The eXiled’s special Drug War Correspondent
MONTERREY, NUEVO LEÓN–Here we go again, a new year and a fresh new wave of narco-war porn to go along with it.
If you’ve been paying close attention to the drug war in Monterrey (and if you’re reading this you must have) you will have noticed that the new year has only meant more violence, more drugs and more black SUVs shooting it out in the streets, 3-sided full-bore firefights between rival narco gangs and the army, pretty much like a Michael Bay movie.
Life in Monterrey right now is like living in the set of Bad Boys 2. Non-stop car-chases and multiple shootouts, but no point to it, no reason for the apparently random, senseless violence. Shit, MTV should make a reality show based on Monterrey or even better, a “Tampico Shores” show, only in this version we get to watch the entire cast having their bodies dissolved in acid.
That’s what it looks like from here, anyway. But I´ve come to figuring out how to follow this mess and make some sense of the violence.
For one thing, all these small acts of random violence only make sense if you consider them in the context of the bigger picture: first, you make a note of who gets killed, how, where… and after a few days, when you get a sense of the bigger picture, you have a pretty clear view of the situation.
First, let’s go over what happened last year: 2010 was the bloodiest, most violent year in recent history in my home state of Nuevo Leon–Monterrey is the capital of this state, for you short-memoried gringos out there. Official figures estimate there’ve been around 700 deaths in the wars between cops and narcos, but knowing how the Zetas operate in this state it’s safe to say the real figure is at least double or triple that amount. The violence has only accelerated due to the ugly split between the big players—the Zetas and the Gulf Cartel–a break-up that’s dragged the entire state into in a war-like situation, in which every day the news was filled with stories of more shootouts, more executions, more kidnappings, more good ol’ family feuding between the two cartels.
It wasn’t all bad. 2010 was also the year that the Mexican Marines first swooped into the scene. For the first few years of the narco-wars, the burden of the drug war fell almost entirely on the Mexican Army. The Federal Police keeps restructuring and trying to clean up its act, but every time keeps failing to get rid of insider corruption, which over the last few years has resulted in such things as killing entire families in highway checkpoints. By some accounts the Federales have become increasingly infiltrated with organized crime group corruption and money, although not nearly to the same extent as local police and law enforcement has.
The first big break for the Mexican Marines came when they bagged Arturo Beltrán Leyva in his hideout in a Cuernavaca condo. From then on they’ve been spearheading the military’s offensive against the drug cartels.
I’ve seen the Marines myself, of course. The first thing you notice about the Marines is how tall they are. It’s not just a coincidence– there’s actually a height requirement for any potential recruit in the Marines, who must be at least 1.80 meters tall (5’11”). They are a bigger and deadlier version of your average Army grunt, and they’re stone-cold killers to boot.
So the ebb and flow of last year was basically big acts of violence, followed by spillover violence the next few days, followed by an Army or Marines operation that would capture and kill a lot of criminals–Zetas most of the time, and every now and then a big time Zeta cell leader or jefe de plaza would get killed or captured.
The violence never really calmed down. Quite the opposite, nowadays just seeing or hearing shootouts seems to be the most common topic of conversation among regios (Monterrey natives). But then last December the violence escalated to a new level, reaching the boiling point with the false-rescue and subsequent hanging of a female kidnapper linked to a Zetas cell in our state that specialized in kidnappings for ransom.
At first what we heard was that this Zeta chick had been rescued when she was just about to leave the gates of El Topo Chico prison inside an ambulance, after she’d pretended to be sick and in need of hospitalization. Everyone thought that the “rescue” of this underworld Zeta chick was just another example of the total ineptitude of the government of PRI candidate Rodrigo Medina, the pretty-boy who was just elected State Governor of Nuevo Leon. But there was something strange about the way she was sprung from the ambulance: like, why her? She didn´t seem to be important, she was an unknown before her rescue.
Then on the last day of December her body turned up in the 6.00AM news: She was found hanging from a pedestrian crossing bridge–on her naked torso you could read the name “YAHIR”, apparently the name of her boyfriend, a Zeta, from the same cell. The killing of “the Redhead” as she was known, signaled the start of a new narco-war offensive launched by the Gulf Cartel.
