was and to find out what to expect, and that’s when I came across the Pope family name.
Caldwell is the director of Duke U.’s “Center for the History of Political Economy,” a project founded in 2008 with money from the Pope family foundation.
What makes this a little scary is that it means that our understanding of the history of economics—a field whose political importance can’t be overstated—is funded by one of the most radical, and ambitious far-right oligarchs in the country. History—that’s another BIG area of interest for the top .01%ers. It’s not just “Ideas for Sale” but “History For Sale” too.
To make matters worse, George Soros just pledged a hefty chunk of money to the Pope economic-history program. So now the all-important study of the history of economics, the history of how wealth and power are divided and allocated, is caught in a tug-of-war between oligarch clans, and our minds and the major premises of how we understand things are the inevitable collateral damage. Thanks to Soros, the program has the appearance of objectivity—since under our warped understanding of “balance” today, Soros “balances” out Pope. We’re not even part of the weights and measurements anymore.
Meanwhile, Art Pope has been successfully copying the Charles Koch playbook for power and wealth in North Carolina and beyond—it’s a strategy that focuses on much more than just growing a business or bribing politicians for specific policy changes or legislation. Koch—and Pope—invest into changing the ideological environment to make it far more oligarch-friendly. Thanks to Pope’s investments into economics departments in North Carolina’s highly-reputable public (and private) universities, today the Republican Party rules North Carolina for the first time in a century. And it’s not the Republican Party of your father’s day—or of the Reconstruction Era. This is the Koch-Pope Republican Party, the rankest, meanest, pro-plutocrat version of the Republican Party imaginable:
Even some North Carolinians associated with Jesse Helms think that Pope has gone too far. Jim Goodmon, the president and C.E.O. of Capitol Broadcasting Company, which owns the CBS and Fox television affiliates in Raleigh, says, “I was a Republican, but I’m embarrassed to be one in North Carolina because of Art Pope.” Goodmon’s grandfather A. J. Fletcher was among Helms’s biggest backers, having launched him as a radio and television commentator. Goodmon describes Pope’s forces as “anti-community,” adding, “The way they’ve come to power is to say that government is bad. Their only answer is to cut taxes.”
Yep, Pope’s free-market radicalism is too evil even for the Jesse Helms Fan Club, the new squishy moderates in this Pope-ified political environment.
Thanks to Pope’s investments into ideas, North Carolina’s politics have been transformed from the mind up, from ideas generated in universities, to the level of public politics and policy. It’s sort of like global warming: With climate change, some species will thrive in the altered environment (jellyfish and algae, for example) and some will die out (polar bears, coral reef).
Here is Mayer’s account of how Art Pope bought North Carolina’s ideas, and how that transformed into political power:
Bob Hall, the Democracy North Carolina director, sees Pope’s involvement in education as part of a long-term strategy. “It’s about how you shape the future,” Hall says. “It’s one thing to build a building, another to shape a generation’s minds. That’s what they’re after—ideology. Pope is pushing a world view, not just a business deal.” Hall notes that, because the state legislature appoints the university trustees, “Pope’s got trustee influence now, too.” In fact, the General Assembly recently placed Fred Eshelman, the founding director of Real Jobs NC, on the university system’s board of governors. The husband of another Pope functionary, meanwhile, was just appointed to the state’s public-television board.
Chris Fitzsimon, of NC Policy Watch, says of Pope, “You practically need a flow chart to keep track of this guy.” Fitzsimon, a former journalist, often appears in the North Carolina media as an ideological counterweight to the Pope network. But Fitzsimon says that “you’d need a Marxist, not a wishy-washy liberal,” to provide true balance to the views promoted by the Pope network. “He’s moved the whole damn fulcrum of debate in the state to the right.”
So how did Art Pope get his ideas and his strategy for power? Pope himself credits the Cato Institute–founded by Charles Koch (and originally named “The Charles Koch Foundation” until 1977), and yes, Friedrich von Hayek:
He read academic papers on free-market economics, and credits a summer program run by the Cato Institute, to which he has since given money, for immersing him in the writings of conservative icons such as Friedrich August Hayek and Ayn Rand.
