My first Saturday blog. I promised seven days a week and I’ll deliver. To be honest “giving up my weekend” is not as much of a sacrifice as people seem to think. It’s not like I’m closing down all the local clubs, hitting the slopes at Tahoe, whatever. A good Friday for me is: Put Gettysburg on and watch Pickett’s Charge three or four times. I’ve been reading Shelby Foote’s Dixie-sucking histories again and they piss me off so bad I can’t get enough of seeing double loads of canister blast that fence, sending those big babies from ol’ Virginny flying up in the air to rethink their position on the constitutionality of secession.
But since Saturday seems to be an excuse to slack off for most people I figured I’ll take advantage and keep my Sat entries pretty fast. So just a couple of things.
First I wanted to add something to what I said yesterday about the Moroccan Green March into Spanish Sahara in 1975. I said a long while ago that war is just demographics on speed. And that goes the other way too: illegal immigration is just war slowed down. I don’t mean that like some hysterical Minuteman having a coronary in his Dodge Ram because somebody ran across the Arizona border: “They’re invading!” but I do buy the general concept that mass immigration is weirdly similar to guerrilla war without weapons. (Well, sometimes without weapons.) The way it’s usually done, smuggling Mexicans into the US or Africans into the EU in crates or trucks, is a lot like a huge, slow covert operation.
That’s what makes the 1975 Green March, when hundreds of thousands of unarmed Moroccans just tromped over the border into Spanish Sahara and dared the miserable handful of Spanish border troops to open fire, so amazing. That wasn’t illegal immigration on the sneak, that was a massed, pre-announced invasion—without weapons. (Of course it wasn’t really immigration because all those Moroccans got right back in their trucks once they’d crossed the line and claimed sovereignty. Spanish Sahara isn’t a nice place and you wouldn’t want to live there.) Instant annexation, instant demographic transformation (temporary, sure, but instant)—a successful conventional invasion by unarmed civilians. A first in world history as far as I know.
Next, I have to cough up this humane wrinkle I came up with last night on my fishing-trawler/antiship missile suggestion on how Qaddafi could attack NATO naval forces. You could say that the problem is getting your vessel within range before helicopters, fighter-bombers or picketing vessels blow you out of the water. But you know range isn’t really the problem; some of these missiles have more than enough range, like the Russian Moskit I mentioned. The real problem isn’t range so much as it is staying afloat long enough out there, wide open, a sitting duck, long enough to get the missile system running and let it acqure the target before your ship gets blown out of the water. And the key to staying alive and afloat for those few key seconds is using civilians to make squeamish NATO controllers hesitate to let their craft open fire. It doesn’t have to delay them very long; this would be a suicide mission, so it’s not like you need an escape route. You just need those few seconds.
So yesterday, thinking it over, I said the best way to gain that time would be by jamming your decks with refugees. I suggested that Qaddafi could hold the refugees in place with a concealed heavy machine gun.
Whoops, have to interrupt myself because I just had a musical insight here, which doesn’t happen very often. Remember a sort of purposely boring, too-cool jazzy post-everything hiphop band called the Fugees? Well as I remember their honcho was a Haitian called Jean Wycliffe. And Haitians, let’s face it, are world-class refugees. They damn near invented the fishing trawler jammed with skinny people like a Rajasthan bus. So it just occurred to me: is “Fugees” short for “refugees”? My guess is that duh, of course it is, everybody knew that 20 years ago except Brecher. Peacetime trivia, not my field.
But I do like the idea of this Haitian cool jazz dude deciding to help out at home by running for president of Haiti and getting instant voter reaction in the form of somebody shooting him in the hand as his limo goes by.
Nothing says “Welcome home, Fellow Haitian” like a 9mm right through your MCin’ hand.
Well, OK, then, let’s say Jean named his band that because Haitians are world leaders in refugeeing toward Naval vessels in leaky fishing boats. The perfect strategy for Qaddafi, one of those waving white flags and looking pitiful until a NATO frigate’s in range, right? OK, well, I was lying awake last night thinking over that day’s blog—this blog thing isn’t as easy as it looks, lemme tell you– it occurred to me that might not have sounded compassionate enough, what with putting civilians on deck as sort of duck decoys. “In this age of Obama” and so on.