“Nueva Federación” or “The New Federation,” is what they call the new alliance of sicario (“assassin”) cells between La Familia Michoacana and The Gulf Cartel. They act as though they’re independent from every other criminal organization, but the Gulf Cartel appears to be pulling the strings, under the leadership of Jorge Costilla “El Coss”—ever since “Tony Tormenta,” brother of Osiel Cárdenas, the former boss of the Gulf Cartel, was killed in a massive shootout with the Marines in Tamaulipas.
So this alliance is who’s behind a new bloody offensive that’s targeting the Zetas’ state-wide protection network, particularly the metropolitan area, kinda like the Zetas’ version of Fortress Europe.
I already talked about how effective these real-time human intelligence networks are. In spook circles, this sort of human intel is pure gold, just ask the C.I.A., they´d love to have something like this in every capital in the Middle East.
Just as soon as 2011 started, Army soldiers on convoy patrol received a distress call from some state cops saying that they were being attacked and under fire from four heavily armed men in a black Jeep Patriot. Then the first executions of the year happened just outside a San Pedro Shopping center (called “Valle Oriente”), and over the following days there were more and more attacks on cops by heavily-armed criminals taking place in all the municipalities of the Metropolitan area. Cops in Monterrey, Apodaca, San Nicolas, Guadalupe and San Pedro were the main targets, but also cops from rural municipalities like General Teran, China, Los Herreras, and other little towns between the city of Monterrey and the state of Tamaulipas. The rural towns have become virtual ghost towns; the cops have all resigned out of fear, the ones that were not corrupt “polizetas” anyway…the other bastards are paid by the narcos to patrol and inform on military operations.
Over the course of this month there´s been a steady increase of shootouts, dead cops, dead criminals, attacks against police stations and against the Topo Chico state prison. What this means is that the CDG (Cartel del Golfo, or in English, “The Gulf Cartel”) is engaging in all-out war on the Zetas’ security structure across four fronts.
The first front is of course their attacks on cops; then they’re also executing huge numbers of “tienderos” (street drug dealers, the cannon fodder) and “halcones” (the spies who inform on military or suspicious activity). Everyone knows that every city’s municipal cops are just an extension of the Zetas–that’s why you don´t see people giving a fuck about these traitors when they’re being hunted down like game, the rare Mexican blue pig.
The second front is inside the prison walls of the Topo Chico Penal Facility which the Zetas have under control because they’ve bought off the prison’s Administration. The prison mainly serves as a recruitment pool for Zeta foot-soldiers and the like, but it also serves as a massive safehouse, a place to hide when the heat is on. The CDG understands this so they are trying to wrestle control of the prison away from the Zetas. That’s why the kidnapping of “the Redhead” was just the beginning of a series of attacks that target the prison’s guards and the prisoners inside, sometimes by lobbing grenades from outside the walls into the big patios, where inmates and guards end up getting shrapnelled if they’re unlucky enough to be too close to the blast radius.
The biggest strike so far came in December when “Don Gaby,” the piracy czar of this state, was killed by another inmate over a supposed money debt. “Don Gaby” was actually very important in the finance structure of the Zetas and linked to Heriberto Lazcano himself–he not only supplied all the piracy goods sold in the states of Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Veracruz, but he also charged them a protection fee that amounted to $25 million pesos each month, or about $2 million US dollars. The Zetas used most of that money to buy more drug inventory (in huge quantities of course), as well as to buy weapons on the US border or to pay off local cops.
The third front was launched inside of San Pedro, the stronghold plaza of the Beltran Leyvas in Nuevo Leon. The January 1st attack there was a bigtime message: it said that the Gulf Cartel could now attack them even inside San Pedro, and they expressed this message very clearly by shootings up San Pedro’s municipal cops. The shaky alliance between the Zetas and the Beltrán Leyvas appears to be finally breaking, especially now that the Beltran’s leader is dead and their main operators are in prison.
Over the past few days there’ve been growing rumors that the Beltranes are breaking once and for all their alliance with the Zetas, and it may be true. Attacks in San Pedro have stopped suddenly—for some reason, they’re no longer being targeted in the same way that the Zetas are.