So Koch’s investment into Hayek and Cato is paying off in ways we’re just beginning to understand.
Looking forward to next year and beyond, North Carolinans from both sides of the aisle are gloomy as Hell, as pessimistic as any conquered peoples, as the conclusion to Mayer’s article shows:
Pope is widely expected to pour more money into North Carolina for the 2012 elections. Carter Wrenn, the longtime Republican campaign adviser, says, “I’d guess Art will be a player. I’d be amazed if he decided to just drop it and go to the beach.” Gary Pearce, the former executive director of the North Carolina Democratic Party, says of Pope, “I’d guess the governorship will be his next move. He’ll try to elect a Republican governor. That’s the only thing he doesn’t have now.” McCorkle, speaking of next year’s elections, expresses worry: “The Democrats have become flabby and undisciplined. On our side, we really don’t have anyone like Art Pope. It’s a real problem.” Whatever Pope’s next move, Nina Szlosberg-Landis, the Democratic activist, predicts, “we’re just seeing the beginning of it all. Corporate money is taking over. People are going to wake up in a whole new state, and maybe a whole new country.”
Nothing would please Pope more. When asked about 2012, he said, “Yes, I’m going to support my side. I really do believe in the marketplace of ideas. I really do believe that my philosophies and theories that I support, classical liberalism, will prevail over arguments for socialism and the growth of government.” He added that if his opponents disagreed they could fund their own side: “I welcome the competition.”
Pope is one guy who’s full of Hope for the future, because he understands, like Scarface did, and like Charles Koch taught him, that “first you get da ideology, then you get da power.”
(Incidentally, for the Koch Cartel’s reaction, here is Cato Institute Executive VP David Boaz, a lifelong house-servant to the Koch Brothers, doing his best to mock Mayer‘s article and anyone else who doesn’t slavishly bow before Art Pope’s riches.)
Reading Mayer’s article, it’s easy to feel hopeless about the future, hopeless about how far behind the other 99% of this country is. But just remember one thing: The Soviet Union collapsed on its own failed ideology. It collapsed like a fragile house of cards. The same thing could happen here, as the failed ideas lose their power over us. You can’t PR away joblessness, debt-slavery and failure this massive. It happened in a far more tightly-controlled environment than ours. It can happen here too. You’d be surprised. So will they.
Would you like to know more? Watch Levine and Ames on the Dylan Ratigan Show discuss Koch, Hayek and “Ideas for Sale.” If you want to do something about it, start by signing up for Ratigan’s “Get Money Out” campaign, now over 100,000 strong! And get your ass to one of the Occupy protests!
For more on “Ideas for Sale” and the Koch-Hayek shocker, read the Levine-Ames article in The Nation, the scoop that the Atlantic Monthly’s James Fallows called the “Greatest Story Ever.”
Also, check out the original complete letter from Charles Koch to Hayek obtained exclusively by Yasha Levine, in which Koch hard-sells Social Security and Medicare’s wonderful benefits to the free-market guru. Read Koch personally inserting a government Social Security brochure as part of his pro-welfare-state pitch.
Mark Ames is the author of Going Postal: Rage, Murder and Rebellion from Reagan’s Workplaces to Clinton’s Columbine.
Click the cover & buy the book!
Read more: art pope, cato, charles koch, global warming, jesse helms, Mark Ames, Koch Whores

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Add your own1. FunTimeSteve | October 6th, 2011 at 11:30 am
Phooey, I thought this was going to be about the pope of the art world.
2. DeeboCools | October 6th, 2011 at 1:03 pm
I’m glad you’ve come around on the Occupy movement. I’m a huge, gaping ex-hole and think the movement is the righteous thing that’s happened in America for like 40 years.
3. DeeboCools | October 6th, 2011 at 1:04 pm
*is the only righteous thing
4. jonnym | October 6th, 2011 at 4:01 pm
OK, so I have a question: How the hell is it even possible that a small group of rich bastards can sneak their agenda in everywhere like this?
