This article was first published at
I was working on an article about last month’s rampage massacre in Afghanistan that left 17 villagers dead, when news hit of this past Monday’s massacre at an Oakland, California, religious college, leaving seven dead. In both cases, the shooters survived and face a possible death penalty — which is rare: Usually these rampage killings end with self-inflicted bullet in the mouth.
These “going postal” rampage killings like the one that just took place at the Oikos University campus so often and with such relentless rhythm, a lot of people might easily assume that these mass-shootings at American schools and workplaces have always been with us.
It’s not true, of course — as I wrote in my book Going Postal: Rage, Murder and Rebellion — it’s an exclusively American phenomenon specific to our time. The first post office rampage killing took place in Edmond, Oklahoma, in the mid-1980s, at the height of the Reagan Revolution’s war on the American worker.
Those post office massacres quickly migrated into private workplace massacres by the end of the 1980s, where they’ve become a regular rhythmic staple of our murder culture ever since – and from the adult workplace, the massacres migrated to our schools.
We’ve had mass-killings before; and every now and then, you’ll read about a rampage killing in some other country. But only in America, and only since the mid-1980s, do American employees attack their own workplaces and offices, and middle-class students attack their own schools, with such consistency, year after year.
It was only after the crash in 2008 that some Americans began to accept the obvious: That the cruelty, predation and concentration of wealth and power introduced by the Reagan Revolution sparked a new type of murder that has more in common with insurgency violence or rebellious peasant violence than, say, the psychopathology of a serial murder.
Like so many school rampage killers, last Monday’s alleged murderer, One L. Goh, was reportedly bullied and mistreated at his nursing school program at the small Korean Christian nursing program he enrolled in. Bullying also was blamed for the high school rampage killing a few weeks ago in suburban Cleveland that left three students dead and five wounded.
The gruesome details about the way Goh is said to have lined up and executed his victims, the way he apparently singled out women, make it hard not to caricature him as a monster, a demonic psychopath — and yet, without excusing Goh’s killings, one should try to make sense of what happened to him, the downward-trending bleakness, the slow water-torture of low-five-figure debts, the broken marriage, the $23,000 tax bill owed to the IRS.
Losing Hope
In the Naughts, One L. Goh helped run a construction company. But construction collapsed as an industry in 2006-7; and unless you were Countrywide Financial CEO Angelo Mozilo, you’d have nothing to show for the few good years.
In late 2007, Goh moved into the Yorkview Apartments complex in Hayes, Virginia — a bleak, prefab looking structure in a rural corner of Virginia. By the following summer, One L. Goh found himself unable to cover his $575 rent payment two months in a row. He was evicted; and on the same day that they they evicted him, creditors took his car.
The future rampage-murderer took it all stoically, even politely, according to one of Goh’s apartment complex neighbors, Thomas Lumpkin: “You would never expect it out of him. He just don’t seem like that type of person.”
Here is how his neighbor described the scene of One L. Goh’s last day at the Yorkshire Apartments:
Lumpkin said he recalled the day when Goh was evicted and his Nissan pickup was repossessed. Goh left by cab that day.
“He was always neat, wore nice clothes,” Lumpkin recalled. “You would never expect it out of him. He just don’t seem like that type of person.”
So he lost his car the same day he was evicted from his apartment in bumfuck, Virginia—and he took it all stoically as he cabbed away to god knows where.
I tried to imagine what that cab ride felt like for One L. Goh, a pudgy 40-something Korean-American dweeb, stewing with resentment, in his nice neat clothes. How far did he go in that cab — and where to?
The Yorkshire Apartments parking lot
Eventually he wound up with his father on the West Coast. One L. Goh’s father lives in an Oakland housing project for senior citizens run by a Christian non-profit. Goh found work in a San Mateo warehouse; he moonlighted as a mover. Anything to get back on his feet.
It’s not a good place to be if you’re a middle-aged failure: San Francisco has so much obscene wealth, and smug beauty — to be a fat 40-something nerd working with your father in a grocery store in Daly City, in the shadow of San Francisco, is some kind of Hell, a Hell for failures.
Goh, who was born Su Nam Ko, had lived in the shadow of his more successful, celebrated war hero brother, Su Wan Ko. In 2002, he changed his name from birth name, Su Nam Ko, to One L. Goh, stating that he did “not like my current name because it sounds like a girl’s name.”
And then last year, Goh’s brother, an Iraq War veteran and Special Forces hero, died in a freak car accident when his Toyota slammed head-on at 70 mph into a “multi-ton” boulder lying on a Virginia road. The photos of the accident scene look almost unreal, almost staged.
The freak accident that killed One L. Goh’s war hero brother
The news of the brother’s death destroyed One L. Goh’s mother: She died within months of her son’s funeral.
This is the backdrop to Goh’s fateful decision to pull himself out of a years-long rut, and to start a new career for himself as a nurse. It may have been the shock of the back-to-back deaths in the family — or maybe it was his father who encouraged him, or the experience of living with his father in a building for the elderly.
Whatever the case, his widower father supported his son with a $6,000 loan to pay for the vocational nursing school tuition. But after a few months, One L. Goh was out of the program, bitter and vengeful, dead set on murder; and his father was out $6,000, thanks to his son’s bad bet.
Ignition to a Massacre
What set Goh off? Why did he leave the nursing school so early? Most reports say he was teased by his classmates for his age, 43, and his accent. Which is odd, considering most of the students are foreigners and Koreans.
(Another Korean-American rampage-killer was teased over his voice: Virginia Tech killer Cho Seung-Hui. As another Virginia Tech student told reporters back in 2007, “As soon as [Cho] started reading, the whole class started laughing and pointing and saying, ‘Go back to China.’”)
Goh enrolled in what must have been one of the very worst nursing programs in the entire state of California: the vocational nursing program at Oikos University, a fundamentalist Korean-American Christian school in Oakland.
The school’s nursing program is accredited, which is important of course if you want your for-profit school program to make money. To comply with the accreditation, Oikos U. had provide a “2010 Performance Sheet”summing up its students’ performances both on the national nursing exam and, once licensed, in the job market.
The “performance” is abysmal, to the point where you almost wonder if it’s even statistically possible to fail as spectacularly as Oikos University’s nursing students. Of the programs 28 graduates from the Spring 2010 – 2011 term, only 11 of those 28 managed to pass the national nursing exam. That’s a 39 percent pass rate, almost unheard of.
Oikos University ad promises: “Dreams Do Come True”
According to a spokesman for the California Department of Consumer Affairs, it makes Oikos among the state’s very worst programs — the average success rate for graduates of other programs is 75 percent. (An Oakland Tribune article puts Oikos U’s exam pass rate at 41 percent of students who took the test, but the actual Performance Sheet gives a lower 29 percent pass figure — either way, both are awful).
Oikos University failed to prepare its students for the test, and it failed those who passed when they turned to the job market. According to the same Performance Sheet, of the school’s 11 students who passed the exam, eight found paying jobs as nurses, with salaries ranging as low as $5,000 per year to the one lucky top salary earner who earned up to $35,000. That’s in the Bay Area, the most expensive region in America.
In sum: One L. Goh could not have chosen a worse nursing program to pin his personal hopes on. This nursing program was all but guaranteed to fail him.
Fundamentalist Mission
One thing Oikos University does fairly convincingly is fundamentalist evangelical Christianity for Korean-Americans. Students at Oikos U. are required to attend regular church services; the pious language of evangelical Christianity frames everything.
The school’s president, Rev. Jongkin Kim, says his goal is “to foster spiritual Christian leaders who abide by God’s intentions and to expand God’s nation through them.” Under the university’s “Our Vision” it reads:
“The vision of Oikos University is to educate emerging Christian leaders to transform and bless the world at every level – from the church and local community levels to the realm of world entire.”
And then there’s the reality, revealed in a lawsuit filed last month by a former staffer of Oikos University named Jong Cha, who says the school cheated her out of $75,000 in salary and expenses, and stiffed her on a $10,000 loan that she personally gave to the Christian college in 2008.
Viewed from this angle, One L. Goh might have come to the conclusion at some point that he’d taken scarce funds from his poor old widower father, and handed it over to religious hucksters running the Golden State’s worst nursing program.
One thing to keep in mind here: It’s easy to see why Oikos University introduced a nursing vocational program. If you get it accredited, these nursing programs are guaranteed cash-cows. Most of the big for-profit education predators like Kaplan Inc. (which subsidizes the Washington Post) are in on the vocational nursing for-profit gig.
You can charge students insane tuitions, hire hacks as teachers, pocket the difference, and dump the unpaid loans on the government in exchange for 100 cents on the dollar.
The Reverend who founded Oikos University certainly understood this — his good friend told the New York Times that Rev. Kim “had established the nursing school to support the school’s department of religion.” The cash must have rolled in quickly, because within a year after launching its nursing program, Oikos doubled its size — meaning doubling revenues.