The final front in this offensive is propaganda, with the now common usage of narco-messages that try convincing the population that they were fighting to restore peace and order to their lives–like modern-day Robin Hoods, if Robin Hood was a cokehead mass-murderer. One other strange thing was how someone hacked into the twitter account of “Telediario”, a local news show from the Multimedios Media Company. The hackers then uploaded a report that Governor Medina had been executed. It created an atmosphere of disbelief and fear, although more than anything, it created a lot of disappointment: The execution of Gov. Medina would have been greeted as the best news this beleaguered region has gotten in a long time. Immediately after the bogus report, the hackers uploaded a direct threat against Multimedios: “Align or else.” Meaning, “Stop censoring Zeta-related news, you fucking sellouts!”
So far the Gulf Cartel offensive has engulfed Monterrey in a brutal gang war were pretty much anything goes. It’s too early to declare a winner, but it looks like the Zetas’ protection from the cops is crumbling: The cops that still cooperate with them are getting ambushed every day by Gulf Cartel sicarios (assassins). But the Zetas are still strong enough to kill those cops who refuse to help them–so if there ever was a time to NOT be a cop in this city this is it.
January is barely over and the body count already surpassed 100, making this the bloodiest, most violent month in the history of the state, and that´s counting the revolution and the dirty war of the 1960-70s. Good times.
Another record is 20 cops dead in less than 30 days. Fuck me, Guinness should think about releasing a narco-only world records books because these bastards set the bar higher every day.
Among the dead are the usual suspects: Cops, dealers, sicarios, etc. But there are a couple that stand out. First is Elín Jesús Ortíz Rosales, a 30 year-old native of the city of Saltillo (state of Coahuila) known in the Monterrey underworld as “Comandante Lino”. Lino is, or was, a Zeta commander identified by the Mexican Army as the Jefe de Plaza of the entire state of Nuevo Leon, in charge of the war against the Gulf cartel in the state.
I don’t know how true this is, because a new leader is killed or captured here almost every month. If you’re looking for a quick promotion, join the Zetas now. Just don’t count on a long career.
Lino died the most natural way a sicario can in this city: With a bullet to the head, assisted by the Mexican Army. The commander was driving through a rural back road between the municipalities of Escobedo and Monclova, accompanied by another man and a woman, most likely the girlfriend, when they ran into an Army truck on patrol.
Naturally, when they see the army in their way, the sicarios try to escape. But once they realize they can´t, Commander Lino calls for reinforcements. At least 4 SUVs and a Mercedes sedan zoom up, join the fight and almost overwhelm the Mexican soldiers, who call for reinforcements of their own. It’s a cellphone vs. cellphone war.
Once two more Army trucks join the fight, the Zetas drive off with the army in pursuit. Soon the pickup Lino was in flipped over and burned along with everyone inside. Six other Zeta sicarios died in multiple shootouts along the road. Several others escaped by hiding in the scrub or just outrunning the Army. More executions and the first narcoblockades of the year followed that action.
Not that it matters anymore, but the loss could mean more trouble for the Zetas who have been continuously hit on various fronts non-stop, including more attacks against guards of the Topo Chico prison outside the city walls.
The executions started in mid-December and hit the boiling point this past week when a woman who worked as a guard inside the prison was chopped to pieces and left in the street facing the prison doors.
That wasn’t the only grim execution this month, with at least 7 to 8 more dismembered bodies found in Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon. One of these chunks of meat turned out to be a woman too. The Gulf Cartel was proud of the butcher job they did on these guys, because they carved “CDG” into arms and legs or whatever body part, and left a big note on top of the pile of bodies:
“Sigue mandando Gente como esta pinche Mamito de Mierda Sigues tu Nico Guerra Luna
ATTE: CDG Metro 32″
(“Keep sending your people, like this punk bitch. You’re next Nico Guerra Luna – CDG Metro 32”)
Who knows who Nico Guerra Luna is, probably a cell leader or plaza leader of some importance, but “El Mamito” is Enrique Rejón, mexican soldier turned sicario extraordinaire.
