-- Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych on Thursday brought cocaine and marijuana bought on the Internet to a government meeting to show how easily they could be procured in the country.At a televised meeting, Yanukovych brandished test tubes of cocaine and marijuana he said his staff bought on the Internet and slammed officials for failing to fight drug trafficking."What work can we talk about if you can buy the full range of narcotics through an Internet store?" the president asked angrily at the meeting with ministers and the prosecutor general.He opened a red case filled with labelled test tubes, which he said contained cocaine, marijuana and illegally obtained prescription medicines."I consider the actions of the security forces in exterminating and preventing this evil are insufficient, and possibly criminal," he said.
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1 Comment
Add your own1. N | July 2nd, 2010 at 3:31 pm
The title of this blog entry makes it sound like the Ukrainian president was endorsing drugs, when in actuality he was showing the people how easily they were obtained, and pointing out that this was a major problem. He was not condoning them in any way, but rather trying to change the fact that they are so easily procured.
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