Vladimir Putin
Schemes: Against the left and the right
Represses: The left and the right
Hair: Thin, silvery, like a high school vice-principal's
Jewish: Not that we know of
Connections: Anatoly Chubais, Anatoly Sobchak, Pavel Borodin
Career Notes: Was a law student of then-assistant professor Anatoly Sobchak at Leningrad State University in the mid-1970s...Served in foreign intelligence division of the KGB between 1975 and 1990...Became Sobchak's press secretary after latter was elected mayor of St. Petersburg in 1991...Became de facto deputy mayor under oft-travelling Sobchak starting in about 1993...Became head of SPB division of the NDR in 1995...Became deputy to swindling Kremlin Administration chief Pavel Borodin in 1996...Became FSB chief in July, 1998...Enjoys wrestling and speaks fluent German.