He was one of the original Zetas, the elite group of 34 soldiers who went into business for themselves. Now a trusted Lt. of Heriberto Lazcano. Last I heard of him he was in charge of the plaza of San Luis Potosi, a state to the south of Nuevo Leon and one of the poorest regions in Mexico.
So it’s probably him and not “Comandante Lino” who is in charge of running the war operations against their former buddies from the gulf. Or maybe Lino is part of Miguel Treviño’s structure.
There are many signs that point towards a fight for control within the zetas organization. Apparently a few months ago, Trevino, who’s known as “Z-40” by his fellow Zetas, called for a meeting with Lazcano in a ranch deep in the San Luis Potosi desert. There he planned to ambush Z-3 with help from the federal police and take control of the entire organization.
And yes, apparently the Federal Police is allied with the zetas through a federal police official who happens to be a relative of Miguel Treviño, otherwise known as “Z-40.” Maybe in a follow up article I´ll get more into the links between Z-40 and the PFP, but it would take a long time to untangle who’s killing who. Hell, it´s confusing even to me sometimes. It’s also kinda depressing; feds allied with the Zetas? Fuck, talk about “a relationship that was meant to be.” Going back to their roots, I guess—back to a time when they still wore their uniforms when shooting people.
The other VIP who met his doom this past week was a cattle businessman named Arturo de la Garza, son of a PRI state Governor. The “Cattle Baron,” as the US media calls him, was kidnapped. You can guess what happened after that: They found his body on a road in Nuevo Leon.
What I found interesting about this particular murder is that even though the executioners scrawled a message on the “Cattle Baron”’s body, none of the local newspapers printed that message. But they made sure to get the idea across anyway, thanks to a photo on the front page:
“This will happen to whoever supports the Z.”
Although the rumor is that the Zetas are the ones that killed him to send a message to the PRI (the longtime Mexico ruling political party) in the state. People who believe that rumor are also saying that the next politician to die will be the PRI mayor of Guadalupe, Ivonne Alvarez.
But then again this could be a narco-business tactic designed to move into a rival’s market. This tactic works this way: the more heat you bring on the state, the more the state beefs up its military presence. Mass-killing of innocent bystanders is a pretty high-impact tactical crime that the cartels use to trigger a big military presence and disrupt the operations of the rival cartel in the plaza. It’s all off the record of course: this is just one of those things that everybody around here knows or suspects, but it hasn’t been officially talked about much because it’s just too depressing.
It’s kind of clever, in a bloody way: you send somebody to your rivals’ hometown to shoot up civilians. The Feds descend on the place and search everything, shut down business. For the price of a few bullets, you disrupt the competition’s whole operation. Nothing personal, strictly business.
One sign that it might be working is that the Zetas are hard up for cash, to the point they’ve started robbing restaurants and casinos. That’s just about unheard-of for major drug dealers. When a drug dealer needs to do armed robberies to get their cash flow up, you know something’s wrong with their drug-cartel business.
LATE NARCO-WAR PORN UPDATE: Just as I sent this story in, another 6 bodies, almost completely burned, were found in the municipality of Escobedo, Nuevo Leon. And 1 more dead body was discovered in Cadereyta, with multiple gunshot wounds to the head and extremities.
Over in San Nicolas, city hall has imposed a nighttime curfew on all of its police agents, who are barred from leaving their assigned police stations after 7 PM because of the lack of security. They can only leave their police stations in the case of an emergency or to direct traffic if needed. It’s in response to the two transit cops who were killed yesterday—that’s scaring the shit out of every cop in the greater metropolitan area, not just San Nicolas cops, but everywhere now, state and municipal cops are even asking the Army to accompany them in the newly installed checkpoint—oops, I meant to say “security filters” which is the official term they’re using. (“Military checkpoint” doesn´t have a very comforting, nice ring to it, according to the local politicians anyway.)
The number of these militarized checkpoints in my hometown of Monterrey has grown substantially in the last couple of weeks, from 28 to 43. They’re officially there to look for stolen vehicles and to check the flow of armed passengers—which is to say, they’re looking for narcos, or trying to make things a bit tougher on their movements.
