They’re looking for us!
As you know, we’ve been fucked over for good in Russia. “Why they done gone ‘n do that?” you ask in your innocent/retarded Deliverance way? Well, we’re too busy hiding from the FSB, so we’ll let our more successful and less-endangered colleagues in the Big Media tell you all about it:
- The Nation: The End of the eXile?
- International Herald Tribune: Irreverent Moscow expat newspaper shutting down under government pressure
- The Wall Street Journal: Raucous Russian Paper Closes Amid Kremlin Scrutiny
- Obituary from the Moscow Times: End of The eXile Era
- Committee To Protect Journalists: English-language paper closes because of state harassment (CPJ’s site is blocked by Russian ISPs)
- Mother Jones: Russian Bureaucrats Smother the World’s Best Alt-Weekly
- Fox News: Russian Newspaper Critical of Kremlin Shut Down After Probe
- Reuters: Moscow newspaper which mocked the powerful closes
- The National: Russia silences tabloid
- The Telegraph: Moscow forces expat newspaper to close
- UPI: Moscow inspectors frighten eXile investors
- Sean’s Russia Blog: eXile Looks to Make Virtual Comeback
- Ames writes about it for the Daily Mail: My paper’s been dropped like a polonium-filled potato for poking fun at Putin
Read more: banned in russia, censorship, the exile, Team eXiled, Russia Babylon

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