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1 Comment

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  • 1. CrazySetting 2.0  |  September 19th, 2011 at 5:02 pm

    This “video” is of Tamils executing Sri Lankan soldiers (they filmed it on a video camera not a mobile phone) but has been packaged by British “free media” (i.e. propaganda outlets) as the opposite i.e. it is a fake, designed to attack and insult Sinhalese -as history shows British hate Sinhalese because Sinhalese refuse to bow down to the British and be their slaves (unlike Tamils) so they always resort to massacres, slaughters, demonisations and defamations of such enemies. Tamils are after all the military hit force imported into Sri Lanka by the British to kill and control Sinhalese with.

    The British imported Tamils to Sri Lanka, South Africa, Malaysia and Fiji as a military hit force and population diluter to subjugate the indigenous communities who refused to be the slaves of the white man. As these people fought back they were slaughtered in the most brutal fashion possible and then had their homelands population ratio´s altered by the dumping of TAMILS in their countries as a way of controlling and punishing them.

    Naturally they want to protect their pets at all costs and “punish” those who dare show resistance to their hegonomy.

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