See, this is why it´s so fucking difficult writing about the drug war. So many corpses to keep count of, so many names, so much shit all around.
Pancho Montana is the eXiled Online’s Special Mexican War on Drugs Correspondent.
As a native of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, located in northern Mexico, Mr. Montana lives in Gulf Cartel territory. That means the streets belong to the Zetas, a paramilitary organization trained by the Yankees and hired by the Gulf Cartel to keep things civilized and business booming. Although it could be that the Zetas won’t be around for long…
Read more: arturo beltran leyva, cia, drug war, el topo chico prison, halcones, jefe de plaza, mexican marines, monterrey, narco, neuva federacion, nuevo leon, rodgrigo medina, the Gulf Cartel, the new federation, tienderos, zetas, Pancho Montana, The Mexican Drug War

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Add your own1. Wyse Guy | February 1st, 2011 at 1:28 pm
And Egypt viz the US`s MidEast Raj?
2. MonkeyMouth | February 1st, 2011 at 5:45 pm
MMMmmmmmm……Nice breakfast fare today. Almost spewed my Cap’n Crunch looking at those pictures. Great reporting!
Planet Earth………The cycle continues.
Vomiting can really cleanse the mind. Anyone want my tickets to Cancun?
3. JoJoJo | February 1st, 2011 at 6:05 pm
Do the Zetas ever have any victories? I may have to reread all the Pancho stuff if he already wrote about it but it seems like their fighters are pretty poor.
4. Jyp | February 1st, 2011 at 6:21 pm
As a man of the cloth said of the Blackstone Rangers many many years ago.. ‘Not Robin Hoods.. just hoods.. robbin’.’
5. AP | February 1st, 2011 at 9:09 pm
Glad to hear from you Pancho. Was worried you might have gotten killed.
6. Pascual Gorostieta | February 1st, 2011 at 10:16 pm
As someone who was born in the region and still maintains close family ties their. A few things I would like to add. My father’s side of my family actually knows the father of the “Peliroja”.
The police where shitting their pants since the last week of December ever since “La Nueva Federacion” made their announcement. I predicted that the campaign agaisnt cops would severely erode the support for the Zetas and it looks like it has. Also you should look in doing a translation of La Nueva Federacion’s announcement.
7. ShiningPath | February 2nd, 2011 at 4:39 am
Como Mexico no hay dos.
8. lars | February 2nd, 2011 at 7:18 am
Great reporting Pancho !!!
Here in the US, we’re hearing about how the ATF is ‘walking’ guns across the border into Mexico, as per instructions from ‘higher up’ in the US Govt. And it’s assult type weapons. Are you aware of the Z’s or CDG’s using US made weapons ? And if so, which cartels are using US weapons could give a clue as to where the NEOCONs/NWO are trying to control the Mexican Drug Trade in terms of their plans to control the world.
9. H. Khariq | February 2nd, 2011 at 11:33 am
10. pMX? | February 2nd, 2011 at 1:05 pm
Any cartel close to the US border uses us-made weapon, not a statement of any kind it´s just cheaper to buy them over the border than getting shitty weapons from south america.
11. Calvin | February 2nd, 2011 at 1:27 pm
After reading this article, I certainly have more respect for the migrants who cross the U.S. border and work at demeaning but honest jobs for Americans, rather than take up a gun for the cartels. That photo of the dismembered bodies will haunt me for weeks.
But one major thing I don’t understand: The brutality and violence of the cartels cannot be news to any Mexican, so why did Mexican society tolerate the cartels, police corruption and the PRI for so long? Were the opposition politicians so lame and out-of-touch that they couldn’t make that a campaign issue and sweep into power? Maybe my big bad government is tied to it, but I’d like to hear some other reasons and opinions.
12. Hannibal | February 2nd, 2011 at 2:55 pm
Just read the ‘Mexican Drug War’ page on Wikipedia; it lays it out. Basically, “security analysts in Mexico City trace the origins of the rising scourge to the unraveling of a longtime implicit arrangement between narcotics traffickers and governments controlled by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which lost its grip on political power starting in the late 1980s.”
