The Tea Party blogosphere is all abuzz with whiny articles about how they’re being oppressed by “violent liberals,” and they’re using this video (which deserves a laugh track and Benny Hill theme song accompaniment) as proof of the Liberal Tyranny. I thought “liberal violence” was an oxymoron, a punchline in a Simpson’s episode. But maybe it’s finally coming true again, the rise of the gutsy leftie willing to fight after 40 years of leftwing slumbering in the face of relentless rightwing assaults.
Whatever side you’re on, if you’re a lover of the sport, you’ve gotta admit this adds excitement to the debate. Because in the end it’s not whether you win or lose…unless of course you’re a short-haired rightwing cop-wannabe getting your ass kicked by a sign-wielding longhair. Then you definitely, definitely don’t want to lose. Especially not when it’s caught on camera and distributed all over the internet. In fact if I were giving advice here, I’d tell that Tea Party dude not to go the Kenneth Gladney martyr-in-a-wheelchair route, because, well, look at Gladney. Is that what you want to become? --
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Read more: Kenneth Gladney, Tea Party, Mark Ames, Tea Party

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Add your own1. yeah | November 17th, 2009 at 4:39 pm
serves him right!!!
2. cult of skaro 24 | November 17th, 2009 at 5:57 pm
This is hilarious.
But it’s not that lefties don’t have balls. Look at the 99 WTO protests.
it’s that rightwingers don’t. fundamentally these guys are pussies.
This sums it up right well.×38597
The SPLC may bemoan and tremble at the rise of militias in the post obama world, but I had to chuckle. There’s a cnn clip of a militia leader, and he is without a doubt, the fattest guy in uniform I have ever seen. And these are the guys we are supposed to be terrified of?
I am slightly more afraid of the Libyan Army.
3. cult of skaro 24 | November 17th, 2009 at 6:06 pm
….also, the fact that they had a Camera set up so perfectly to capture everything, (unlike the supposed assault by SEIU guys which had someone coming in mid conflict: to me that they provoked them in some way. Maybe it was just me, and I’m a notoriously bad judge of these things, but I thought the sound changed when that guy looked like he was talking to the ANSWER people. I have no idea what he was saying.
And if you’re going to fuck with Marxist-Leninist s like that, well…
4. Necronomic Justice | November 17th, 2009 at 6:23 pm
I love my IE college hippie friends.
5. wengler | November 17th, 2009 at 6:47 pm
This reminds me of Don Zimmer going after Pedro Martinez and getting thrown to the ground by his ears. After that “fight” Zimmer appeared in front of the cameras with a band-aid on the side of his head like he was an abused senior citizen.
The teabaggers try to act tough, but when they realize that the opposition will hit back they go cry home to mommy and play the victim.
6. Necronomic Justice | November 17th, 2009 at 6:59 pm
@3 “And if you’re going to fuck with Marxist-Leninist s like that, well…”
I don’t know about all that, in my experience the North American “Leninists” (ANSWER, World Can’t Wait, Peace and Freedom, etc, etc, etc.) Are the douche bags organizing “Harmony Patrols” or whatever the fuck they call themselves. Basically doing the cops job for free.
7. D Metalious | November 17th, 2009 at 8:10 pm
ANSWER is a cointelpro op. They are here to empower the tea baggers. That is part of what they do.
If there is a peaceful lefty protest somewhere, ANSWER will come along to make it look bad. This is just another example.
Back in 2004(?) there was a huge protest of the Iraq war in DC. People were there to protest the war, nothing else. ANSWER had a stage there and invited CSPAN and the press and what did they talk about? Israel Palestine and all kinds of really divisive shit that had not a goddamn thing to do with the Iraq war protests.
This is how they work. They usually just infest lefty protests to make lefties look whacked. This is something new afaik.
I suspect there will be a high proportion who won’t believe me and have never heard of COINTELPRO. Another percentage who think it’s possible but don’t know enough about ANSWER to know if what I say is true.
And then there should be a few who will see this video for the real excitement contained within: probable confirmation that the tea parties are a psyop.
8. az | November 17th, 2009 at 8:40 pm
Well the lefties really have nothing to lose as the pigs will be on the teabaggers’ side no matter what happens so I guess there’s no reason why this shouldn’t happen. Case in point: the teabaggers got violent after realizing that they got punk’d by this kid, attacked one of the lefties, the filth’s reaction? Push back the guy who got attacked, and then not do shit about it.
9. baal | November 17th, 2009 at 9:32 pm
hey… great idea, bum fights with political agendas.
wow… evolutionists vs. intelligent designers; maybe with chainsaws.
and: pro-choice and anti-abortionists; hand out the scalpels.
wtf, is a post-obama world ? like are you worshipers of the omnipotent state gonna wake up soon when you find out that herr obammy is a republican wearing black-face?
aren’t you all gonna be jealous of all those faggot tea baggers because they have a basement they can jack off in private ?