And yet even with all those new revenues coming in, the school couldn’t figure out a way to raise its graduates’ test results out of the failure category. The school appears to have stiffed one of its top staffers out of her pay and her loan, suggesting, in the words of the Oakland Tribune, “that the school may have fallen on hard times.”
The bleak Oikos University “campus”: Like a converted warehouse
I wonder if this is what set off One L. Goh a few months after he enrolled — the realization that he’d been fleeced, that he enrolled in the wrong program on his father’s money. The year 2011 had already taken his brother and his mother.
A Dashed Last Hope
There is something in between the lines that suggests his plan to become a nurse, worked out with his father’s assistance a kind of desperate last attempt to turn everything around in the proverbial One Bold Swoop.
He would do something practical, and morally good, helping the elderly, people like his father — and earn a steady income that would allow him, at last, some dignity and some chance to start paying off his debts.
It was as though Goh pinned everything on this plan to reinvent himself as a nurse — and according to all our cultural propaganda, all the Hollywood movies and newspaper bromides, Goh would be rewarded for undertaking this self-transformation. It was guaranteed to change everything. As the Oikos U. ad promised, “Dreams Do Come True.”
And for a brief while last year, Goh’s mood was transformed, he really did think he had a great future ahead of him. One of Goh’s former employers at a food warehouse described Goh as “upbeat” when he ran into him last year in Oakland — a change from the usually quiet, sullen Goh he’d known.
This new “upbeat” One L. Goh boasted to his former employer “about how he had returned to school to become a nurse and help elderly people.”
The idea that you can reinvent yourself, that your fate is in your own hands, that you have the power inside of you to make yourself a winner (and if you fail, it’s all your own fault) — this may be America’s most toxic cultural snake-oil. And yet it never fails to find takers.
Of course, nothing changed — except that Goh had been conned out of his dad’s money. As his former employer put it:
“Not many people go back to school at that age. He was trying something new and it wasn’t working.”
It didn’t take long for him to figure it out. Just a few months after enrolling, One L. Goh dropped out of the Oikos University program. When he dropped out of the program, he asked them to refund his father’s $6,000 that he paid for tuition. He was denied. He fought with the administrators, but they didn’t budge. This was what made him snap.
The administrator, whom Goh fought with for his tuition refund and whom he came to kill that day, has now come forward. Her name is Ellen Cervellon. She was gone on the day of the massacre because she also teaches nursing to students at California State University at East Bay.
Ellen Cervellan: The face of “Real America”
Now she will have to wonder, why didn’t she just approve the refund to a desperate man? What if she had approved it? Her argument was that he’d already spent several months in the program. According to a friend of Ellen Cervellon’s, Linda Music, she even denied Goh his last reasonable request, to prorate the refund.
As Matthai Kuruvila reported at, Goh had asked Ellen Cervellon for a full refund of his tuition and when he was denied suggested prorating the tuition refund. Cervellon said no, Music said.
That meant he threw his father’s money away: He had nothing to show for the $6,000 given to the university; he would never be able to pay his father back; and he would never be able to borrow a sum like that from him again. That was it, the final act. The jig was up for him.
Lack of Empathy
Why? Why couldn’t Cervellon meet this desperate failure half-way? What was in it for Cervellon? What’s with the Ayn Randian lack of empathy in this country among the non-oligarchy caste?
Cervellon seems to be asking herself this same question: “In talking to several of the students and faculty who were there, I think he was looking for me. I have that weight on my shoulders and I don’t know what to do with it,”
School officials have been painting a portrait of One L. Goh as a psycho and a freak, using phrases like “behavioral problems” and calling him “angry” and “paranoid.” There must be truth to that; nice, normal people in a healthy state of mind don’t rampage-massacre others.
But the intended target, Ellen Cervellon, disputes that: “He was never forced out, he showed no behavioral problems, and he was never asked to leave the program. He decided on his own to leave the program.”
The depressingly familiar dead-end life that One L. Goh found himself in — surrounded by petty scams as revealed in the ex-staffer’s lawsuit and the bleak performance of the school’s graduates, combined with the back-to-back deaths of two family members — could make a lot of sane people desperate and enraged and suicidal. Not to mention the larger context of an inequality-ravaged America where opportunity and dignity are scarcer and scarcer.
On top of all this, as he complained often, students at the nursing program wouldn’t talk to him. That could be traumatizing even under better circumstances, but under his conditions, being mocked and ignored by fellow fundamentalist Christians for being an aging loser, would be devastating.
One of Goh’s teachers continued criticizing Goh even after the massacre: “I always advised him, ‘You go to school to learn, not to make friends.’”
More great advice from the Oikos University folks.
After quitting the nursing program, One L. Goh spent the last few months working with his father at the Daly City supermarket. He was back at square one: A failure, swindled, condemned to work in a shitty job beside his struggling father whom he’d let down.
You might say that One L. Goh snapped because for once, he saw things as they really were, stripped of hope, stripped of fantasies about self-improvement or self-transformation.
He failed at everything; he was one of those faceless, anonymous losers. But there was one thing he could still excel at, something that could get him attention, something that this country perversely celebrates: mass murder in a blaze of anti-glory. So long as you’re ready to make that transformation-of-character into a death row inmate, that option is always available here.
Last Monday, according to police accounts, One L. Goh armed himself with a .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol and showed up at the Oikos school for his final act. But the plan failed from the start: The administrator he was after was gone. So the target became the entire setting, Oikos University, as it so often happens in these “going postal” rampage killings.
There’s a section on the Oikos University website about the 11 beliefs that the University holds to — they call it their “Doctrinal Statement” and it’s the last belief, Number 11, that sums up the malevolence of it all:
“We believe in the existence of a personal, malevolent being called Satan who acts as tempter and accuser, for whom the place of eternal punishment was prepared, where all who die outside of Christ shall be confined in conscious torment for eternity.”
Would you like to know more? Read “Revenge of the Nerd: What the Media Won’t Tell You About The Rampage Killer Who Attacked A Pittsburgh Aerobics Class” and “Alabama Murder Mystery Solved: The Shocking Story Of How A Chicken-Slaughtering Billionaire Plundered Rural America” by Mark Ames. Also read Ames’ previous Consortium News piece, “The One Percent’s Doctrine For The Rest Of Us: We Are Not Human Beings, But Livestock Whose Meat They Extract As ‘Rent'”.
Mark Ames is the author of Going Postal: Rage, Murder and Rebellion from Reagan’s Workplaces to Clinton’s Columbine.
Click the cover & buy the book!
Read more: ayn rand, bleak, daly city, for-profit education, Going Postal, iraq, kaplan, korean, massacre, oikos university, one l. goh, randian, randroid, veteran, Washington Post, Mark Ames, Class War For Idiots, Going Postal


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Add your own1. Anarchy Pony | April 9th, 2012 at 11:04 am
God that’s fucking depressing…
2. Ozinator | April 9th, 2012 at 11:39 am
great article…”senseless killings” is all we get from the machine not wanting us to understand anything
When I read the story this is what stood out to me…
Dechen Yangdon, a 27-year-old student, was inside the second classroom with eight others. She locked the door and turned out the lights when she heard the first shots.
“I heard our receptionist screaming, ‘Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, he’s got a gun’,” she said. “After that, she just kept calling ‘Help, help, help!’ But we were locked inside. We couldn’t help her.”
I get being too scared to help but she locked the door. nice bit of hand washing there. Looks like the killer isn’t the only one showing no remorse
3. Steve Patriot | April 9th, 2012 at 11:53 am
If I donate 1500$, can I be your education correspondent? Just as a guest host?
The most sadistic evil of the plutocracy- the soulless assimilation of minds- receives no coverage from A-N-Y-B-O-D-Y. Anybody!
I’m currently continuing my High school education at the Saint Charles community college.
Guess what titillating insight my political science professor vomited out last week?
“We have to trust the media, because there is no way of knowing that what you otherwise here is correct. They’re all we have. AT LEAST they do some form of research”.
Frightening, isn’t it? Well I have stockpiled PLENTY of ammunition, metaphorically speaking, to spread into the minds of the willing.
Nearly everything I have, just so I can unleash the all consuming, seething hatred I have for my surroundings? Just one post?
One. L Goh wasn’t insane, and neither were Harris and Klebold. No, these…these factories that deprive them of any dignity are insane.
Vivacious vocabulary, a ravenous hunger for truth, a fulminating scowl, and an uncompromising loyalty to you, AEC.
Because without writers like you, I’d have gone postal years ago.
The most egregiously sadistic crime of the oligarchical plutocracy you bravely jostle with, that is, the reduction of youthful vigor into a commodity…time someone spread shed some light into that beast.
4. Flatulissimo | April 9th, 2012 at 12:03 pm
While I always enjoy a profane and speed-fueled Ames rant in the classic eXiled style, it is nice to see him return to the serious, somber, and (god forbid) “professional journalist-y” tone utilized in Going Postal for a change.
