Vanity Fair profiles The eXile: "Gutsy...visceral...serious journalism...abusive, defamatory...poignant...paranoid...and right!"
MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
exile issue 111

Lost amid the furor over the takeover of the Media Most empire is the following crucial truth: that of the key figures on either side of the controversy, none of them would be genuinely sexually appealing to any comely 16-year-old virgin girl.

The eXile wants to be the first publication to just come right out and say it: the world is dominated by the desires of sixteen year-old girls. Most political and economic activity on this planet is driven by the desire for sex with 16-year-old virgin girls. And not just sex, but sex with a willing, stimulated partner. Sex with a girl who blushes and sighs just to be near you and falls into a deep sleep with her head resting on your chest and a dreamy expression on her face; sex with a girl who likes pony rides and licorice and scribbles your name on the cover of her science notebook. That, and that alone, is what everyone wants, and this has been largely overlooked in the seemingly endless discussion of the NTV affair. (more…)

March 7th, 2001 | Comments (4)

Three men convicted of producing the class B controlled drug opium were each jailed… In each man’s case Judge McDonald took two years’ jail as the starting point for sentence. Otago Daily Times (April 17, 2001) It takes radio signals…

March 7th, 2001 | Leave Comment