So I was worrying people would think I was heartless and something hit me: mannikins! I got the idea from a story I read in the SF Chron, way back in the early 90s when San Francisco let you get out of paying bridge toll if you had three or more passengers. What I read was that commuters were picking up total strangers at the bridge onramps and dropping them off in downtown SF just to avoid the toll. But then they came up with an easier way: mannikins. I couldn’t imagine letting a stranger into my car, but when I read about the mannikins I clicked. Just buy a couple or dive for retired ones behind a mall, dress ’em up and you’re toll-free without having to make conversation or get those cramps I get when I have to sit next to an actual person for more than 30 seconds, all down my side, the one that was next to them. I had no problems getting one away.
Mannikins. On that trawler. What a hoot that would be. You pose some of them on the deck—those are the sick and wounded. You wire more of them to the railings—those are the “desperate, eager refugees seeking a new life.” You pile the rest in front of the cabin—those are the human shield, the huddled masses that say “don’t shoot, Monsieur le Pilot!” If the NATO liaisons say in a nasty tone of voice that some of your refugees are losing arms and legs and heads every time the trawler hits a big wave, you cry a lot—that always works with these first-worlders—and screech out, “Ah, yes, the terrible things Qaddafi has done to us!” That’ll give ’em something to think about for long enough to pop out your anti-ship missile, which will give ’em a whole lot more to think about.
I stayed awake half the night thinking of that little wrinkle, just to make the whole thing more humane. And yet they say war nerds have no heart.
Read more: green march, immigration, Libya, morocco, Gary Brecher, The War Nerd

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Add your own1. Kevin | March 26th, 2011 at 11:27 am
2. Bobby Lee | March 26th, 2011 at 11:30 am
Hey, War Nerd,
Speaking of Haiti and refugees, how about something on the US “interventions” in the Caribbean and Philippines in the early 1900s?
The first counterinsurgency work the US did.
3. allen | March 26th, 2011 at 11:38 am
Don’t know about manikins, but …
Saying we were using warm bodies, and on a suicide run, well, it seems the people with the will to do such things may just be on the other side.
Quaddafi even less crazy than I thought?
4. Eddie | March 26th, 2011 at 11:43 am
Taking out a frigate does not get you much. You got to think big Gary. A carrier or nothing.
Sometime I wish I wasn’t one of those pussy Europeans that spend their time drinking beer, working out, chasing tail and commenting on other peoples blogs.
Would it not be sweet to be a real African warrior. Not that it’s any better of a life then I have now, probably the opposite. But at least you are in the underdog team. You have something to prove.
Dude if I was in their place I would definitely recommend the bosses to go for the carriers. I would even have a good plan to get them. And yes, that plan involves human shields, like all good plans you have to go with your strengths and the enemies weaknesses. No glory in simply getting killed, getting killed after you bagged a carrier. Now theres definitely glory in that.
5. Max Bell | March 26th, 2011 at 11:47 am
I really love this angle on the conflict, but I’m not as willing to dismiss the revolutionaries. Does the collateral damage dynamic change any when the violence is Libyan on Libyan?
The mission is defined as an NFZ and civilian protection — leaving the ground war to the Libyans themselves. And what’s actually filtering out through the media is a weird mix of Libyan state TV propaganda and “we know we’re being bullshitted” confessionalism from journos. A couple hundred peaceful human shields get whacked in the process of our Libyan allies removing a legitimate, military target?
Is Reuters gonna run the story about the fake CD or the target being destroyed?
Been listening to ex-pats and Libyans alike going on about the importance of shutting down NileSat — even anonymous, with a stated hands-off policy toward the media is sympathetic to the necessity. In this instance, though, a modicum of selective reporting would suffice.
Really seems like Gadaffi would be an easy bet, but we’re talking about a whole country that either takes him out or is basically sitting around waiting to be executed. I’m not willing to bet against them at this stage.