Geez, how many times does this have to happen? Always call ahead, and make sure your main target is working on your big day!
5. EnableWeMuch | April 9th, 2012 at 12:05 pm
Wow. You really gave this loser every excuse in the world to be a fucking lowlife coward and kill innocent people. I really got a chuckle how you linked this all back to Reagan (PBUH).
I have another story for you:
Frank losses his parents at a very young age, it wasn’t quick or pretty. He is put into foster care, and all the money allocated to feed and cloth him is expropriated for who knows what. He survives on Chunky soup. Frank is forced into a new school in a more affluent area, where he knows no one. Frank is constantly teased , harassed and threatened, because he is destitute, and dresses like shit. It also doesn’t help that he is a loner, considering he just lost his parents.
After a few years, Frank is transferred to a new family, a group of drunken ex cons and bikers. Frank learns more about hate, racism and lowlifery, then he ever needed to know. . The best part is, he is bussed to a school in a high crime area in order to comply with desegregation laws. Frank is the constant subject of threats and intimidation by his unenlightened, dark skinned brothers.
Now, since Frank is not like the other jelly spined white cowards who attend this school, he patiently explains to these wayward souls to fuck off . Now frank must carry a shiv to school everyday or face a beating at the hands of gangs of people who never embraced the tenets of multiculturalism.
Frank turns 18 and eventually makes a decent living. Frank is frugal, and reinvests his earning back into his business. When the market crashes, Frank’s lively hood is decimated due to he fact his business was reliant on the housing industry in order to survive. Frank loses everything. Most of his friends do as well. Retirement accounts, houses, the works. Suicides, arrests , drug addiction and divorces are common.
Frank keeps his head about him, often reading Kipling’s, If, for solace. Now Frank is doing grueling manual labor, in one of the most inhospitable climates in the country. Frank is also a lifelong Leadophile who owns many, many guns. Through out all of these challenges over the years, Frank has never even considered shooting anyone, much less helpless women.
Of course, frank is not a sick coward, who should just do the rest of us a favor–grow some guts-and blow their own brains out first, before they, “go postal”.
6. Flatulissimo | April 9th, 2012 at 12:44 pm
@5 – Yup, just a lone, cowardly nut. Every time this happens, it’s just the work of a lone, deranged gunman, and bears no similarity to any other workplace/school shooting. No matter how many times it happens, it is just the work of different, crazy, isolated individuals.
In fact, even attempting to examine the circumstances of the shooters in these situations, and trying to figure out why they might have snapped, is EXCUSING them! As Ames said, “Derp derp! Reagan’s fault! Derp!”
Oh, wait, actually, he wrote: “Without excusing Goh’s killings, one should try to make sense of what happened to him”
Seems like a reasonable idea, provided you aren’t a fucking idiot with a bad case of white male persecution complex.
7. matt | April 9th, 2012 at 12:50 pm
EnableWeMuch perhaps your name should be Strawmanmuch.
Just FYI most of the time, these types of folks DO off themselves. That’s what desperate people DO.
8. Jedi Mind Trick | April 9th, 2012 at 1:13 pm
Well #5, most things are Reagan’s fault. Unemployment, a failing social system, the War on Drugs, spoiled yogurt, and class warfare being such a hassle.
But not all hope is lost brave #5, for Reagan is burning in Hell right next to Ayn Rand and maybe, just maybe, you can meet them someday. Until then just keep sucking the nuts of whatever psycho the establishment decides is the ideal Conservative.
9. Eddie | April 9th, 2012 at 1:29 pm
Frank is an asshole. He deserves what he gets. He will quietly die away in the night and noone will miss him.
10. HueyLewis | April 9th, 2012 at 1:55 pm
“Frank” sounds like a sucker.
Do all those guns make you feel big and brave and strong Frankie?
Keep pulling on those bootstraps brother!
11. ajax151 | April 9th, 2012 at 2:16 pm
Wow I am inspired by “Frank” Randian exploits, I am also going to buy a gun and not kill anyone (I totally was going to).
12. John Drinkwater | April 9th, 2012 at 2:22 pm
It’s too bad these rampage killers don’t target powerful people. Shouldn’t they be assassinating politicians and oil men? Would be much more productive.
13. YOGURT BUKAKKE~! | April 9th, 2012 at 2:30 pm
let me work at your samo office as human toilet
14. Ellen Cervellan | April 9th, 2012 at 2:38 pm
Dear Mark,
I have to admit that I was slightly offended by your portrayal of me in this article, but after doing a Google Image search, I’d like to ask you to join me for dinner at Harry’s Hofbrau the next time you’re in the Bay Area. I have a few business proposals I’d like to send your way. 😉
15. Flatulissimo | April 9th, 2012 at 2:48 pm
#8 – Basic reading comprehension and sarcasm detection failure.
16. Adam | April 9th, 2012 at 2:49 pm
@2 I believe that same person, the one who locked the door, also told the media how thankful she was because, in her words, “God protected me.” So, why didn’t God just go ahead and save everybody?
Who’s the fucking psycho here?
17. Flatulissimo | April 9th, 2012 at 3:03 pm
Oh, wait, #8, my comment was #6, not 5, so you weren’t addressing me, but the same comment I was making fun of. I’m the dumbass who can’t read. Hey, at least I can admit it.
Or, AEC, please strike this comment, and my previous stupidity, from the record.
What a maroon.
18. Anarchy Pony | April 9th, 2012 at 3:23 pm
@12, that’s what I always think. Why don’t they ever funnel all that hate and point it at someone really awful, instead of their co-workers?
19. Doug | April 9th, 2012 at 3:33 pm
Umm, how is the proliferation of low quality universities the fault of conservatives? It’s always liberal democrats, like Obama, that blather on about how “every American needs a post-secondary education.” Whereas it’s the evil right-wingers who recognize human cognitive biodiversity.
Those racist vile scum are the ones who have been telling us for years that there’s a minimum IQ floor for a real university education. (God, even the mention of Jensen’s disgusting ethno-centric metric makes me ill). Then those elitists have the audacity to assert that well less than 50% of the population is mentally capable of meeting the minimum requirements for a degree not from a Mickey Mouse school.
Meanwhile liberal editorialists at the NYT and Washington Post have been telling us for more than a decade that we need to educate the working class. That it’s the only way to close the various bad gaps (wealth gap, racial gap, class gap, whatever).
Following this politically correct tenet politicians were more than happy to pledge government guarantees (funded by the taxes that are overwhelmingly collected from rich people like me) on student loans. Government subsidized student loans anywhere and everywhere. Every American must go to college, if we need to open a thousand diploma mills like Oikos college, well that’s simply the price we must pay on the altar of political correctness.
Shitty colleges everywhere, that’s the fault of liberals and political correctness. If it was up to me the government wouldn’t subsidize anyone’s education, and wouldn’t make any loan guarantees.
20. Zhu Bajie | April 9th, 2012 at 3:57 pm
@12. Drinkwater, I too have wondered why more CEOs are not assassinated. It’s hard to imagine they are able to treat guards better than they do other people.
21. Zhu Bajie | April 9th, 2012 at 3:58 pm
Protestants in Korea are especially big on the idea that God’s favor = wealth.
22. jonnym | April 9th, 2012 at 4:48 pm
#3 needs to do his homework. Subsequent investigation of Harris and Klebold after the Columbine hysteria died showed they were actually bullies themselves and budding sociopaths. No one should paint them as lashing out at bullies, they were the logical end result of bullies — or at least the bullies who weren’t able to secure a spot among the cool crowd.
#19 needs to do some research as well. It’s hardly “liberal Democrats” (are there any of those left?) who allow the growth of these shady, low-rent for-profit colleges. They came into existence in the early 90s under a Republican controlled Congress, then exploded after 2000 when Satan himself (George W. Bush) expanded educational loans and grants to cover nominally “Christian” colleges. Your tax dollars are lining the pockets of some asshole preacher who uses it to buy off the families of the children he molests, and people like #19 blame a nonexistant (as far as I can tell) group for it.
I pay way too much attention to comments on this damn crazy site.
23. EnableWeMuch | April 9th, 2012 at 5:11 pm
@6. Root causes, huh. How about being a narcissist who feels like if they have to suffer, so does everyone else? I can understand why you would want to run defense for the indefensible. I mean who would want to openly admit(even anonymously) that they empathize with soulless cowards, who are not even men enough to attack people with the means to defend themselves.
As far as the rest of you sickening group of mental defectives , I truly have no words of inspiration or insight. You people are truly beyond the scope of any assistance that mortal man can provide.
24. Ellen Cervellan | April 9th, 2012 at 5:56 pm
25. vortexgods | April 9th, 2012 at 6:06 pm
Well, Frankie, I’m sure that using that large gun collection you brag about to murder the people you hate has never crossed your mind. Certainly, you just enjoy admiring the craftsmanship on the gun. And when you lovingly cradle them in your hand, you don’t think of gunning down those High School kids who made your life a living Hell. I really believe that!
