Vladimir Potanin
Steals: Left and Right
Lies: Left and Right
Hair: Some; rogaine
Jewish: Apparently not
Connections:Chubais & Co., George Soros, Boris Jordan
Career Notes: As Uneximbank chief, made 1995-96 All-Star team with victories in Norilsk Nickel, Sidanko, and Nafta-Moskva loans-for-shares auctions... Is widely credited with having thought up idea for loans-for-shares... Was named Deputy Prime Minister in obvious campaign-funding-for-influence swap immediately after Yeltsin's 1996 re-election; lost his post the following winter... Nicknamed "Baby Billionaire" by Washington Post's Fred Hiatt... Soccer enthusiast. Eerie resemblance in looks, voice, and mannerisms to actor Harvey Keitel.
Minor League Notes: Starred in triple-A Soviet Foreign Trade Ministry...Another of the Komsomol-bred oligarchs.