6. required | March 26th, 2011 at 11:53 am
The US Navy came up with a sort of fence system that would have stopped the Cole bombing (which type they anticipated way back during the 82 Lebanon thing — what was that categorically by the way? A making of an appearance? A nice little visit in which we sit there and do nothing?) but they never implemented it. Instead (at the time, not since) they saddled some poor Marine with a Stinger and told him to keep his eyes open. But surely there’s a way we haven’t thought of that would exploit something simpler than humanitarianism, in the gaping holes of everyday naval sop.
7. mikey | March 26th, 2011 at 11:58 am
Thanks for the overtime! Did you score some coke?
8. abc123 | March 26th, 2011 at 12:01 pm
You forget that wikileaks “Collateral murder” shows that western forces actually would fire at approaching ships/cars regardless if they appear to be civilians and/or helping, if they threat NATO ships/doesn’t respond to radio-transitions to change course.
Also, one of the main problem with the use of anti-ship missiles is sensors. Iran for example, have long range anti-ship missiles placed in small ships, but can only use them at very close range since they lack sensors.
Also, you contradict yourself. You say it takes a long time to get them ready to fire, but suggest they “pop out your anti-ship missile”. I don’t think NATO will allow them to bring up an AShM to deck and aim it.
9. Dejo | March 26th, 2011 at 12:36 pm
The first of its kind? What about SS Exodus or Gandhi’s march to the sea? Gandhi’s career in general, come to think of it.
10. lopsotronic | March 26th, 2011 at 1:04 pm
First time commenter but a longtime fan of Brecher.
I appreciate archaic spelling, but the mannikin idea might prove lethal to the user. Radar is able to distinguish between even soft plastic and flesh. If I were a US Navy vessel and I saw a trawler draped with realistic mannikins, I would blow it out of the water without hesitation.
11. M. H. | March 26th, 2011 at 1:05 pm
re: Green March
Brecher, have you ever encountered any of those Age of Empires type PC games? In those games, which the developers have gone to great lengths to analogize to human history, the strong empires always eventually wall themselves in to protect their wealth. Then something unexpected happens, like a nuclear reactor floods, and your economy can no longer sustain your walls. Then something remarkable happens: Hordes of your enemies’ peasants pour over your border looking for resources, and start chopping down your trees and shit. They don’t send their soldiers cause they have none. As you’ve said, that’s what the death of an empire looks like.
But what’s really incredible with the immigrant invasions going on today– it is like the 1st world, for all its drone planes and satellites, has no answer for the most primitive AI of starving peasants.
12. Manni | March 26th, 2011 at 1:21 pm
Well tjhis time you did it; you made laugh out loud. never thought that the war nerd had this in him. Just shows you, ain’t it …
13. Wotan | March 26th, 2011 at 1:28 pm
Good sensors and good optics would literally see right through the ruse. It would sound something like, “Panther Flight, Panther Lead. Boatload o’ mannikins, index guns, engage.” End of story.
14. Karel | March 26th, 2011 at 1:36 pm
France wants to assert itself by balcanizing Libya just like Germany did to Yugoslavia…
Reasons may be different.
they are going to walk away with the oil (and the water ) and there is just nothing to be done about it. No urban swamp like Sarajevo, Baghdad, Not rising the cost like Lebanon, Iraq – nothing…
OPEC owes gadafi for restoring some balance of power to the owners of the resource, Moshadeg and Saddam followed but the gains are almost voided by the reversals of the Shah and Gulf war.
Gadafi deserves a carrier for that but at least a few fighter jets will do…
The easy oil was the target of the Arab revolts _not_ Iran. Stage rehearsed to perfection, Tunis, Egypt (worse than Status quo ante prevails – army assuming additional powers over trade unions and still well funded by US tax dollars) then gadafi fled to Venezuela (no he didn’t but the link imprinted on the subconscious for later activation just like Saddam magically become Osama during the Enron distraction).
The easy oil of Venezuala is next and again Chaves can not position enough material and tenacious resistence to raise the cost of that heist – defeat by stagecraft.