As a well-educated socialist, doing my easy job in my air-conditioned office every day for a comfortable 5 figures, I’ll be sure to drink a toast to you with the free bottled water they deliver for me. Thank you for toiling in the muck for whatever it is you are doing for me and people like me. Truly without your low-wage, mind-numbing labor, folks like me wouldn’t be able to enjoy our comfortable lives.
In fact, I’m going to make a donation…
… to the Exiled, in your honor! And in the honor of all the quietly seething, White Republican laborers out there working for peanuts in the hot sun! Keep on working hard and keep on working to prevent me and my fellow comfortable, well-educated socialists from improving your life even a little bit!
That’ll show us!
26. kallipugos | April 9th, 2012 at 6:23 pm
@23 Frank? Frank Booth? Is that you, Frank?
It’s me, Ben. Yeah, long time no see Frank darling.
If you’re not doing anything tonight, why don’t you stop by?
I have groomed that Jeffrey Beaumont kid and now he can do “In Dreams” waaay better than I ever could.
27. Sturgeon Slaw | April 9th, 2012 at 7:11 pm
I have a friend who spent a reasonable amount of time in a … ummm, therapeutic institution after he was arrested for an attempted workplace shooting. He was a factory floor worker in the primary manufacturing plant for a well-known brand of household appliances. (I’m being deliberately vague here out of respect for my friend’s remaining dignity.)
He’d been recently divorced. His new girlfriend had just left him. His parents were recently deceased. His finances were in shambles. He was drinking heavily. His dick of a supervisor had been breaking his balls on a daily basis, and he was one write-up away from losing his job. The union steward wasn’t going to risk his own employment by going up against management.
My friend describes his state of mind the morning of the incident as being totally calm. It was simply one of the things he had to do that day, like checking off an item on a “To Do” list: Pick up a loaf of bread, fill up the car, murder supervisor and any coworkers who interfered, get shot down by police if escape proves impossible, etc. No anger, no mania, no rage or resentments, no concern about consequences – just another Wednesday in the Midwest.
His major error, if you want to look at it that way, was taking a hunting rifle to work with him – he didn’t own a handgun. So when he clocked in for his shift while holding a 30.06, his coworkers definitely took notice. The cops arrived before he could get to his work station, and he turned over the rifle on request. Again, no hassles, no stress, and he was polite as they arrested him and hauled him away. It wasn’t like he wanted to inconvenience anybody or anything, he only knew that he had to kill the son of a bitch who was making his daily life miserable.
The point of this whole tl;dr is that if you met my friend you’d never imagine that he could do a thing like this. He comes across as a mellow and jolly old hippie, very laid back – think the Dude from The Big Lebowski. He’s not evil, and though he obviously had some issues, he’s not the sort of rabid psycho mass murdering loner or maladjusted social misfit that the media love to portray. He’s just a regular guy who’d been pushed farther than he could handle.
But then that narrative doesn’t make good headlines, does it?
28. Anarchy Pony | April 9th, 2012 at 7:26 pm
@23, then just fuck off you simpering halfwit.
Never stop to consider that maybe the guy was broken by circumstances that could have been negated, and the whole thing could have been avoided. No he was always someone just who wanted to murder a lot of people. But now the deed is done and he will simply be condemned and the circumstances that broke him will persist and break someone else, somewhere else.
29. Zhu Bajie | April 9th, 2012 at 7:32 pm
“soulless cowards, who are not even men enough to attack people with the means to defend themselves.”
Are you talking about drone jockeys?
30. Zhu Bajie | April 9th, 2012 at 7:34 pm
People in E. Asia, even the educated, have the most out-of-touch-with-reality ideas about life in the USA. The old immigrant idea that American streets are paved with gold still flourishes. Also, more than a few are fooled by the idea that Protestant Xty somehow guarantees wealth. One is born in the USA and is an American, but perhaps his father made a BIG mistake in immigrating.
31. John Drinkwater | April 9th, 2012 at 7:54 pm
It would probably be a reasonable thing to do – killing your boss – if you had a good plan to get away with it. Like they did in Horrible Bosses, even though that movie was, um, horrible. But I can’t understand what’s to be gained by killing your boss if you can’t enjoy the benefits the act. So your friend may be a regular guy, but he was obviously driven to do something insane by the lousy conditions of his life. I just wish these people were more ambitious.
32. Big Cat | April 9th, 2012 at 8:06 pm
@5 “Frank”
You miss the point. Suppose a country needlessly destroys the lives of 1000000 of its people. Suppose 1/10000 people have the potential (genetic or whathaveyou) to murder under such conditions. And so what happens? you get 100 rage killings. Now, does it makes sense to blame the individuals for being crazy and/or defective? No! They are the canaries in the coal mine: we need to worry more about the underlying causes making both “Frank” and Goh miserable.
Your other posts don’t sound like a 五毛党, but this non sequitur sure does.
33. EnableWeMuch | April 9th, 2012 at 8:54 pm
You’re a leftist? Whooda thunk it. FIVE FIGURES!?[gasp] ..and FREE bottled water? No. Way. Are you counting the .00 part at the end? Well, money doesn’t make the man, but since you brought it up ,I have not only made—and spent– more money than a wage monkey like yourself will ever see, but regularly fuck the quality of women that you are relegated to beating your dick to via paid chat sessions. Do you know how I know this without actually meeting you? Because you are a obviously a simpering pussy, and women hate, HATE pussies, and I can smell the Vagasil from here, sugar britches. Moving on…
The truly sad thing is I cannot help but feel a small twinge of pity considering that people like you will never truly taste the real fruit of living. Because… in order to accomplish that, you would have to go out on a limb, which takes balls and initiative. Two required qualities that you obviously don’t possess.
Heh. I still cannot believe you bragged about making five figures. That is tantamount to proclaiming with pride,” I have a SIX inch penis!”
The grueling work I mentioned earlier,it’s called an Arborist, you wantwit, Look it up . As far as I’m concerned, I would rather just kill my self now than be an apparatchik, sentenced to a slow, torturous death via office petri dish. Surrounded on all sides by babbling idiots, and breathing disgusting, recycled air. No wonder you people go nuts.
Since you are so puzzled by why I would own a firearm, and for some odd reason not want to murder someone every time my pizzas late, it’s because I am a human being, who has empathy and love for my fellow man. An alien concept-I’m sure, to the current crop of hateful losers infesting this thread.
You want to make my life a “little better” Blow the right person and get Brecher back.
Before demanding money for services rendered, just remember- comrade, “From each according to their ability( your fellatio skills), to each according to their need(not a need.. really, Brecher is just a fucking riot).”
34. Ozinator | April 9th, 2012 at 10:29 pm
Good One, Ames! You are trolling as “EnableWeMuch” . The bragging about the income bit was too much to believe. Good try getting us to be amazed at an impossible fuckwit. Good on ya, Mate!
35. EnableWeMuch | April 9th, 2012 at 10:31 pm
@26 Flattered, but I’ll have to pass. Men & Women is my motto. I will be by later this week to test the constraints,-and pain tolerance-of the rectum belonging to the whore that birthed you. I doubt after so many years of steady abuse I can do much damage, but as a Viking, I must take the challenge. Besides, she was so insistent in her lamination’s… between gasps, as she eagerly, nay, joyously.. repeatedly swallowed my ample member.
Sturgeon Slaw: Thanks for sharing. Like rapists, child molesters and other sick deviants, most of these shooters fantasize about it methodically long before they actually commit the act. That’s how they get the high body count. The worst one , in my opinion, was the shooting that occurred at the middle school. Those little kids planned that operation with precision. Sounds like your poor friend just snapped. I had more than a few crazy friends, but that is for another time.
36. Nick. Oppenheimer | April 9th, 2012 at 10:32 pm
Frank losses his parents at a very young age.He is put into foster care, and all the money allocated to feed and cloth him is expropriated.Frank is transferred to a new family, a group of drunken ex cons and bikers.Frank is the constant subject of threats and intimidation by his unenlightened, dark skinned brothers. Now frank must carry a shiv to school. Frank turns 18 and eventually makes a decent living. When the market crashes, Frank loses everything. Suicides, arrests , drug addiction and divorces are common.
Frank is also a lifelong Leadophile who owns many, many guns. Frank meets a lovely single mother. She, too, is down on her luck. They date, fall in love, become engaged. On Good Friday, Frank gives her a modest engagement ring. On Easter Sunday, Frank exits the transit bus that dropped him at the corner of his betrothed’s apartment complex. Frank walks to her front door and rings. The .40 cal slug that comes through the screen door and nails him is from single mom, who places a second tap in his head, plants the modest ring between his lips, turns to apartment door, and says, “Cheap fuck! Zales, Sears . . . even Kmart has layaway!”
37. Anarchy Pony | April 9th, 2012 at 10:44 pm
@34, it makes me wonder if all the trolls on Exiled are just Ames and co. fucking with us.
