www.rawstory.com -- Officials announced Friday that the entire New York City public transportation system would be shut down. The high wind speeds expected pose danger to the above-ground trains and the possibility of storm surge threatens to flood the underground tunnels.The transportation system could be inactive as late as Monday, Jay H. Walder, chairman of the Metropolitan Transit Authority said at a press conference.“It’s hard to predict when it will come back,” Walder said, “because I can’t really predict for you exactly what will happen in the storm.”The NYC subway system is the largest and busiest in the U.S., carrying an estimated 1.6 billion people per year.Nate Silver, author of the New York Times' fivethirtyeight blog, said that a worst-case scenario of the hurricane passing close to NYC at full power would be a "multi-billion dollar catastrophe." NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg has already ordered some evacuations.
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