10. Necronomic Justice | November 17th, 2009 at 9:42 pm
@7, I would be interested (ok probably not really, this is just an excuse to bring it up) on your take of the March 21, 2009 APOC “Smack a white boy” action against ANSWER?
@8, what ever happened after that video stops aside, that what was fucking awesome.
11. Pablito | November 17th, 2009 at 11:29 pm
Haha, great video. I’m a libertarian, but of course that makes me pro-open borders. Stand on a street corner and demonstrate in favor of oppression and you might get hit, sorry.
12. mmmm | November 18th, 2009 at 1:18 am
Wait, is this clip edited or something? From the one I just watched, it looked like the teabagger recorded the lefties with his camcorder and got punched from behind as he walked off. Is there a longer vid where the teabagger first punches or spits on the ANSWER guys? This whole thing doesn’t make much sense.
13. Eddie | November 18th, 2009 at 1:41 am
Finally a fight worth watching. Let’s see who among them has the greatest conviction.
14. Carlito | November 18th, 2009 at 2:51 am
LOL, amnesty. Now there is a popular cause.
15. gatorade | November 18th, 2009 at 5:32 am
Another Ames-parses-google-links-for-extra-cheese “article”
16. Necronomic Justice | November 18th, 2009 at 7:16 am
@11 Why / when did the Libertarians let the PaleoCons take over their movement?
I am no fan of Ayn Rand, but I do enjoy me some Robert Anton Wilson (pbuh) every once in a while.
17. Joe Blow | November 18th, 2009 at 9:38 am
I found the Answer people annoying and a bit over the top.
They were out there protesting and organizing though.. I don’t think they are plants to disrupt lefty protests.. its just who they are..
they CARE so much… like Glen Beck they start crying and getting all crazy.
18. Tommy Jefferson | November 18th, 2009 at 10:14 am
LOL at the idea there is a bucket of spit’s worth of difference between teabagging Medicare fascist leeches and lefty hippie Obamacare fascist leeches.
National Socialism and America hit the iceberg decades ago. Watching the bilge rats fight over the scraps would be comical if it weren’t so pathetic.
It is still delightful to watch statists noodle each other in the streets.
19. 16 Shells from a 30.06 | November 18th, 2009 at 3:39 pm
Anyone who burbles about immigration these ought to be punched in their smug elitist wannabe face as the zero sum game playing loser quislings that they are. Don’t look down on the low-end illegals trying to make their low-rent ways in an increasingly hostile land. Look up, at the elitist (and wealthy) masters with their boot on your neck. Anyone who bitches about illegal immigrants, fancies themselves an overlord. That’s why they take careful aim at the weak. Because someday, they aspire to be amongst the ranks of the ill gotten gained elitists who are fucking our nation in the ass. Seriously. What’s funny is that, after the wealth of our nation is stripped by our elitists, we won’t have an illegal immigrant problem. The immigrants will no longer want to come here. There will be nothing but deranged serfs and their high on the hog masters who feed them bullshit about what ails them. “the immigrants are stealing your jobs”. Such bullshit.
20. RecoverylessRecovery | November 18th, 2009 at 4:25 pm
You just KNOW the situation is rapidly deteriorating when the loonies start hitting each other with their picket signs.
I’m waiting for Biden to smack Obama a good one RIGHT in the mouth -BAM!- as THE sign to start the uprising!
21. cult of skaro 24 | November 18th, 2009 at 4:43 pm
“Wait, is this clip edited or something? From the one I just watched, it looked like the teabagger recorded the lefties with his camcorder and got punched from behind as he walked off. Is there a longer vid where the teabagger first punches or spits on the ANSWER guys? This whole thing doesn’t make much sense.”
Yeah I know, something ain’t right, They did something to provoke it.
D Metalious
The Tea parties are definitely a psy ops, Agit-Prop if you will. I don’t necessarily know about the Counter-Intelligence thing.
“wtf, is a post-obama world ”
a world in which the left has become lazy and fat, and is struggling to find the energy and sense it had a few years ago. And in which the right has gone even more insane
But they’ve been in decline ever since Seattle. And even then it was a few hundred black bloc types with a few agent provacateurs mixed in getting people’s attention, and pulling the weight.
22. Oerdin | November 18th, 2009 at 7:04 pm
I actually know one of the people in that video and his account was that the tea baggers were verbally assaulting them, then tried to steal their signs, and when they wouldn’t let go of their signs the tea baggers tried to push them and wrestle away the signs. It’s good to see the idiot teabagger wingnuts get what’s coming to them.
23. Mike | November 19th, 2009 at 12:33 am
Greek insurrectionists have balls. Whether they are leftists or post-leftists is another question.
24. Necronomic Justice | November 19th, 2009 at 11:56 am
@21 “they’ve been in decline ever since Seattle. And even then it was a few hundred black bloc types with a few agent provacateurs mixed in getting people’s attention, and pulling the weight.”
The Seattle black bloc would have been hardly interesting, had it not been for a large enough critical mass of SteelWorkers and their supporters choosing to deviate from the designated parade routs.
