Vanity Fair profiles The eXile: "Gutsy...visceral...serious journalism...abusive, defamatory...poignant...paranoid...and right!"
MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America

washington times snake

Black rat snake in Washington Times newsroom.

This article is reprinted from Consortium News

As an investigative journalist, I’m not much for catchy political metaphors, but the revelation that snakes and rodents are infesting the Washington Times building as the Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s newspaper sinks into a financial swamp does have some poetic justice about it.

After all, for 28 years, the right-wing Washington Times has sent disinformation slithering through the U.S. political system while creating a nest for propagandists who have befouled American democracy with irrationality and dirty tricks.

Indeed, one could say that Moon’s newspaper pioneered the modern style of deceptive “journalism” that is the daily fare on Fox News, angry talk radio and right-wing blogs. (more…)

May 2nd, 2010 | Comments (30)

Syrians and Jews Have More In Common Than They'd Like To Believe, Like Arming Colombian Rebels

Yesterday, the New York Times reported on the arrest of one Jamal Yousef of the Syrian military, who tried to trade a buttload of machine guns and high grade explosives in exchange for 2,000 lbs. of high grade cocaína.

August 20th, 2009 | Comments (5)

Tony Montana Jihadis: Mumbai Attackers Snorted Coke ... Looks Like the War On Drugs Has A New Purpose!

December 2nd, 2008 | Comments (2)

Report: the CIA Finally Gets One Right

The agency got dressed down this year for misleading congress about shooting up a plane full of missionaries, which they mistook for a narco-plane. While we regret the loss of life to the other 10 narco-planes, it is an unfortunate…

November 20th, 2008 | Comments (1)