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On Shutter Island, there’s a lighthouse where patients are supposedly taken to be lobotomized. The movie has about thirty-five shots of this lighthouse against a gloomy sky, so many that you begin to wonder if director Martin Scorsese has had a personal experience with lobotomy himself in recent years. Why else would he shoot such a boring stupid movie so boringly and stupidly? Jeez, what the hell happened to Martin Scorsese? What kind of doofus drive took possession of him sometime after Goodfellas, compelling him to make more and more of these overblown oldey timey studio pictures that squelch his awesome talent? You know the ones I mean—Age of Innocence, Kundun, The Aviator, all the big bloated respectable Oscar-bait films that will never matter to anyone in twenty years because Mean Streets, Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, and Goodfellas will still go on Scorsese’s tombstone, and rightly so.

February 21st, 2010 | Comments (40)