Vanity Fair profiles The eXile: "Gutsy...visceral...serious journalism...abusive, defamatory...poignant...paranoid...and right!"
MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
March 1997

This is the cover of The eXile Issue #3, published in March 1997.


March 20th, 1997 | Leave Comment

Knock-Knock: Who's Theeerrre? The eXile Insurance Agency!

AIG Insurance eXile: Hello? Irina? AIG: Yes? eXile: Yes, hello, I was given your number. My name is Michael B-. AIG: Pleased to meet you. eXile: Likewise. I’m calling because I’m interested in acquiring a life insurance policy. AIG: I…

March 20th, 1997 | Leave Comment

There was an earlier version of this very column that was much better. But it got spiked. Matt didn’t like it, and nowadays, what Matt says, goes. See, I sold him the eXile for a song-or rather, a dirge. And…

March 20th, 1997 | Leave Comment

Death Porn: The State Withers Away-By Suicide

Russian prisoners looking to escape may not have to wait much longer for a choice opportunity. The press service of the GenProkuratura announced this week that more than 100 prison guards last year killed themselves, at a rate roughly analogous…

March 20th, 1997 | Leave Comment

Limonov Files: Russia's Press Licks the Hand that Feeds It

On February 4, at 12 noon, I have visited Mr. Dmitri Runzhe, head of Department of Press and Information in Moscow’s Media, in his office on 19th floor of skyscraper on Novy Arbat. His office was new, comfortable, with modern…

March 20th, 1997 | Comments (1)

In the old days, back when I worked for a different Moscow newspaper, I used to be visited by a lanky, chainsmoking Azerbaidjani named Fakhrid Tairov. Tairov dressed in cheap ties and sport jackets, which he hid under a huge…

March 20th, 1997 | Leave Comment

Issue #2 Cover

This is the cover of The eXile Issue #2, published in March 1997.

March 20th, 1997 | Leave Comment