25. James | November 19th, 2009 at 8:03 pm
Uh… those were revolutionary socialists I believe, not liberals… liberals would run away crying to their moms (or the state) if some huge jacked up teabagger attacked them
26. cult of skaro | November 19th, 2009 at 9:25 pm
…or do an analysis on youtube, or they’d write a well thought out essay explaining why the violence inflicted on them was very very bad. Don’t think the state would do much good as the cops tend to be pretty right-wing themselves.
But hey, at least they would have something humorous to say about the situation.
27. Necronomic Justice | November 19th, 2009 at 10:06 pm
@25 “revolutionary socialists . . . not liberals”
Not every liberal is a revolutionary socialist, but every (so called) revolutionary socialist is a liberal.
[My personal take on the North American left in 2009.]
28. Carlito | November 20th, 2009 at 4:40 am
Time to face the music. Actually nobody on this video is much of a macho man. The lefties here seemingly have balls only because the tea party folks set the standard so low, because guess what – they aren`t that hardcore either. This is all like a scuffle between two sororities. Face it – America is one pussified country.
29. Buckaroo Banzai | November 20th, 2009 at 2:04 pm
–> cult of skaro “The Tea parties are definitely a psy ops, Agit-Prop if you will. I don’t necessarily know about the Counter-Intelligence thing.”
My girlfriend came out to a tea party event as a cure for her listless vagina syndrome. Helps the circulation.
30. John | November 20th, 2009 at 4:29 pm
pawn takes pawn
31. cult of skaro | November 20th, 2009 at 5:55 pm
Buckaroo Banzai …..
32. James | November 20th, 2009 at 6:17 pm
“Not every liberal is a revolutionary socialist, but every (so called) revolutionary socialist is a liberal.
[My personal take on the North American left in 2009.]”
I dare you to go up to some revolutionary socialists/communists/anarchists and call them liberals to their faces…
33. James | November 20th, 2009 at 6:22 pm
That might sound a little intimidating and I apologize. (We aren’t thugs like the teabaggers want you to believe)
They’d probably just correct you and send you on your way with a wave and smile.
34. Necronomic Justice | November 20th, 2009 at 9:01 pm
@33 Me and Thugarchist go way back.
35. Chris | November 21st, 2009 at 10:38 am
“pawn takes pawn”
I like this comment. So true.
36. az | November 21st, 2009 at 7:10 pm
It’s pretty funny how the libertarians try to be morally superior in all of this only to calm their ego about the fact that in reality they are so weak and harmless that they are not a danger to anyone besides small children.
37. proletariat | November 21st, 2009 at 7:52 pm
i don’t know why you’re all sucking the dicks of some guys who flip off some skinheads or buy clothes at hot topic, and walk menacingly at police before dispersing the when the cops fire harmless colored smoke.
i mean, this is the same left that hijacked a tank at the G20 meeting, drove it through police lines, then was waved to a stop and arrested by a single officer.
all you spineless punks make me sad to call myself a leftist. if debs were alive, he’d kick you all in the nuts, and he was a committed pacifist.
don’t emulate these teenage anarchist shits, emulate the black panthers. emulate the AIM, emulate the IRA.
38. James | November 21st, 2009 at 9:25 pm
“don’t emulate these teenage anarchist shits, emulate the black panthers. emulate the AIM, emulate the IRA.”
because those groups were SO much more successful than your average Anarchist Black Bloc… yeah least the greek anarchists can pull off a basic insurrection. what did any of those groups ever do?
39. az | November 21st, 2009 at 10:04 pm
Dude, James, I’m pretty sure the IRA organized the insurrection that won Ireland independence from Britain.
40. Mike Flugennock | November 25th, 2009 at 7:39 am
The YouTube link is busted due to censorship-by-copyright-claim, but luckily, I nabbed a local copy as an mpeg4 via (ClipNabber and KeepVid are Your Friends). I have it posted on one of my blogs, “Teabagger Watch”, at
(Oh, and a note to the eXiled folks: I can email you a copy of the mpeg4 to embed locally. It comes in at around 5.3mb.)
You’re welcome.
41. Frank McG | November 28th, 2009 at 1:55 am
It’s only the legislators that don’t have balls. When you get down to the base support level, conservatives are the most cowardly people on the planet. Always have been.
Think about it. The core of almost all conservative thought (government/foreigners/gays/welfare are out to get me) stems from massive personal insecurity. Do you think it’s an accident that the vast majority of conservatives are old, fat, or toothless (or closeted fetishists)?
Do you know what the number ONE turn off for women is? That’s right: insecurity. They’re bloodhounds at smelling it out and it repels them like mothballs. Now you know why the right is full of hags while Al Franklin always has a hot babe behind him.
42. Cb | May 19th, 2010 at 6:06 am
Never met a liberal that wasn’t a pussy! Thank a conservative for protecting our country – kick a liberal for trying to destroy our country. You leftists will ALWAYS be known as undereducated, incapable of protecting others, and easily led lemmings.
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