www.boston.com -- A Massachusetts employment organization has canceled its annual job fair because not enough companies have come forward to offer jobs.Richard Shafer, chairman of the Taunton Employment Task Force, says 20 to 25 employers are needed for the fair scheduled for April 6, but just 10 tables had been reserved. One table was reserved by a nonprofit that offers human services to job seekers, and three by temporary employment agencies.Shafer tells the Taunton Daily Gazette the lack of employers means the task force won't have enough money to properly advertise the fair.The task force has been organizing the job fair nearly every year since 1984.
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1 Comment
Add your own1. Saint-fort Reginal | May 9th, 2012 at 7:09 am
Objet: demande d’emploi
Honorable Personnel,
Je vous felicite pour le travail impecable que vous etes en train de faire au sein de la societe haitienne. par contre, je voudrais mettre ma connaissance au service de votre institution etant que Topographe( Faculte Des Sciences de l’UEH), Ing civil( Faculte Des Sciences Appliquees(FDSA)4ieme Annee).
Honorable Personnel, veuillez agreer ma plus haute consideration.
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