38. kallipugos | April 9th, 2012 at 10:56 pm
Frank Booth- Ah shit, let’s drink to something else. Let’s drink to fucking.
Yeah, say “Here’s to your fuck Frank!”
Ben- If you like, Frank. Here’s to your fuck.
39. Marisa | April 9th, 2012 at 10:58 pm
11 out of 28 is 39%, not 29%. It’s still a terrible pass rate, no question.
40. Sturgeon Slaw | April 9th, 2012 at 11:48 pm
Yeah, if he’d had any real ambition he would have gone upstairs and offed the CEO – the guy who subsequently relocated the entire manufacturing operation to China. It put a couple thousand workers out on the street in what had been essentially a company town for around 100 years. They’re going to turn the Victorian brick plant, which sits right on the faux-rustic town square, into an upscale boutique mall. Or so they say … it’s more likely just another tax writeoff/state funding scam between the city officials and local developers.
What a great deal for the locals, eh? Be bullied on a daily basis by factory management only to lose your job to excessive corporate greed, and then you get your choice of being unemployed or using your years of experience as a skilled machinist to hawk coffee at a cutesy Starbucks knockoff for minimum wage.
It’s a wonder the streets aren’t running with rivers of blood all over the country, if you think about it.
41. kazerad | April 9th, 2012 at 11:49 pm
>Of the programs 28 graduates from the Spring 2010 – 2011 term, only 11 of those 28 managed to pass the national nursing exam. That’s a 29 percent pass rate, almost unheard of.
Math error: that should be 39%, not 29%.
42. EnableWeMuch | April 10th, 2012 at 12:19 am
@34 This aluminum foil cape protects me from unwarranted, and uninvited government/Zionist mind probing. What it doesn’t do is protect my feelings…[sniff]No, seriously, Ames could never bring himself to hit the ‘submit’ button on the grammatical nightmares that are the hallmark of my semi-coherent ramblings. I actually exist, and everything I stated was entirely accurate. Further more, most of you people will never know a day of true happiness, and likely will never laugh at anything besides witnessing an elderly person fall, or see a small animal crushed by a car. You are a all a bunch of ghouls. -Good night.
43. Eddie | April 10th, 2012 at 12:21 am
What moral lessons are you trying to teach us?
The lesson that you alone are responsible for your life and you should always blame yourself first for your failures in life?
The lesson that you should just shut up and support the system that fucked you.
No man who values justice could ever accept this lesson.
44. vortexgods | April 10th, 2012 at 5:56 am
I see I struck a nerve, normally I’d go in for the kill, but I believe you when you say you have an arsenal of guns. I don’t mind sending you to bed with only your favorite gun, crying like a little girl and whispering to it, “One day I’ll get them.” But I draw the line on pushing you into full Charles Whitman mode.
Yeah, I miss John Dolan too. I hope he’s making a comfortable five figures, wherever he is.
45. vortexgods | April 10th, 2012 at 7:14 am
I love that scene, o/~ The Candy Colored Clown They Call the Sandman. o/~
46. HueyLewis | April 10th, 2012 at 7:30 am
Frank, I’m sorry to say this, but you really don’t sound very happy at all.
And your incessant genitalic references are troubling on so many levels… I don’t even want to go there.
Why don’t you go clean your guns? That’ll make you feel better!
47. Trevor | April 10th, 2012 at 8:06 am
EnableWeMuch is an excellent example of the wannabe fascist twerp. Hollow bragging, excessive defensiveness, and fixation on masculine archetypes – in this case Vikings. It’s all to prop up a fragile ego that whithers whenever he looks in a mirror.
Let’s all see if we can’t troll him more. It should be easy, these types being overly sensitive. Especially if we call him queer.
48. Mr. Bad | April 10th, 2012 at 10:12 am
“Evil is not so much inherent in individuals, Zimbardo showed, but emerges dependably when a sequence of dehumanizing and stressful circumstances unfolds.”
49. Ellen Cervellan | April 10th, 2012 at 11:27 am
I hoep John Dolan makes enough money to eat however much cheesey pooffs he wants and to buy as much bondage magazines as he wants and gobble as much hofbrau as he wants. It is all deelicious.
50. EnableWeMuch | April 10th, 2012 at 11:49 am
Eddie: I appreciate your point and agree with you. My philosophy is that every able bodied person should be responsible for themselves, as much as possible. So that we may focus our finite resources on helping the truly needy. Then concern ourselves with everyone else.
@44sThat’s it? That is the summation of the collective brain power encompassing the denizens of the mighty Exiled? Projection? Well color me disappointed. Look wee one, like I stated before, unlike you oxygen thieves, I value human life. I understand that you have spent many hours plotting the demise of your legions of hated enemies. Those EVIL oligarchs’ that control everything.[shakes tiny, vegan fist in air]
Fortunately for them, you are all cowards-violent, hateful, cowards. The worst kind. Your type are usually referred to as “bullys”. It is one of the reasons you feel the need to defend the actions of other violent cowards. These are your people.
So you simply cannot accept, or comprehend why everyone doesn’t fly into a murderous rage when things don’t go their way, like when some fucking obese cashier won’t accept their expired coupon[that DUMB bitch!]. Hate, it’s what people like you do. Like a shark swimming.
So once in a while, I gird my loins and slum lefty websites, just to remind myself to count my blessings.
To tell the truth, I love running into you guys on the street. It is oh so satisfying to verbally emasculate a group of grown men, in front of other people. Who will do nothing, but puff their chests and growl, “fuck you buddy!”,as they deflate and slink a way.
Anyway,I can only stand the stench for so long…so good luck, Lemmings.
PS-Please oh,please, ”Go in for the kill”! Judging from what you have scribbled so far, that would be most amusing to witness.
51. John Figler | April 10th, 2012 at 12:28 pm
Considering that Frank speaks of himself using the third person I’d feel a lot more secure if he had not all those weapons he claims to have at his disposal.
Just to feel sure, y’know…
52. Daniel Vertebois | April 10th, 2012 at 1:03 pm
“But only in America, and only since the mid-1980s, do American employees attack their own workplaces and offices, and middle-class students attack their own schools, with such consistency, year after year.”
Incorrect. While not widely reported in the American press, such attacks are higher per capita in Japan – and higher overall in China, with more attacks and more killed, beginning with the first in Shanghai in the early 1950s – than they are in the United States. South Africa also has a higher number of attacks in workplaces and schools – per capita – than the US.
53. Fissile | April 10th, 2012 at 1:11 pm
The saddest part of these stories is that the worst of their tormentors aren’t the Koch brothers. It’s not some banker or Wall St swindler. Their most vicious tormentors are other peasants who are in nearly as bad a situation. Ultimately, this is why we are in such a predicament. As old Ben Franklin once said, “Gentlemen, we must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”
54. Mr. Bad | April 10th, 2012 at 1:39 pm
@ 42. EnableWeMuch
I do hate to pile on a genuine asshole like yourself buy I can’t help but notice your stinking-to-high-heaven entitlement. Only “self made” honky’s like you who really know how to suck hard on the micro penors of the the wealthy cam ascend to the empyrean heights of “arborism”, a talent only WASP scum with 18 holes for a backyard have need for. Do you realize that your whole practiced image is just a selling point to entice the 1% who won’t be bothered to learn a little spanglish when you can do it for them? BTW – you are a glorified landscaper, that’s why you’re raking my leaves this autumn …
55. Ellen Cervellan | April 10th, 2012 at 1:41 pm
kinda mean but uncle doland kinda looks like a manatee
kinda cyoot too kinda wanna pettum
56. Kyle | April 10th, 2012 at 2:22 pm
It’s too bad these rampage killers don’t target powerful people. Shouldn’t they be assassinating politicians and oil men? Would be much more productive.
I’ve always found this curious (standard disclaimer, not excusing or endorsing their actions, etc.) In most cases these disgruntled gunmen don’t even manage to off the supervisor or other specific person they see as tormenting them, just a random collection of co-workers and bystanders. These guys are so disorganized.
Compare this to Europe where leading businessmen, military officers and other figures of actual power require more elaborate personal security than in the US, despite a much lower general level of violence in their societies.
57. EnableWeMuch | April 10th, 2012 at 3:40 pm
@47.Putting me the couch? You can’t be that desperate yet. I agree with the latter part of your statement though. Don’t bother with the queer slams. You’re going to have to dig deep. Cmon people!
@54 I will gladly rake your leaves , champ. It will cost you $100.00 an hour. Any less than that, and the overhead is in the red. *Minimum two hours*
Oh, and just in case you failed to realize this ,”normal” folk can also legally own those magnificent creations known as trees, it’s true! When you drive through the neighborhoods of the scoffing rabble you so hate, those green things populating the yards of those various slack-jawed, flyover morons are the real thing! Once in awhile one of these pheasants save up enough pennies from prostituting their daughters and working extra shifts in the acid mines to afford and have them trimmed.
I know you don’t believe me , but I am telling the truth.