Seriously, this shouldn’t be possible. Did *EVERYONE* somehow just not notice it happening? Was everyone’s silence bought? Some combination of the two?
It just doesn’t compute for me. A tiny group of old rich white men shouldn’t be able to fly this low under the radar, yet they clearly have. They must have some pretty incredible business strategies for this to happen. And if they’re really that far ahead of us, how the fuck are we supposed to beat them? Sheer numbers? I’m not sure we have those yet — these Occupy ______ movements are a good sign but it’s like that railroad baron said in the 1800s, “I can always hire one half of the working class to kill the other half.”
I get really nervous for any kind of positive political/economic change when I think about the sort of Lex Luthor-y stuff the fatcats are doing.
5. CB | October 6th, 2011 at 4:33 pm
He added that if his opponents disagreed they could fund their own side: “I welcome the competition.”
Then after a pause, he smirked and said “Of course by doing so you’ve agreed to play the game by our rules, where wealth is all that matters and we already know who’s going to win.”
“Which is how it should be. Using our wealth to whatever advantage we want at whatever cost to those without.”
“That’s freedom.”
6. platitudes | October 6th, 2011 at 4:53 pm
Mayer should have focused on the 2009 Wake County School Board election — the first Tea Party victory in the country.
Pope’s fingerprints were all over it: creating an astroturf group to troll successfully against the 2006 school bond (to build more schools in the 9th fastest growing county in the U.S.), astroturfing again in 2007 with the John Locke-funded SaveOurSummers which basically convinced a bunch of suburban hicks their progeny couldn’t go to bible camp because of new school policy to convert to year-round schools (to prevent overcrowding!) and when that didn’t work having AFP fund a group of “concerned parents” to take a lawsuit against year-round schools to the NC Supreme Court, leading to massive reassignments pissing off teachers/parents/everybody for two years…
and then, THEN, Pope’s chosen candidates in 2009 had the Atlas-sized balls to run against the policy of “frequent reassignments” and even worse claimed with a straight face that Wake County’s diversity policies actually “hurt black kids.” One blowhard from Pope’s conservative campus publication wrote this real tear-jerker about minority kids who have to ride the bus six hours every day because of big bad government and why couldn’t he just stay in his own neighborhood with his friends? I think Jesse would have been proud of their post-racial “win it for the blacks” campaign.
Pope, Americans for Prosperity, ALEC were all involved…and the bashing of teachers as “union thugs” in a right-to-work state is sick. I’m glad people are at least finally starting to understand the depth of it.
7. Edmund Dorkey and Gustavo Millebrand | October 6th, 2011 at 6:21 pm
Dear Exholes,
Can ye see a bright light in the distance! These are but the first tremors. Welcome to Russia 1905.
Edmund Dorkey and Gustavo Millebrand, Sag Harbor, NY (cocktail and house party season here in the Hamptons)
8. super390 | October 6th, 2011 at 6:23 pm
Here is a 2004 account by Lewis Lapham of his experience of the seeding of the right-wing cult by a few fatcats:
Here’s the key quote, from one of the pioneer bad guys, future Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell, in 1971:
“Survival of what we call the free enterprise system,” he said, “lies in organization, in careful long-range planning and implementation, in consistency of action over an indefinite period of years, in the scale of financing available only through joint effort, and in the political power available only through united action and national organizations.”
They have it and we don’t.
9. Dave | October 6th, 2011 at 6:57 pm
for all your flipping complaints, there is a difference between mercantilism and capitalism, I am no fan of corporatists but to think we need more social engineering is fucking naive.
10. gary | October 6th, 2011 at 10:42 pm
11. helplesscase | October 6th, 2011 at 11:10 pm
Remember Comrades,
Fuck the rich.
12. boogie mama | October 6th, 2011 at 11:43 pm
george soros doesn’t even live in the states anymore
what does he know that we don’t
13. Edmund Dorkey and Gustavo Millebrand | October 7th, 2011 at 5:09 am
Dear Exholes,
The cult leader of a group of self-styled “erotic politicians”, Mr. Mojo Risin’, had a prescription, or several of them, before faking his death in Paris in the waning years of the last millennium, and [in?-]articulated this rather aggressively parricidal sentiment:
“Five to one, baby;
one in five.
