Last weekend, a Russian anarchist revolutionary art group called War pulled a fast one on Prime Minister Putin. Or at least they thought they did. Russian revolutionaries sure do fall far from the tree these days.
On the night of November 7, a group of them set up a laser on top of a building across the river from the Russian White House — that’s the place where the prime minister carries out daily his business — and projected a 150-ft. wide toxic green skull and bones on its facade. But the protest didn’t end there. While a laser was sweeping across the building, a half-dozen people were scaling the building’s 20-ft. front gate. But they revolutionaries didn’t linger, staying on hostile territory long enough to pose for a few photos and a quick Rocky victory jog up the stairs. They were in and out so fast, the cops didn’t have enought time arrive at the scene. Take that Vladimir Vladimirovich! (More pictures below.)
The stunt was meant to commemorate the anniversary of the Russian Revolution, with the laser beam symbolically standing in for the revolutionary signal shot fired from the Aurora cruiser. My first thought was, “Cool!” But then I thought, “Whoa! Are Russian revolutionaries going candy raver?” I mean, this was one of those non-violent and non-confrontational attempts at political change through art. Laser art, probably to techno. It really put Russia’s rich history of revolutionary violence to shame. Grandpa Trotsky would probably be rolling over in his grave, if only the pick axe handle sticking out of his skull didn’t get in the way.
This art troupe should learn a thing or two from their brothers in arms, Limonov’s Natsbols. Hell, it’d be even better if they rented that awesome documentary on the Weather Underground, America’s last great political dissident group. But most importantly, young revolutionaries everywhere should live by that old adage: “If you can’t blow up something good, you shouldn’t don’t do any revolutionizing at all.”
You can contact Yasha Levine at
Read more: putin, revolution, Russia, trotsky, white house, Yasha Levine, Fatwah

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1 Comment
Add your own1. Jeff | November 17th, 2008 at 10:24 pm
Yes, I was arguing a very similar fact earlier this month with some classmates after attending an environmental rally.
The rally was so planned, that police escorts were provided to keep the protesters safe during the march to the legislature.
What part of civil unrest includes asking permission and getting an escort? I really hope these are not the people we are relying on to change the status quo.
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