Yuri Luzhkov
Steals: Left and Right
Lies: On TV-Center
Hair: Tongue-shaped white stripes, above ears
Jewish: No
Connections:Sergei Lisovsky, Sergei Yastrzhembsky, Yevgeny Kafelnikov
Career Notes: Focus of most of Kremlin wrath lately as last remaining serious political opponent to Yeltsin in possession of tangible political power...Readiness of military to intervene against him laid bare in recent incident in which he was denied right by air force to fly a helicopter over Moscow oblast...Recently hired ultimate slimebag Sergei Lisovsky, mainly as a counter-kompromat threat; Lisovsky immediately dropped hints in Novaya Gazeta that he had 1996 campaign irregularity stories to tell about the Prez...Faces tiny, annoying political obstacle in weasely Sergei Kiriyenko, who's running for mayor...Rumored to be near sealing a politcal alliance with Yevgeny Primakov, which would bring down instant Kremlin retribution...Stomach said to have four chambers, like a cow's.