You need a decade of war to lay down the logistics by converting destroyed formal sector, embargoed black-market back channel supply lines and child soldiers entering adolescence to have a hope of raising the cost of regime change. In latin America Colombia fits the bill. but they are on the wrong side…
15. Roderick | March 26th, 2011 at 1:52 pm
I like this Libya coverage but after the rebels are forced to make a peace settlement with Gadaffi – can we get an article about war poetry. I’m looking forward to your analysis on Rudyard Kipling
16. Eddie Sachs | March 26th, 2011 at 2:18 pm
1,199 words in the piece, and not a one of them relevant to what’s going down.
17. Lance Hunter | March 26th, 2011 at 2:27 pm
I’m not sure that I really buy “immigration as war slowed down”, even separated from the crazy minuteman undertones that could be associated with it. At the very least it overlooks the way education and assimilation change the behavior of immigrant populations. I mean, yea, people came over here, but once they got here they just became us.
Over here in Texas, I interact with plenty of third (and later) generation Mexican immigrants (not to mention those from elsewhere in South and Central America), I’ve had a second-generation immigrant marry into my family, and the only difference between them and your average Joe America is that they’re more likely to find Taco Bell too disgusting to eat. Hell, they’re generally less concerned or influenced by their grandparents and great-grandparent’s country of original than those pathetic souls who frequent the Celtic festivals, going on about their Irish heritage (that is usually 3 or 4 generations back).
So basically, if immigration is war slowed down, wouldn’t that really mean that their side is just coming over here and defecting?
18. Paul Boudreau | March 26th, 2011 at 2:55 pm
I enjoy the blogging, enjoy the thought experiments.
Trivia Point: Fugees is the short form. The Full band name is the Refugee Allstars.
19. Victorvalley Villain | March 26th, 2011 at 4:00 pm
@18, The Refugee Camp All-Stars was a the full name of a related crew. That crew didn’t even have the star talent – no Wyclef, no Lauryn Hill, just Pras and some other guy.
The Score was one hell of an album though. Full of classic lines:
“I refugee from Guantanamo Bay Dance around the border like I’m Cassius Clay” -Wycliff
“And even after all of my logic and theory- I add a ‘motherfucker’ so you ignorant niggas hear me.” -Lauren Hill
“You let a mother fucker kick you five times, they gonna kick you five times. You let them kick you three times, they gonna kick you three times. You let them kick you twice, they gonna kick you twice. You let them kick you once they gonna kick you once. But if you break off the mother fucking feet, Ain’t gonna be no more kickin’ going on…” -Pras
You can see why two of them had better solo careers than the third.
20. postman | March 26th, 2011 at 4:13 pm
Al-Qaeda is a pseudo-terrorist gang. In real life, they are called Mistaravim. They are not of Islam. They are “Playing an Arab”. If they can convince the real Arabs, they can convince the American TV-viewers. One Mistaravim unit was captured in Egypt, playing Arab protesters, there is a video of the capture on youtube. So they are there in Libya all right, fighting on the rebel side all right, it is just that they are not of Islam.
The Al-Qaeda videos are produced by Rita Katz’s siteintelgroup. They have even gave Bush a video which “Al-Qaeda did not release officially yet”, for God’s sake! All “Al-Qaeda” threat videos, if you watch them with simple peasant common sense, or basic military logic (assumning there exists such thing), are total faked!
“Al-Qaeda” is a pseudo-terrorist gang and a media fakery!
21. postman | March 26th, 2011 at 4:19 pm
Do not forget, that Wikileaks is a controlled intelligence operation, an officially approved disinformation project.
