The CEO of the Mortgage Bankers Association looks every bit as freakishly alien as his job description. At least this confirms something we at Exiled Online always believed: no human being–or any placental mammal for that matter–could possibly devote its life worming its way up to the top slot in a boring, sleazy trade association like the MBA, whose product was at the center of the global meltdown. Nope, only a prawn could manage something that horrible.
The prawn pictured here goes by the human name of John Courson, and this John Courson is calling on the US government to adopt a decidedly hostile-alien program: to overhaul Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by “streamlining” them and shoring them up even further with taxpayer dollars in order to offer explicit guarantees on all the mortgages that the two bankrupt entities back. In placental-mammal terms, what this means is, “Give us your fucking money earthlings, or we’ll blow you all to smithereens.”
Mark Ames is the author of Going Postal: Rage, Murder and Rebellion from Reagan’s Workplaces to Clinton’s Columbine.
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Read more:, Mark Ames, What You Should Hate

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1 Comment
Add your own1. geo8rge | September 2nd, 2009 at 11:05 pm
District 9 kicked Basturds butt imo. That said you miss the point.
The US government created fannie and freddie like more than a half century ago. Then sold it to suckers who put the poc into their retirement accounts. Then the same government busted it flat and bought the mess back for pennies. Some how that is capitalist exploitation? Got news for you dudes the people with serious retire after 20 years of government “service” can retire because of Fannie and Freddie. The people who had retirements accounts basically were paying extra taxes. They would have been better off blowing it.
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