Cheers .
58. Fissile | April 10th, 2012 at 3:43 pm
@ #56. Kyle,
I agree, the American peasantry really needs to get its head out of its ass, and study Europeans.
Here’s a sample lesson:
In 1979 the German Red Army Faction came very close to killing Alexander Haig, head of NATO at the time, with a land mine. Unfortunately, Haig survived, but a number of his guards were wounded. Haig went on to become famous as a Regan Administration uber-douche.
Lesson learned: Always use a top trigger man.
59. Zhu Bajie | April 10th, 2012 at 4:33 pm
In East Asia, making friends is one of the major reasons for attending a university. Classmates help each throughout their lives.
Mr One might have done better to attend a nursing school in S. Korea or Philippines. Not only would they be cheaper and probably better quality training, but the motive of caring for an aged patien would be accepted as honorable.
60. John Drinkwater | April 10th, 2012 at 4:34 pm
Americans just aren’t as political (or as intelligent of course) as Europeans. These rage killers can’t put 2 and 2 together. Instead of searching for a radical political philosophy through which to vent their rage, or even seeking out a worthy target for an attack, they kill almost randomly. There is some tradition of this in Europe – the faction of the most extreme anarchists in Russia who deliberately killed random “bourgeois” targets – but at least they always tried to get away with it and didn’t off themselves afterward!
But mostly, the European tradition is to target politicians and oligarchs. Revolutionary populists killed the Tsar in 1881, then anarchists took over for awhile knocking off several targets in multiple countries – not to mention expropriating banks – which in turn inspired anti-colonial and nationalist assassinations.
Even in America, the political attacks were carried off by foreigners. McKinley was shot by a Pole. Italian anarchists bombed Wall Street in 1920. Russian born Alexander Berkman shot industrialist Henry Frick.
61. Zhu Bajie | April 10th, 2012 at 4:44 pm
“such attacks are higher per capita in Japan – and higher overall in China, with more attacks and more killed, beginning with the first in Shanghai in the early 1950s – than they are in the United States”
Do you evidence? The China claim seems unlikely. Guns are not freely sold in China and most Chinese people are not interested in them. Moreover, in the ’50s, the regime was much more authoritarian and in control than it is now.
The usual thing in China, Japan and (probably) S. Korea in these situations is suicide. If someone in China does want to kill large numbers, they usually turn to poison or explosives. Imagine Mr One putting rat poison into the water coolers or parking a truck bomb next to the school.
62. Zhu Bajie | April 10th, 2012 at 4:47 pm
“My philosophy is that every able bodied person should be responsible for themselves, as much as possible.” — EnableWeMuch
The tradition in rural America is neighboring, that is communal harvesting, etc. People take care of each other in all kinds of ways.
63. Zhu Bajie | April 10th, 2012 at 4:53 pm
“caring for an aged patien”
This should be “caring for an aged parent”. My apologies.
64. Zhu Bajie | April 10th, 2012 at 4:58 pm
“Umm, how is the proliferation of low quality universities the fault of conservatives?” — Doug
@19 Doug, US “liberals” are right-wingers, too, just not as comically irrational as the others. Anyway, proprietary trade schools like this are businesses, and are run by conservacrookies. They are unsupervised because of bribes to assorted politicians of both machines. The claim to be a “christian” institution also helps avoid supervision. Independant churches are the last stronghold of laissez-faire capitalism and probably “christian” schools are too.
65. Hick | April 10th, 2012 at 5:23 pm
#14 Bet you can really clean out a Harry’s Hofbrau! Home of the 1/4-pie “slice” of pie!
Do you store some for later in that neck-pouch of yours?
66. Hick | April 10th, 2012 at 5:32 pm
#57 Pheasants, really? All the ones around here do is lounge around in the pine trees, make clucking sounds, occasionally burst up into flight right in front of me when I’m tromping around on parts of the land I don’t tromp around on much, and fall out of bed. Really! They seem to get clumsy when bedding down for the night in a tree, and like your sleeping cat falling off the TV, they fall out of bed with the requisite amount of pheasant cussing and thrashing around.
67. Adam | April 10th, 2012 at 5:33 pm
Ok folks, time to get back on track here. Let’s put the focus back on what exactly sent enablewemuch into his initial tantrum.
As far as I can tell, you’re all steamed up because, in your eyes, Ames exonerated Goh by condemning the culture that allegedly created him.
All you have to show for yourself is one example of one guy who didn’t snap, for whatever reason. You haven’t refuted anything in the article; you haven’t given us any compelling reason to adopt your interpretation of the is as a shameless defense of a rage killer; or why we shouldn’t concern ourselves with the relevant details of the killers life. You haven’t told us why we should accept the conventional thinking, that he was a psychotic monster, and that this was the sole cause of the tragedy. You have, however, shared with us your emphatic feelings for your fellow man, and this further confuses those of us who would actually be interested in knowing what drives your anger at the article, or, more narrowly, your anger at Ames’ attempt to understand the details of the conditions surrounding the tragedy; does that anger fall in line with your professed desire to help “the most needy”. Surely, you would agree that the most needy are those who are in danger of dying the way those poor people did; wouldn’t you want to know if conditions, in addition to the man’s mental health, could have been responsible? Wouldn’t that give us a better understanding of why these things happen.
Furthermore, what’s the alternative? What if we just assume that all that was responsible for the tragedy was within the killer? Should we simply throw our hands up and say all this was unavoidable? That he was just a crazy son of a bitch and there was nothing that could’ve been done? If you don’t believe this, if you think it’s possible to prevent these tragedies, or at least make them less frequent, please advise.
Also, in your response, refrain from the childish chest thumping and shit slinging. You’re a true warrior in both arenas, and your fighting spirit is even enviable in a way; it even prompted one commentator to mistake you for the great Ames himself(PBUH). But Ames adds substance to his vitriol; show us yours.
68. Hick | April 10th, 2012 at 5:40 pm
OK maybe you guys (gals?) can help me here …
I do clearly remember reading a book, one of those Young Adult things, in the 1970s or maybe around 1980, written in the 70s, about a kid who was going to shoot up his school.
My attention span was even worse as a teen, so the one part that stays with me is how he’s going to school, walking I think, with a gun, a pistol I”m guessing, and he’s thinking about the lock for his locker or something, calls the lock Titus, how Titus is such a stout guardian etc. Also, he’s groomed himself well that day, and reminisces about how one of his teachers says “slicker than owl shit” to mean something is really neat or smooth, and thinks that that teacher would say he’s “slicker than owl shit”. I think there’s some kind of stand-off at the school, I’m just not sure. Basically, that he’s gonna shoot a bunch of people at the school, Titus, and owl shit are all I have for sure in my memory.
Does anyone remember the book? It would have been written in the 1970s. I got it out of my local library. There was a lot of really edgy Young Adult stuff written in the 1970s. I thought this book might be by the author of I Am The Cheese, a Young Adult book that will get you thinking, but it doesn’t seem to be.
TL:DR I remember reading a Young Adult book in the late 70s that made shooting up one’s school seem pretty damn cool.
69. BasementBum | April 10th, 2012 at 6:23 pm
Earlier conversation by one of the “victims”-
Can you believe it? An “old guy” with a “funny accent” wants to go to college! At that age!
What a loooooooooser, HAHAHA!
Who wants anything to do with him? Fuck that guy!
Btw, Christ is very important to my life….’
Write a fucking note next time or mail Al Jazeera! Short of this, the only way anyone will know the real you and your motives is if Ames deigns it “time to do a profile on another mass shooter.” (note Ames, these are your best fucking articles! I could die a happy man if all you did was profile more shooters like this for all your updates!)
70. vortexgods | April 10th, 2012 at 6:33 pm
“Please oh,please, ‘Go in for the kill’! Judging from what you have scribbled so far, that would be most amusing to witness.”
It’s not about what you want. It’s about not encouraging a gun toting lunatic from fulfilling his Charles Whitman fantasies.
In other words, if I were to really get at you psychologically, I might have to read about how you massacred a high school in Inland Empire (or whatever benighted hell-hole you live in.)
Besides, what does it really gain anyone from drawing out the obvious self-loathing of a person like yourself? My suggestion for you, is voluntary committal at your local mental health facility (and for your neighbors, try for involuntary committal of their “quiet, keeps to himself” neighbor Frankie or move someplace far away).
71. Eurotrash | April 10th, 2012 at 6:33 pm
One L. Goh’s score of 7 is paltry. He didn’t kill the horrendous, bullfrog-like fat lady that screwed him over. He didn’t kill any cops. He didn’t even kill himself. One L. Goh, great shame is yours.
“Frank”, I think you and your many, many guns should show Goh how a spree shooting is done – and done properly, by a man as accomplished as yourself. You know you want to, really – why, you’re still simmering over those bikers, cons, bitches, judges, black kids etc etc.
Let your inner Breivik shine, Frank. Be proactive in a going forward manner. You know you’ve been thinking about this. You were right. Go on. There’s no turning back, now.
