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What You Should Know / May 10, 2010

kent state guard firing --

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  • 1. BlottoBonVismarck  |  May 10th, 2010 at 2:31 pm


    Here’s yet another story where the web sites have all mysteriously disappeared or been defaced. Leaving only google cache. What a surprise. Not. …

    US Government Conspiracy at Kent State – May 4, 1970 (*)

    Submitted by Alan Canfora on Thu, 2006-03-16 06:06.

    Alan Canfora: Nearly 10 years ago, in response to many earlier 1990’s online questions from younger American students, at I wrote my lengthy “conspiracy theory” below (see also the fine 2005 news article by journalist Greg Schwartz below). These facts still point to proof of a verbal order to kill unarmed students and a conspiracy among guard officers and perhaps President Nixon and Ohio Governor Rhodes.

    In my opinion, there was a US government conspiracy to commit a massacre at Kent State so American students would be terrorized into silence and stop the anti-war movement. The key link indicating the Kent State tragedy was a planned massacre can only be proven by undeniable evidence of a verbal command by Ohio National Guard officers to fire deadly M1 rifles into our crowd of unarmed student anti-war protesters. Soon, we will reveal this proof of conspiracy during the spring of 2007. Stay tuned!

    Why Kent State?

    President Nixon had a longstanding grudge against Kent anti-war protesters who had interrupted his campaign speech at the University of Akron (Ohio) in October of 1968 and his inauguration parade on January 20, 1969, in Washington, DC. President Nixon spoke by telephone twice with Ohio Governor James Rhodes during the days just BEFORE the Kent State massacre.

    Did Nixon give the OK for his pal Governor Rhodes in Ohio to plan the Kent State massacre? Why would Governor Rhodes encourage his Ohio National Guard to kill students?

    Rhodes wanted to crack down on militant Kent students in order to win votes for his May 5, 1970, election which was one day AFTER the May 4 Kent massacre. Rhodes was behind in the polls by 8% only one week before the May 5 Ohio Republican Party primary election. After Rhodes’ inflammatory speech in Kent on May 3 and the massacre May 4, Rhodes confused conservative voters but still lost his May 5 election but only by less than 1% of the votes in his US Senate primary election.

    The Nixon-Rhodes-National Guard conspiracy failed–Rhodes still lost his election and 5,000,000 American students protested during the national student strike in May 1970 when over 500 campuses closed down.

    As for the Ohio National Guard role in the conspiracy, there is a clear, strong connection between Rhodes and his generals at Kent State–Sylvester Del Corso and Robert Canterbury. How these generals and other officers conspired with the hardcore killer triggermen in Troop G remains to be uncovered.

    However, it’s clear that there was a verbal order to fire and a dozen TROOP G killers stopped, turned, began to shoot and continued to fire 67 times into our crowd of unarmed students. The well-coordinated actions of these triggermen seemed quite planned and executed like a firing squad upon orders to shoot.

    A conspiracy? We seem to be viewing the evidence of conspiracy like we’re putting together the pieces of a large puzzle. Someday, when the triggermen and ONG officers speak the truth, we will see the full picture. I’m convinced we will see a full-blown conspiracy picture.


    From Google cache version – “Was a Government Conspiracy Responsible for the Kent State …” – by Alan Canfora –

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