The “Collateral Murder” video was released with US approval, so Wikileaks could gain credibility among the TV-viewers. Believe me, there are worse massacres happening in Iraq every day-you can not off 1 m iraqis by mistake-lots of them probably filmed for later evaluation, but you will never see a single one of them…
22. Tom | March 26th, 2011 at 5:15 pm
You know I think this fishing trawler idea is pretty cool. And the mannikin idea is awesome. Mannikins never fail to comply. I do have some questions about it, though and I really don’t know answers. Wouldn’t a fishing trawler be much smaller than the ship or submarine-based launching platform than the Moskit missile was designed for? I wonder if in high seas the sighting apparatus might be thrown off and cause the missile to miss it’s target. And do you think the force of launch might affect the launch trajectory as it causes the trawler to move about in the water as the missile launches? A Moskit missile weighs 4,500kg. I guess all of this might not matter if it has an active radar guidance system and adjusts its flight path according to continual input on the target.
23. Dejo | March 26th, 2011 at 5:15 pm
Cut him some slack, Eddie. Nowadays wars are all about doctrines, not strategies. The best that military leaders can do these days is to add small details to the already established doctrine.
24. Gonzalo | March 26th, 2011 at 5:50 pm
this is the tracked gun from the picture of day 3:
25. joe | March 26th, 2011 at 5:55 pm
didnt they do this in waterworld
26. Peter | March 26th, 2011 at 6:00 pm
Maybe the mannikin idea is meant to be a funny joke, in part because Brecher sees humanitarianism as funny? That seems a bit more plausible than Brecher not figuring out that the navies involved would be scrutinizing those boats pretty hard, and it would be hard to miss that the fugees weren’t moving.
27. allen | March 26th, 2011 at 6:59 pm
Mistaravim eh’? What are we supposed to do if that were even true? We can’t really separate reality very easily from what is filtered to us through the organs of mass communication anyway.
You’re stuck between some kind of top down picture or else buying any one of the thousand little counter narratives rising from the internet. (The videos are fake! Bush did 9-11!, ect.)
At the end of the day you just end up buying whatever makes the most sense to you personally. I wouldn’t be surprised if Israel were running some false flag operations under the banner of Al Quaeda,or if the relationship between Al Quaeda and various intelligence services turned out to be as uncomfortably close as the Mi5 and the IRA (which the Brits in typical clueless fashion failed to notice or give a shit about).
But if Israel or the West were basically Al Quaeda proper, then they would be getting away with something bigger than I imagine to be possible.
28. Eren | March 26th, 2011 at 7:12 pm
War nerds don’t need a heart, Brecher. As you yourself once said, the Russians beat the Germans by being the most ruthless. The Mongols forged the most feared fighting force of all time by being the most ruthless. And the British held an intercontinental empire by being the most ruthless. We don’t need hearts, Brecher. We need brains. The less compassionate a war nerd is, the better. So do all of us a favour and don’t waste your and our time on stupid crap like mannikins. You still haven’t examined in-depth how Gaddafi’s forces beat down the rebels.
29. Jie ke | March 26th, 2011 at 7:17 pm
26 is right; nerd just trolled all the guys who are jealous that he’s the only arm-chair general that thinking people listen to.
30. Soj | March 26th, 2011 at 9:08 pm
Quite frankly, the WORST mistake Kaddafi could make would be to blow up a military vessel with a missile.
The way he’ll “win” this is via propaganda or image. Better by far to blow up some old tugboat full of mannikins (to use Brecher’s idea) and blame it on a western military missile strike!
31. wYSeGuy | March 26th, 2011 at 11:08 pm
32. gary | March 26th, 2011 at 11:22 pm
ya shouda taken saterday off
33. postman | March 26th, 2011 at 11:34 pm
I figured Al-Qaeda being the Mistaravim pseudo-terror gang myself. You can not read it nowhere on the internet (well, except in my comments on various forums). I put together the picture reading War Nerd’s Mister Big Unplugged article on Zarquawi (stupidity of terror video showing face), wikipedia on Rita Katz and siteintelgroup, an article on Selous Scouts and pseudo-terror gangs and their Modus Operandi, and an article on Mistaravim, plus wikipedia on Sayeret Duvdevan. (Even in the official story one victim of Flight 11, Daniel Lewin was Sayeret Matkal Mistaravim.)