72. vortexgods | April 10th, 2012 at 6:48 pm
“Let’s put the focus back on what exactly sent enablewemuch into his initial tantrum.”
My opinion is that that is pretty obvious.
He wants a ton of credit for not putting his large gun collection to the only use a large gun collection like that could possibly have. Probably seeking some kind of ersatz parental approval since he was an unloved and unwanted orphan.
All the seething rage and weapons collection tells me that he’s a human bomb, just waiting for a triggering stressor to set him off. But he wants us to tell him how much better he is than Goh, because he just fantasizes about what Goh actually did and hasn’t actually done it… yet.
He’s that fantastic combination of “poor me” victim (the initial tale of Frank was a sob story, remember, about grueling labor in the hot sun after a miserable childhood) with defensive egomania (“I’m a hedge trimmer making a six figure salary and banging supermodels, so all you drones in your air-conditioned offices can suck it.”) when people point out that he actually has a pretty bad life.
I’m serious that he should seek help… but he probably doesn’t have any mental health insurance and you know what public mental health services are like in this country.
73. Lone nut | April 10th, 2012 at 7:14 pm
What a waste of a lone nut. Coulda used him to assassinate some social justice guy.
For the guy who got me thinkin
again about MLK.
74. Anarchy Pony | April 10th, 2012 at 7:43 pm
Jesus people, stop feeding the trolls. Our only hope is that they starve to death.
75. Zhu Bajie | April 10th, 2012 at 9:41 pm
I suspect that more and more people will snap and “go postal”. Groups will “go postal,” slaughter whatever scapegoats with their massive gun collections. Perhaps some crazy preacher will tell his mega-church congregation “Kill the Cockroaches!” and be obeyed.
76. Zhu Bajie | April 10th, 2012 at 9:49 pm
A book that might interest many exholes: _The Psychopath Test_ by Jon Ronson. It seems that lots of CEOs etc are psychopaths, rather larger a proportion than in the general population. Ever wonder how many Libertarians and Ayn Ran fans were psychopaths?
77. Zhu Bajie | April 10th, 2012 at 9:53 pm
“My philosophy is that every able bodied person should be responsible for themselves, as much as possible.” — EnableWeMuch
The idea that human beings are born as isolated cannibalistic individuals, as scorpions or crocodiles are, is obviously false. Perhaps psychopathic?
78. EnableWeMuch | April 10th, 2012 at 9:55 pm
@70 The only way you could conceivably manipulate me to act out prematurely, is to defaecate a little sooner than expected, in your honor—of course.
Adam, Let make thank you for that well reasoned post. It was a breath of fresh air. Let me make a few things clear: First, I only mentioned my childhood, because I grew up in the lowest economic rung, amongst many challenges. Just like millions of others. I don’t feel angry, I actually feel blessed for my good fortune of making it out.. many people I cared for didn’t. They are in prison, or they are in the ground. When you grow up in conditions such as these, you develop a keen understanding of what reality really is, and what people wish things to be. You would not survive without it. A person cannot know true bitterness, until they see life extinguished before it ever had a chance to blossom.
As far as owning firearms is concerned, any weapons I own , are in vault, they are collectables. I mentioned them only to point out they were always readily available. I don’t hunt or carry. The only time I am around loaded firearms, is work related(I have more than one vocation), or to teach others about their proper use and safety.
The only reason I initially wrote that post, was to point out the absurdity of the premise of the article. See… a predator is a predator. I have known more than my share. They are not good people who go suddenly go bad, they fantasize about killing, and torturing. Have you studied the methodology of the majority of these mass murders? They are meticulously planned.
Root causes , in my opinion, are merely mental masturbation, a luxury for people who do not have to live in the real world. Normal people don’t suddenly kill, rape or molest, it’s not like you fall over and sodomize someone accidentally. Ames creates this premise, to reenforce his own view, that we must give more power to the state, in order for these senseless killings to be avoided. As a Libertarian, and a citizen of the reality based community, I find this idea to be repugnant.
From reading my original post and the subsequent comments, I doubt you would have to ruminate long on why I grew Dickish. I do troll, but not here, that is pointless. This site is for true believers only.
I was called violent nut even though I admonished violence from the get go. I was told I was better off dead because I stated my opinion that people intent on harming others should take their own life first, as a matter of honor. The replies to my first post included propositions for engaging in pedophilia rape. NO ONE but me blinked. This is worrisome. That was long before I channeled my inner asshole. Most of the comments attributed to me I never wrote. Here is a taste:
“Frank was a sob story, remember, about grueling labor in the hot sun after a miserable childhood)”
This is a common occurrence where I grew up, not a ‘sob’ story. It babbles on,
”.. ….with defensive egomania (“I’m a hedge trimmer[ who drops two ton plus live oaks between multimillion dollar mansions-ed] making a six figure salary and banging supermodels, so all you drones in your air-conditioned offices can suck it.”) when people point out that he actually has a pretty bad life”
I never said I made six figures, I stated that no one should brag about being a cubicle rat making under 100k. I also stated that I had made, and blew much more money than he will ever see, which is also accurate .I do fuck hot chicks, regularly. Not models, they’re too high maintenance( bang strippers, and bartenders, mostly) I do in fact prefer outdoor labor to indoor placidity. I know you won’t agree with me here in the comment’s section, but we both know the author of that post is an effeminate wimp, which women DO hate. Fact.
It is not a bad life, for me-BTW, but I guess for those who yearn for the Nanny State Leviathan, it would be.
Why did I get annoyed? Because there is nothing more loathsome than a moral coward. It really is that simple. This site is filled with sick fucks such as those, that is obvious. Yes, I said unpleasant things…but one can only stomach so much poison before they vomit.
The irony is-in real life, I am the guy who stops and helps people who are stranded , lost , or other wise in need of assistance. Am I naturally altruistic? Fuck no. I only do it because I have tasted desperation, and have walked a few miles in their shoes.
Peace to you, Adam, and good luck with these special creatures.
79. Skeeve | April 10th, 2012 at 9:57 pm
EnableWeMuch? James Versluys? Co-editor of the late, unlamented “The Texas Mercury?”
If you’re not, it’s one helluva good impersonation.
Or maybe closeted, egomaniacal, right-wing head cases all just sound alike.
Oh yeah, cheers.
80. Joe | April 10th, 2012 at 10:02 pm
Thanks for the article Mark.
81. BasementBum | April 10th, 2012 at 11:35 pm
“As a Libertarian, and a citizen of the reality based communit-”
Translation- “We shouldn’t have any ‘rules’ to protect the poor, because only Communist socialists would want that! Let’s eliminate all rules and controls and allow those with the most resources to buy influence and power and project their will on the poor masses!
Yeah, I’m so cool and independent, I got a boner when Bruno tried to seduce Ron Paul! I masturbate while imagining life in Somalia where Big Government doesn’t stifle people like it does here! No unions, no health care, government shouldn’t do anything except when I want it to do something I want like pave the highways!
Only faggots want rules and shit, I’m man enough to grin like an idiot no matter how hard up the ass society fucks me!”
Oh boy, you are a fucking moron. You’re the ideal worker slave alright.
Keep patting yourself on the back for always acting like a happy house nigger anytime a “Nat Turner”-type gets fed up with life’s bullshit and decides to act up to claim some form of power in a life of constantly having their face booted in the ground.
82. EnableWeMuch | April 10th, 2012 at 11:41 pm
@77. Ohhh.Selective Editing. Did you just get fired from NBC?
Let me try!
ME:”I loving cooking children’s meals, they are so easy to prepare”.
EDITED ME: “I love cooking children’s.”
That was fun..and easy. Where do I send my resume? I can’t wait to foment a race riot!
83. EnableWeMuch | April 11th, 2012 at 1:28 am
@81: @81. sweet little Baboo, it’s your type of completly demoralized soft headedness that has Yuri Beznemov chuckling from beyond the grave.
I would love to know where you were educated, or even if you were, in fact, educated. You can read and write though, that’s a start.
84. vortexgods | April 11th, 2012 at 5:30 am
“I never said I made six figures,”
Well, hopefully you are making a comfortable five figures then. Wouldn’t want to think you were toiling in the hot sun for peanuts. Also wouldn’t want to see you turn your gun collection to armed robbery.
“I also stated that I had made, and blew much more money than he will ever see, which is also accurate .”
I’m impressed that you managed to squander huge amounts of money. Of course, that doesn’t leave much for retirement, which ends up being mandatory for people doing manual labor in the hot sun. (I presume you wear sunscreen? Otherwise, melanoma will be an issue down the line.) Oh, and the next impressive revelation gives me an idea of how you squandered your money…
“I do fuck hot chicks, regularly. Not models, they’re too high maintenance( bang strippers, and bartenders, mostly)”
I’m glad to read that you’ve mastered the complex mating ritual that allows you to join the ranks of the elite men who get to have sex with strippers.
