This was first published in The eXile in March 2008
On Friday, a group of Russian performance artists stripped off their clothes and started fucking in the middle of Moscow’s Biology Museum in an act they called “Fuck For Medvedev!” (Actually they used the word “cub” as a play on Medvedev’s name, which means “bear” in Russian.) The Russian-language version can be seen here.
The performance artists are from a group called “Voina.” They managed to gather a few photographers and a banner, popped a bunch of Viagra, and fucked on the floor for about 10 minutes before getting thrown out. As you’ll see in the photos, one of the chicks was pregnant, making this an “extreme hardcore” show. The dudes are hilarious looking, real porn star types, especially this one hairy little bald dude who looks like Isaac Babel, and the flabby dude with the ponytail. There must be some skank requirement for the International Performance Artists’ Guild…
Their slogan “Fuck For Medvedev” was first unveiled at a “Young Guards” pro-Kremlin protest rally on February 23. They held their banner up in the background until a grumpy cop took it away and threw it in his car.
Intrepid performance artists pretending to mind their own business at the Biology Museum
The Christopher Walken artist starts to undress…
This poor artist got stuck with the pregnant artist…hence, the performance wank…
“I have to fuck that?!” He’s having a “why did I become an artist” moment…
Fresh off the GULAG diet, our fit artist really struggles for his art…
Just think, when the baby grows up and sees this: “My mother, everyone! Thanks, Ma! Thanks for having some asshole jizz on my head in a dirty museum! Can’t wait to be born! Love ya!”
In comparison, she looks like Jenna Jameson…
Note the cellphone on the left: she’s actually getting off. Right: mature artist looks bored as Isaac Babel nails her from behind…
Whoop! There it is, the “message” to the “performance art” act! (Note Walken’s reach-around…)
Whose tits are bigger, his or hers?
Walken lookalike got the hot skinny artist, probably because the others are scared of him…
Whoa daddy! Babel’s shirt is off! He’s so hairy he could be mistaken for an eXile editor!
Ed “Mr. Nasty” Powers, move over! Note the hottish chick fully clothed filming…
The blowjob on the right is a nice touch, but the real star is Walken’s hot Patti Smith lookalike left.
Walken gives his “don’t fuck with my booty” look, while quirky bearded dude tries to put on his best I’m-okay-with being-stuck-holding-the-banner face…
They’re thinking, “Damn, this better pay off…”
The “Fuck for Medvedev” banner goes up among the Young Guard banners…
And the banner goes down…
–Mark Ames
Read more: Russia, the exile classic, voina, Mark Ames, eXile Classic

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Add your own1. Victorvalley Villain | March 3rd, 2011 at 1:04 pm
At least they were not fans of Bruce LaBruce.
2. cl | March 3rd, 2011 at 4:51 pm
the pregnant girl is the hottest one there, what’s wrong with this author’s sexuality?
3. dopey mc dopistan | March 4th, 2011 at 9:38 am
Are you shitting me? The preggo one is violently hot. I would hit that twice a day, every day, with a happy grin on my face.
4. Charlie Sheen | March 5th, 2011 at 11:03 pm
I want the guy boning the pregger. They got cell service there in Chiner?
5. Kyeshinka | March 6th, 2011 at 12:00 am
Holy God, where was this shot? Moscow or Lensk?
6. Akakij Akakievich | March 6th, 2011 at 3:55 pm
I want to BE the one boning the pregger.
7. I1 | March 10th, 2011 at 6:45 pm
I wanna be the baby getting boned inside the pregger.
8. matt | March 15th, 2011 at 7:25 pm
yeah the pregnant chick is actually pretty hot.
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