What to do? If you are an American waiting on an airport, when the TSA is groping your adolescent girl, remember that it has nothing to do with islamist extremists or with defending you from a bomb. If your plain will be blown up irrespective of the groping, when you die, know it was pseudo-terror, approved by someone you yourself elected, so you deserved it:)
Right now they are getting away with something big, like the de-stabilization of the Middle East, using social media provocations, MSM saturation, and illegal warfare against a souvereign nation, using their proxy Golem. That is something big IMO.
34. postman | March 27th, 2011 at 1:04 am
Another worst mistake would be asking his agents in Europe, to commit terrorist attacks in retaliation.
You heard the warning of MI-5, based on evesdropping Libyan Londonners, did you?
If they “commit terror attaks”, know this: pseudo terror again, Mistaravim again.
35. Eddie | March 27th, 2011 at 1:20 am
Not in Africa man. Africa is the continent where battle takes place for reasons we all know and understand. But mostly it’s a revenge action for some previous loss, like the Abu Salim prison massacre in this case. Then you have your grabbing cows battles, getting wives battle, spreading Islam battle, blowing of steam battle and so on. This are all perfectly good reasons to fight. They also more or less happens spontaneously without much political support and completely lacking doctrines and strategies. Non spoken of anyway.
The strategy is like; OK guys we all know that we are thirsty and hungry from walking these last days. Ibrahim got killed by that lion and that pissed us all of, but guys this is the BIG one. You got to be fucking f o c u s e d. These cows are not going to steal themselves. We go in at the first crack of light, Mohammed’s guys go closer to the mountain and you guys come with me. Are we cool?
At some point winning and loosing looses it meaning. These are all very short term victories anyway, in the end we all loose(death). Sometimes you have to just forget about the current struggle and focus on improving the odds for the next guy. This is after all the compassionate thing to do. One way to do it is to set a precedent for the next battle. You want to bomb us, ok we get that, but we are getting wise to yours battle plans. Next time you have to do better and expect some serious losses when you fight us. Perhaps that will even scare them of from meddling into our business. We have been massacring enemy prisoners for millennia and no rich liberal white imperialists are going to change these rules.
36. par4 | March 27th, 2011 at 4:48 am
The Israelis took out the USS Liberty and have continued receiving more and more aid. Go figure.
37. Just Another War Nerd Fanboy | March 27th, 2011 at 6:52 am
If it all ends tomorrow I don’t care. BEST. WEEK. EVER. Thank you Lord Brecher.
38. Dogsbody | March 27th, 2011 at 8:03 pm
Been talking to the aliens again, have you?
39. Tollett Doe | March 27th, 2011 at 8:14 pm
I’d pay any money to see you and Lewis Page from The Register in a cage fight over naval security. Not that I give a shit about naval security, I’d just like to see two fat war nerds try to annihilate each other.
40. BahamaPapa | March 28th, 2011 at 12:29 am
Stoked to get a daily dose of WN.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on the following:
1) We’ve been told all along that what’s going on in Libya is a “no-fly zone”. That’s what the UN voted for and the Arab league requested, etc. Now, it seems to me that if all you are doing is enforcing a no-fly zone, then you’re only shooting at things in the air…or maybe taking out anti-aircraft positions if they shoot at you. How does blowing up tanks fall under enforcing a no-fly zone? It seems to me that this has been a straight out invasion/regime change from day one, but we’re being told it’s something else and I’ve seen nobody in the media even attempt to explain this or ask the question.
2) Seeing all the conspiracy theorists who are posting here, I must admit that day 1 of the Tunisian protests I’ve wondered: “who put them up to this?” Once the “revolution” for “democracy” spread to Egypt, it became even more obvious that these protests were too organized and the whole thing too PR-savvy to be a “spontaneous” or “grass-roots” uprising. Clearly this is being coordinated and well financed by someone: but who? Of course all the internet conspiracy theorists will blame either the Jews or the CIA as they always do. Israel: no way, what’s in it for them? They must be shitting a few bricks now that their buddy Mubarak is gone. Too much risk. Not enough reward. The CIA? I’d love to believe that it was “our guys” behind this, that we’re still capable of such imperial cunning, but you and I both know that our leadership is too corrupted to do such a thing. There’s no profit for our oligarchs in the Tunisian or Egyptian revolutions (Libya is, of course, a different story), so it wasn’t us: simple. But then: who and why?