No one here
gets out alive.
Now, you get yours, baby;
I’ll get mine.
Gonna make it, baby,
if we try.
The old get old,
and the young get stronger;
may take a week,
and it may take longer.
They got the guns,
but we got the numbers.
Gonna win, yeah;
We’re takin’ over!
I forget my original point, as one of the aforesaid prescriptions is kicking in and I yield the floor.
Edmund Dorkey and Gustavo Millebrand, Turks & Caicos Islands
More Lewis Lapham, one of our latter day Jeremiahs, on the revolving door public-private bordello that is Washington D.C., a.k.a., “Versailles [or Sodom and Gomorrah] on the Potomac”:
14. Trevor | October 7th, 2011 at 7:08 am
The scary thing is no matter how much hypocrisy you find among the libertarian crowd, their brainwashed base will always find some tortured logic to excuse it all. Charles Koch praising Social Security, Ayn Rand collecting Medicare benefits – all true, all documented, and all ignored by their followers. This people are worse than the Westboro Baptist Church.
15. JTFaraday | October 7th, 2011 at 7:20 am
Ah. So, according to the NY Times, the D-Party has decided NOT to pursue the rust belt swing vote in PA, Ohio, Indiana, etc.
Instead, they are going to place all their eggs in liberaltarian outposts like Colorado and the highly educated NC Research Triangle– because it has a concentration of $100K+ incomes.
Are we saying that Adolph Coors and the Popetopus already have this baby nailed?
It is interesting, as this Occupation movement gathers force, to watch the reactions of the inside the beltway “liberal” pundit and policy dolts, as it begins to dawn on them that they are out gunned on the one side and doomed by their own decisions on the other.
16. Josephus P. Franks | October 7th, 2011 at 12:02 pm
One of the most important articles to appear on the Exiled since the War Nerd on assassinations. Brilliant.
Ironically, the use of the word “entitlements” in your article without sarcasm quotes is an example of the insidious nature of the successful memetic warfare the right has been waging. “Entitlement” is the right’s preferred term, since it carries a pejorative connotation, unlike “safety net”. Fuckers.
17. Buster Mountebank | October 7th, 2011 at 1:44 pm
Efforts to re-create golden ages usually result in unforeseen catastrophes for all involved. These people think that things were so spiffy in the 1870s because the rich controlled everything, but their programme is more likely to create something altogether new. A global elite sustained by a mercenary class. Oh wait, that’s the dark ages!
18. platitudes | October 7th, 2011 at 3:01 pm
OH, those Dems quoted above are starting to go after Pope’s cavalcade of loser candidates:
19. super390 | October 7th, 2011 at 7:47 pm
As long as campaign ads work, and campaign ads cost money, politicians will be guaranteed to do everything for money. That’s not in the Constitution, the Founding Fathers did not foresee it, and they put in a system for amending the Constitution in case new circumstances threatened the legitimacy of the government.
Unless someone can come up with a way to ban all forms of political advertising, the problem is located at the fact that a few of us can afford to broadcast any lies needed to fool the rest of us into voting for policies that are objectively bad for us.
Of course, we the public will never admit we’re that gullible, so the argument stops there.
20. the brown wallpaper | October 7th, 2011 at 10:46 pm
oh well, if these are the new dark ages, at least future people, assuming there are any, will think we were badass barbarians and like Guts from Berserk and shit
or like rock-stupid peasants sitting in dung
50/50 i guess
21. super390 | October 8th, 2011 at 7:40 am
I think it takes at least 10 rock-stupid peasants sitting in dung to support the predatory needs of each badass barbarian.
That’s the problem with wanting to go back to the past; we each assume that we will get to be one of the ones on the top when the odds are greatly against it.
22. Anarchy Wolf | October 8th, 2011 at 10:25 am
Hey, good job with your story links today, I saw you used bootlickers to describe teabaggers, good, keep plugging it, I want that term to catch on.