There was violence back then, but it wasn’t like today, and there was no internet, so we didn’t really know every excruciating detail.
The elections in the 90’s were clos(er), but it would have been dumb to make drug trafficking the platform for a presidential run. Calderon has staked his presidency on fighting the cartels, but I think he wishes he would have focused on alleviating poverty, feeding the children, gay rights, anything but precipitate the raging war he now has in his hands.
The US was involved insofar as they let the PRI do what the wanted, provided they kept the lid on Mexico’s troubles and kept the masses at bay. Kind of similar to Egypt, where the US supports a dictator because he’s easier to deal with than a full-fledged democracy, where certain interests might want to, try to get a cut of the political and economic action.
13. Liz2000 | February 2nd, 2011 at 3:21 pm
Bomb Mexico! That’s my solution!
14. Pascual Gorostieta | February 2nd, 2011 at 3:26 pm
The US was quite complicit in helping the rise of the Guadalajara Cartel in the 60s as well.
15. Havs | February 3rd, 2011 at 8:45 am
Suggestion: Some of the images in the article are deeply disturbing. I would advise linking to them on a separate page or putting some javascript mumbo-jumbo to hide the content until the mouse passess on it (putting instead of the image a warning about it’s nature when mouse is not over).
16. Awesome | February 3rd, 2011 at 11:17 pm
Also, translation fix:
(”Keep sending your people, like this punk bitch. You’re next Nico Guerra Luna – CDG Metro 32″)
Should be
“like this big pile of shit” instead of “like this punk bitch”
17. pMX? | February 4th, 2011 at 12:27 pm
Or “fucking Mamito piece of shit” would be more accurate.
18. nada nada | February 5th, 2011 at 8:50 pm
En un pais pobre siempre va a ver corrupcion porque cualquier persona aria lo que sea para salir de la pobresa o darles comida a sus hijos.
Alguien siempre tendra el control y asi seguira pero no maten los innocentes..
19. Jean Valjean | February 11th, 2011 at 12:57 pm
Marines are badass, but you cannot find more than 15k guys that are 1.80mts in height and are willing to join the arm forces. but besides that, they are doing a superb job, they are really fear by all cartels, but they also die, in big numbers over matamoros
20. tonio difede | February 17th, 2011 at 3:35 pm
ill take your cancun tickets
21. Bradly | March 1st, 2011 at 5:30 pm
Hey all how does one get into contact with Poncho Montana.
22. Aleajandro | March 27th, 2011 at 3:50 pm
You knowwhat my opinion is? my opinion is that if your a fucking american, you should keep your mouth glued shut about “This War” because all you do is spread lies, bullshit, sensationalism and propaganda that aids the drug cartels. But of course, maybe thatisyour purpose, you feed ignorance into an already extremely ignorant and arrogant nation, that nation is the USA. and americans eat this bullshit like apple pie.
I Travel to Mexico twice every month of every year, and let me tell you NOT ONCE, have I seen a dead body, heard a shootout, been extorted or kidnapped. everything you are saying is a lie. STOP DAMAGING THE IMAGE OF MY NATION.
If you are NOT MEXICAN, you have no privalege to report on MEXICAN AFFAIR. maybe I should report on those +60,000 deaths that have ocurred in the USA since 2006.
23. Jose | April 9th, 2011 at 4:34 am
This is DEFINITELY no lie. I’m very fortunate to not have to go through that on a daily basis because I was born and live in the united states, but I have a cousin that lives in Monterrey. And from the things she’s told me and shown me , this is a very real threat. To live in constant fear is not something to be taken lightly,the simple act of driving to work can get you killed by either a stray bullet or straight up being executed or kidnapped and ransomed if it’s discovered that you have ties or family in the united states.
24. D | April 14th, 2011 at 9:38 am
I work as a private contractor for a private military company located near San Diego. I can tell ALL OF YOU that, although i am not Mexican, I can speak of affairs in the nation….From 10+years of experience of counternarco/interdiction operations in the Southern and SouthWestern regions of Baja and Mexico, I can tell you the threat is not some exaggerated “lie” that the US created or fed into. In fact, if anything, there are more stories that miss getting printed than the ones that do see print. I have seen the piles of bodies firsthand. Its as bad as you imagine, but what the pics dont show you is the smell….I won’t ever forget it.
