Today, August 14, Dmitri Medvedev celebrates 100th day as President of the Russian Federation. What conclusions can be made about the new president? Well, not many. Other than the fact that Medvedev is trying really, really hard to be the best protege he can be. Sure, he’s a little shorter, a little meeker and much less manlier than his mentor, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t trying his best. And as one Russian newspaper points out, he’s not doing too bad of a job, either.
See how he’s holding up to Putin’s patented muzhik ruling style:
Exhibit A: Medvedev doing the Putin swagger
Exhibit B: Medvedev still mastering the Putin talking-point finger
Exhibit C: Medvedev’s near perfect imitation of the bored Putin slouch and hand fidget
Exhibit D: Medvedev’s still got a ways to go until he masters the Putin man grip
Exhibit E: Medvedev’ got the casual Putin shades look down pat, albiet in brighter, more liberal tones
Read more: medvedev, putin, Russia, Yasha Levine, Russia, Visual Aid

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