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MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
What You Should Know / October 9, 2011 -- “It’s central economic planning that is the cause of all of these problems,” Ahdoot said. “It’s the centralized banking system that prints money out of thin air, that finances the wars, that finances the welfare state.”Ahdoot was not the only person I encountered with this opinion; there was even an “End the Fed” chant that popped up sporadically but with great enthusiasm on the north steps of City Hall, orchestrated by a group of about eight to ten men with handmade signs.Ahdoot voted for Ron Paul in 2008 and still supports him because “his message is the answer for the country.” Paul is known for his criticisms of the institutions of central banking and the isolationist lean in his foreign policy. Ahdoot was wearing an “” decal on his T-shirt and repeatedly spoke about the banking system financing wars, admirably staying on message.

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