23. Hermit on a Hill | October 8th, 2011 at 4:08 pm
“Reading Mayer’s article, it’s easy to feel hopeless about the future, hopeless about how far behind the other 99% of this country is. But just remember one thing: The Soviet Union collapsed on its own failed ideology. It collapsed like a fragile house of cards.”
Yes, the Soviet Union fell, but modern Russia is still a festering hellhole featuring a totalitarian government with the old Communist Government Officials who control everything being white-washed and transformed into Capitalist Free-Market Oligarchs who control everything. The system changed, but the same type of inscrutable asshole is running the show.
If present-day Russia is the light at the end of the tunnel for America, than the light at the tunnel is an oncoming train.
24. darthfader | October 8th, 2011 at 6:27 pm
Sweet Lord, thank you for this. We’re trying hard to drive this cretin out of a state that up until him was only getting better every year.
25. brother | October 8th, 2011 at 8:58 pm
You are wrong about why the Soviet Union collapsed. It wasn’t because the ideology failed. It was because that ideology challenged the position of the world’s rich and they united to crush USSR and got it encircled on all fronts. And yes, in a besieged city/country food, water and other resources get rationed and there are patrols out on the street, a lot of money goes to military expenses, walls are built and fortified, and citizens can’t move freely to go outside the city.
But that’s not the ideology’s fault. It’s the enemy behind the walls who wants to destroy the city and kill, rape and rob its citizens that’s at fault.
Any besieged city (for example, Troy) is in danger of being betrayed by a few of its citizens. Failure to defend their city does not always depend on how great the people, the leadership and the economy of the city are. It takes one treacherous citizen to open the gate to the enemy or it takes one Trojan horse to be accepted as a present for the city to fall. USSR collapsed because it was betrayed from within. Russians got lucky during World War II that they were not betrayed by Stalin’s nomenklatura, but in the 1980s they were not so lucky.
Some top ranked Soviet leaders got tired of staying inside the walls and fighting for their lives. They wanted very badly to loot the country and live in glamor and indulgence. They didn’t care about the price the rest of the citizens would pay for the joys and riches of the few traitors. No ideology could help that.
But you are right that US may follow USSR’s steps and fail. Americans thought they got it right and have become the untouchables of this world. But turns out Americans were used by the world’ rich while the latter fought USSR which was the main barrier to their world domination. Now that the USSR fell and communist ideology is no longer a threat, the rich do not need regular Joes anymore.
Americans will be screwed by the same people who screwed Russians and many people around the world will suffer because of that. That’s what US and USSR will have in common.
Americans will have a few citizens who will open the gate to the enemy and will accept Trojan horses from the enemy too. Protestant ethic won’t save US.
26. Zhu Bajie | October 9th, 2011 at 4:50 pm
re: the fall of the Soviet Union, look at Dimitri Orlov’s REINVENTING COLLAPSE or his Club Orlov blog.
27. dogbane | October 13th, 2011 at 6:12 am
“What we have to do is find a way to divide and conquer the people who are on assistance.” ~ North Carolina House Speaker Thom Tillis
28. Edmund Dorkey and Gustavo Millebrand | October 13th, 2011 at 9:08 am
Dear Exholes,
More goodies on the Papacy of James Arthur “Art” Pope:
Thank you,
Edmund Dorkey and Gustavo Millebrand, Turks and Caicos Islands
29. darthfader | October 16th, 2011 at 2:27 am
One more story ripping Pope a new Popehole:
30. Greg | October 19th, 2011 at 12:07 pm
Ames… you really should check out Jim Goad and Gavin McInnes, those guys are awesome! They may live in the 1990s and they may be the best zipcode-sleuths this side of Timbuktu, but that doesn’t mean you guys can’t all work it out! Check out this article on Goad the jailed woman-beater and Gavin the “white supremacist” according to the New York Times, it’s pretty awesome reading:
31. ?????? ???? ?? ???? ?????? | November 27th, 2014 at 2:47 pm
very good
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