41. Jesse the Scout | March 28th, 2011 at 12:51 am
Israel pulled of the demographic shift tactic in the most amazing way I’ve ever heard of. Millions of people around the world all voluntarily moving to some god-forsaken piece of desert hell with an actual down-in-writing plan to own the place through numbers someday… and it actually WORKED. It has to be one of the most brilliant operations in history when you really stop and think about it. Seems ironic when the Israelis start sweating the birth numbers themselves. Or maybe not?
To #17, the difference is Mexicans don’t want to “beat” the US, they want to join in on its prosperity. They’re here for the economics, not for the cause of some “ism”. Their god isn’t barking any orders to get them over the fence. A lot of them would paint themselves white if that meant making $5 an hour under the table instead of $2 in a factory at home where the water comes in smooth or chunky depending on the day of the week.
42. Jyp | March 28th, 2011 at 6:59 am
You were worrying people would think you’re heartless? Hahahahahaha. Obviously not us. We already know it. “People” must mean “real people” ie., not us. Because I’m guessing you know us about as well as we know you. Hey, read your own “Luzer” article tomorrow and see what “people” think of your stuff, and see what you think of them.
43. postman | March 28th, 2011 at 2:10 pm
Actually, I was talking to Soj and ALLEN, not to the ALIENS, well, that’s if they are not posting from the outer space…
But if you suggest I am talking bollocks, I can back up my claim with an A/4 size, one page analysis on Al-Qaeda/Mistaravim pseudo-terrorist gang and mediahoax, researched and written by my humble self. If you are interested, I can send it to you in private.
44. postman | March 28th, 2011 at 2:17 pm
If you consider that the Egypt revolution was organised on Social Media, and a big part of it was done by Wael Gonim Google-executive with american connections, that points to CIA.
If you consider that Sayeret Matkal commando was captured in Egypt playing Arab street protesters, that points to Israel.
If you consider that Tunisia was the first “wikileaks-revolution” and wikileaks is a CIA-Mossad joint controlled disinfo project, that points to both.
If you consider the capture of SAS commando in Libya, who were “evacuating diplomats who were trying to establish contact with the rebels”, that points to Brit involvement, too.
So, the de-stabilization of the Middle-East á la “crescent of democracy” is an Anglo-Zionist operation. Same old, same old…
45. postman | March 28th, 2011 at 2:31 pm
On the no-fly-zone, it is simple military logic (assuming it is not a contradiction in terms).
The NFZ is not needed to stop Gaddhafi bombing un-armed protesters. In fact, I was laughing when he was accused of using aircraft for crowd control measures…
To maintain NFZ, you must bomb by default: anti-aircraft atrillery, radars and locators, airfields and airforce personnel barracks, so if you fly in to maintain, they could not be able to take a single shot at you.
Now, the rebels are zooming around in Technicals, vulnerable to airstrikes and tank attacks. That is why NFZ was needed in the first place in reality. So, NFZ means no fly, so Kadafi air strikes stopped, but the tanks are still remaining a menace. That is why the first shots fired by the French were on tanks and not aircraft, and not because the Frogs were afraid the tanks may grow wings.
The SAS and Mistaravim are on the ground backing the rebels, pointing out targets to aircraft, so NATO, in fact, is helping its own troops…
46. Chas | March 28th, 2011 at 10:23 pm
I heard something about this isr*li bagged in egypt but cannot find anything about it searching the web anymore. Can you post a link ? Also the stuff about isr*lies in Benghazi ?
47. BahamaPapa | March 29th, 2011 at 7:38 am
@45) Fine, I can see taking out airfields and A-A, but taking out tanks (unless they are of the winged variety, lol) on behalf of the rebels goes well beyond the brief of a “no-fly zone”. Fine with me, but then why keep calling it something it’s not?