If people only knew that we (the US) can combat this very easily. We aren’t as corrupt or as inefficient in dealing with mobile threats like the Zetas.
They are not as well trained the people i work with(even if the Zetas/sicarios are former military) and they aren’t impossible to track. The problem is Mexico’s inability to CLEAN HOUSE. They need to re-work their justice system completely. Thats the first step…The next step is bringing in some private military contractors who don’t have to follow the rules (or Geneva convention) and let us handle it. We’d love to help. How about you just call us in, take off our leash, close your eyes and plug your ears, and we’ll take care of it…Easy
25. greetingsFromSaferPlace | September 27th, 2011 at 12:05 pm
I wish you bon courage and take care with this site. I am afraid those cartels have also hackers etc in their ranks, last time I opened video about history of Zetas to be immediately attacked by some virus. Maybe coincidence, maybe not.
26. Rick Pettis | October 24th, 2011 at 12:04 pm
Aleajandro, Don’t like our country? Then go back to that piece of shit country you call home,Mexico and make things better! You and a million others are here for a better life, right? So shut up or go home! Zetas, Gulf Cartel, and others are in the U.S. conducting their business. Ask residents of Texas or Arizona if we need to secure our borders. It’s so sad to see so many people living in fear and when they try to leave the cartel’s are the ones “helping” them get out of Mexico so..they extort, rape, kill and put in to slavery thousands of illegals a day!!! the nightmare doesn’t end for these people in Mexico!
27. tu padre | January 13th, 2012 at 1:50 pm
if the US would keep the f,,,king guns in the US it could change everything, but the US is even involved in all the guns trafficking into Mexico, so stop playing to be perfect, pinchis bolillos
28. Glarmer | February 2nd, 2012 at 5:50 am
Nobody cares really about these Mexican drug dealers except for Mexicans. Mexico needs to get it’s ethics together collectively and return to a stable path. It cannot have these thought impaired idiots running around playing like they’re in the movies and destroying lives and the perception of Mexico. In the end, the drug dealers only hurt the greater country and themselves. We really don’t care if they all get killed and most people would support a military intrusion and summary execution of every single one of them. Quite frankly, that’s just how it is from the outside looking in.
29. Ernesto | February 7th, 2012 at 6:49 pm
I have been researching the US/Mexico Border now for some time as it relates to my University coursework. I have been watching, reading, and listening to comments from all sides. There is an answer to this madness, but the bottom line is the cartels have over ran the Mexican government. Anyone tries to impliment policy to fight the cartels and the turn up missing. They have a lot of money backing them from Comubia, Central and South America. The Mexican Mafia, Motor Cycle Gangs, and others are moving the dope once it gets to the US Border. This is a transnational business. It is not about the Mexican Government turning over for a bribe, It is about take our deal or die. Something needs to be done, but what?
30. susan | May 14th, 2012 at 12:40 pm
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One (God) who can destroy both soul and body in hell.Matthew 10:28
31. goodmen | June 19th, 2012 at 11:23 am
people must exit homes and kill all narko biatches. all related stuff too. No investigations, just blog discuttion, conclusion – this one is narko biatch – kill. including police too. KILL KILL KILL
32. __ _________ ___ | December 5th, 2013 at 8:59 am
I drop a comment when I especially enjoy a post on a site or I have something to
contribute to the conversation. Usually it’s triggered
by the passion displayed in the post I read.
And on this article Mexicos Narco-War 2011: The Gulf Cartel Chops Up the Zetas – By
Pancho Montana – The eXiled. I was excited enough to drop a commenta response 😉 I actually do have a
couple of questions for you if you tend not to mind. Is it just me or does it
look as if like some of the responses come across like they are
left by brain dead folks? 😛 And, if you are writing at other
online social sites, I would like to follow
you. Could you list the complete urls of all your social sites like your linkedin profile, Facebook page or twitter feed?
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