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drug war

dead ice agent mexico

The eXiled’s special Drug War Correspondent

MONTERREY, NUEVO LEÓN–While meeting Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon at the White House today, Barack Obama is expected to discuss the idea of letting armed US agents operate on Mexican territory. You know, to help us deal with our deadly drug violence. Boy oh boy do we Mexicans feel safe now!

I wonder if the idea to put US troops on Mexican soil has anything to with a recent trip by a few ICE agents into Northern Mexico that ended with one dead, one injured and one SUV turned to swiss cheese?


March 3rd, 2011 | Comments (23)

Narco-War Dispatch: Gulf Cartel Releases A Brutal Video Threat Against The Zetas...

This brutal video, which just came out, pretty much speaks for itself…that is, if you can understand Spanish. If not, I’ll explain it to you so you understand what’s going on. It was filmed in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, and it shows…

February 14th, 2011 | Comments (26)

Mexico's Narco-War 2011: The Gulf Cartel Chops Up the Zetas

The eXiled’s special Drug War Correspondent MONTERREY, NUEVO LEÓN–Here we go again, a new year and a fresh new wave of narco-war porn to go along with it. If you’ve been paying close attention to the drug war in Monterrey…

February 1st, 2011 | Comments (32)

The Mexican Drug War in One Lesson: Know Your Zetas!

The “Z” is for “Zetas” It’s been a long, long time since my last article, but believe me it’s not because there hasn’t been any news. If anything, it’s because too much has been happening too fast to really explain…

November 1st, 2010 | Comments (18)

BREAKING NEWS: Mexican Army Captures Zetas Commander In Charge of Monterrey

This afternoon the bullets were once again flying over my city, as Mexican Army soldiers captured the JEFE DE PLAZA of the Zetas in Monterrey Héctor Luna “El Tori” (short for Hector), along with other collaborators in an operation in…

June 9th, 2010 | Comments (33)

Mexican Drug War Intel Report: Over 22,000 Dead, Police Detain 27% of the Zetas' Foot Soldiers, Open Hunting Season On Cops...

Hey there drug war fans, I got some statistics to throw your way. While you gringos pay attention to the unemployment rate and foreclosure statistics, we here in Mexico track the national kill count—how many people died, who suffered the…

April 14th, 2010 | Comments (26)

Mexican Drug War Spring Break Report: 30 Killed in Less Than 12 Hours!

How about this eXtra Hot Spring Break update: In Acapulco, the shit just got burning hot  again last week, with more than 30 people killed in less than 12 hours. I’ll do a proper update a little later. In the…

March 22nd, 2010 | Comments (29)