@45+46: If there were Israelis in Egypt, they must have been mercs. There’s no good reason why the Israeli state would want to have anything to do with taking out Mubarak. He suited them just fine. Whatever ends up replacing him is not very likely to suit them any better.
48. postman | March 29th, 2011 at 12:41 pm
1. Mistaravim captured playing Egyptian revolutionnaries:
2. Mistaravim are trained to “Play an Arab”. Not playing Arab street vendors, but playing Arab terrorists. They operate as pseudo-terror gangs to infiltrate real Arab gangs, with enormous success. I say, if they can convince Arab terrorists they are one of them, they can convince everyone. I say Al-Qaeda is pseudo-terror gang, I say Al-Qaeda is Mistaravim.
Mistaravim are trained in guerrilla warfare, too. They are active in the area, they were active in Egypt revolution, so what makes to stop them at Egypt and not going on to Libya? There are reports of increasing Al-Qaeda activity in Libya among the revolutionnaires. In Egypt, Mistaravim were playing revolutionnaires. I say Al-Qaeda is Mistaravim. So I say, reports of Al-Qaeda activity in Benghazi means israeli activity in Benghazi. I can not give links, as this is something I figured out.
49. postman | March 29th, 2011 at 12:49 pm
1. First, they wanted the TV-viewers’popular support of the idea of NFZ, and it sold better to the conscience of the TV-viewer if they thought they will shoot down planes only, not bombing squaddies in tanks and APC. The rest is hypocrisy.
2. As far as I see, Mubarak is dying of cancer, the whole show was to make the transition of power smooth, with the people believing their glorious revolution was something real, and the end result is something they were on the streets for…And the first thing the new government said is, all the treaties with Israel stand. And the israelis captured were Sayeret Matkal Mistaravim.
50. postman | March 29th, 2011 at 2:19 pm
Also an interesting fact to consider regarding Egypt and Mistaravim activity there, is that a few weeks before the revolution started in Egypt, there was a bombing of a Kopt temple in Alexandria. The perpetrators were Al-Qaeda…
51. Chas | March 29th, 2011 at 7:38 pm
Thx for the link, tho that one is just a crowd (mob?) response to whisperers. May not, dunno.
RE: Mistas. Maybe they bad, maybe just bad around children. Google their training discription: 4 months studying arabic !? !? Having had studied some arabic myself, I will buy an expensive beer for anyone who can order one intelligibly after just four months of arabic! LMFAO! infiltrating hezbollah on four months of arabic ! That must for sure be why they’ve (isr*lis) been so PWWNED to everyone’s amusement (except the gazans, bless those poor souls). All In all, Mista sounds like cheap spetsnaz|sas knock-off. I feel, in-my-gut most of the prime-time acts of terrorism are command performances by agents-provocateurs, but from some level deeper than the nation-states we all know. Something like
perhaps, maybe deeper still.
Also please note: No such thing as a Kopt “temple” !!! Kopts or Copts, are Christian, part of Eastern Orthodoxy and they worship Christ in churches not “temples”. Not to quibble but these guys and other Christians in every country of the Middle East (including isr*l) have been bashed around pretty hard lately we ought to at least honor their pain by at least acknowledging their faith.
52. postman | March 30th, 2011 at 10:27 pm
1. Surely you would not be so cruel my man to send out drafted, 18 years old rookie Mistaravims after a 4 month language course on a high-risk critical mission as playing Al-Qaeda? I would send only seasoned carreer Mistaravim officers, between age 30 and 40, in their prime, with fluent Arabic knowledge, mostly Sephardim who grown up in Arabic contries, and having vast experience in pseudo-terror operations.
2. What the fuck is the difference between a temple and a church? I am of Catholic stock, my heart goes out to the Kopt Christians, of course I respect them and their faith. But my mother tongue is not English, for me temple and church sounds like synonimes: well, if they are not, I could hardly play Mistaenglish pseudoterrorist on Anglo soil…
53. Erik | May 17th, 2011 at 9:29 am
The Colonel’s reading your blog:
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