But can I ask you, do they ever say, “This is crazy Frankie, I should be paying you!!” because that’s how you can tell that they _really_ like you…
85. iCONOCLAST | April 11th, 2012 at 7:21 am
Ames, in your honest opinion. Do you think this guy would have done what he did had he picked a less craptastic school?
86. vortexgods | April 11th, 2012 at 8:05 am
Oh, Jesus, you’re a Bircher!
87. joe | April 11th, 2012 at 8:36 am
You claimed to be a libertarian who seems to be against the nanny state. What are your thoughts on socialized healthcare? For example the difference between our system and a the system in France.
88. jimmythehyena | April 11th, 2012 at 9:23 am
So many people have been fucked over by “educational institutions” in the US I’m surprised there’s not more hatred towards them. Many courses had me feeling like the target of some seriously disturbed individual. Nurse Ratchet in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s nest would be the closest comparison. You have to sit there acting like you take there shit seriously hiding how much you detest their crap in order to be let out after wasting years of wasting your life. I put up with that crap but then the University I was a student at “privatized” the part of the university that gave external degrees and they told me that I should tell prespective employers that I had an internet degree from a “virtual” university. Making me basically unemployable.
89. TG | April 11th, 2012 at 9:48 am
I’m not Ames, but I buy his thesis. Answering your question depends on what you mean by “less craptastic.” If you mean a not-for-profit community college that was run by real academics instead of a Xtianist grifter and his bean-counters, then it’s much less likely he would have reacted that way. Same with long-established trade school that focuses on turning out skilled graduates to make its reputation.
Serious schools, including community colleges and reputable vocational programmes, generally provide a welcoming atmosphere for “non-traditional” (e.g. older) students. They have nursing programmes that are (shockingly) more focused on turning out competent nurses than they are at supporting a religious scam and/or lining the owner’s pockets.
Most of the time, mentally disturbed people need to be pushed over the edge before they engage in violence. Had Goh attended a reputable institution and dropped out, the most he would have lost financially was a semester’s tuition. Instead, he was scammed by exactly the sort of shady outfit encouraged by Reagan and his successors.
And apparently this was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The fact that he targetted the school (as opposed to his workplace, where he was treated with a degree of respect) indicates that its treatment of him was a contributing factor to what he did.
90. TG | April 11th, 2012 at 9:51 am
I’ve seen risk-friendly entrepreneurs with perspective who build successful businesses from nothing and then re-calculate the risks they’re willing to take so they can enjoy the fruits of their labour. Some do that by being boring workaholics, some by being wild hedonists, and everything in between. What they have in common is that they don’t usually end up as resentful and prematurely aged stressballs, surrounded by their firearms collections and paranoia.
I’ve also seen risk-friendly entrepreneurs who are short-sighted greedheads. The kind who keep score with money, but who never get enough because they squander every red cent they earn before it sees their wallet, let alone a bank account. They’re like degenerate gamblers who keep doubling down on wins until the rigged house odds inevitably send them back to where they started: digging ditches for chump change.
I’ll give the latter type of rapacious capitalist this: they have the golden casino days memories of all those “free” meals, “comped” rooms, and “friendly” models. All of which who must put a prettier face on the Burger King feasts, the squalid hovels, and most of all the low-rent strippers and bartenders they now “bang” to compensate for their lost paradise.
Frank knows what I’m talking about. I hope that he’ll remain uncensored so that he can further confirm this.
91. TG | April 11th, 2012 at 11:08 am
I should add that there are not-for-profit schools at established universities that are scams. Second- and third-tier and lower law schools with their bogus placement figures come immediately to mind. I hear some of the graduates are using their mad law skilz to sue their former schools for that expensive tuition.
Even so, if you drop out of law school they’re not gonna ding you for the entire ride like the for-profits or the on-line diploma mills did to this sap Goh.
92. NotSoFast | April 11th, 2012 at 11:55 am
To the people who are commenting and saying that a lot of people go through life with worse situations and come out ok, your arguments are not valid. Basically, you are saying that you can live in a toxic environment and not come out damaged. Sure, this can happen, but more likely than not, a person living through a bleak and vicious life will cause damage to themselves and other people. Not conceding that this is true is akin to saying that smoking is not harmful. Yes, there will be plenty of people who smoke and don’t die from it, but for most, smoking will negatively impact their health.
In today’s America, to live a basic life, you must be perfect in every way. Perfect education, perfect appearance (minus appearance points in our society if you happen to be non-Caucasian), perfect life circumstances. Most cannot fit this mold, and so, in typical fashion, we shit on these people in every way possible. From petty scams to the criminalization of poverty, we shit all over such people. We draw a thin line and say that those who can stay in that line, socially, politically and economically, are the ones who will benefit from our society. Everyone else, tough titties asshole – you’re a loser. The loser’s life is mired in poverty and disenfranchisement, so no wonder that they go an kill people. They have nothing to lose.
I have visited countries that have similar social, political and economic structures to the US. The one thing I have noticed is that all these societies have these crazy murders, insane amounts of rape, mental illness, crime and drug abuse. The in group reduces the perpetrators and the victims as people who stepped outside of the bounds of acceptable society, never admitting that the system that they created and perpetuate is responsible for a large part of the problem.
93. Jingleheimer Schmidt | April 11th, 2012 at 12:36 pm
Hey Ames,
I want to purchase your book, “Going Postal” but you’re a Luddite without a Kindle edition. Put your work on Kindle and I’ll do an impulse purchase. I can’t wait for one week of shipping. Get with the 21st century!
94. EnableWeMuch | April 11th, 2012 at 12:37 pm
“join the ranks of the elite men who get to have sex with strippers.
But can I ask you, do they ever say, “This is crazy Frankie, I should be paying you!!” because that’s how you can tell that they _really_ like you…”
See !That’ what I am talking about. At. Last. One of your testicles has FINALLY descended. I would like to think I played some small roll in your recent mental development spurt. You know I’m a giver, and like to encourage people to mature into actual adults, no matter how old they already are . Better late then never.
Yeah, you finally go me to laugh out loud with that gem , even while sober[High Praise!]
FWIW. , Going to collage and running your own business takes up pretty much your whole life. It doesn’t leave you with much time for hand holding and romance. I screw what’s available. I don’t pay, though, Strippers and other libertine minded women like to have their brains fucked out just like everyone else. I do respect them, they are some die hard capitalists. I do also appreciate you underwriting my Dimes with your comfortable wages. Someone has to pay their rent.
So to answer your question; I blew it on the same shit everyone else does: lead, crazy fine girl friends, who couldn’t be bothered to work, or do anything besides party,vacations( for two),clothes, libations, absurd vehicles, gambling , bad business ventures, training, blah , blah ,blah.
It didn’t seem excessive at the time, but when you think you are smart and keep your earning sheltered in real estate, and the market you were in takes one of the biggest hits of the whole country. Well, all that money you considered”overhead” when you blew it adds up to be a lot. Live and learn.
It wasn’t the first time it has happened to me , just the worst The only problem now is the economy is so sluggish, it’s real hard to make an honest buck(or even a dishonest one).
Oh, well, there is home work. I like to leave on a high note , since you all have been such good sports. A quote, one of my favorites. You all should like it, the author was a pervert:
“Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good
of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live
under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies.
The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may
at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good
will torment us without end for they do so with the approval
of their own conscience.”
95. EnableWeMuch | April 11th, 2012 at 12:40 pm
Joe: I am not informed enough on that subject to comment, sorry.
96. TG | April 11th, 2012 at 12:43 pm
Well said, NotSoFast. Education as a petty scam is an especially cruel con. But as we’ve seen time and time again, cruelty and petty scams are what you get when you combine modern conservatism or Rotarian Socialism (the more accurate description of American libertarianism) with neoliberal economics and throw in a dash of prosperity gospel.
Libertarians seem especially enamoured of the idea that every exchange should be a financial one, and that every exchange should be a zero-sum game with one party (preferably the non-white, non-male, non-straight, non-Xtian, non-Boomer one) getting royally screwed over by the other.
97. TG | April 11th, 2012 at 1:21 pm
Frank, it’s clear from your comments that your “Dimes” sleep with you for your sparkling personality, your charm and what is no doubt a big swinging dick (unless you had to sell the Corvette).
Seriously, though, “tasting desperation” does not include eating out a barmaid from Bubba’s Boomtown Whoopee Room who’s turning tricks on the side to feed her kids. So spare us your claims of empathy.
Also, thanks for confirming the kind of entrepreneur I thought you were. Rarely do I get to tell this to the people like you who I used to advise (because they can’t afford it anymore): when you look back at all your failures, stop blaming everyone and everything else (“wahh! the nanny state”; “whahh! the economy”) and crying about “what happened to you”; consider that the only common factor in these situations is you and your self-destructive, chaos-addicted toxic personality.
98. adam | April 11th, 2012 at 1:23 pm
Thank you for your kind ending words. However, I’m still not satisfied with your answer. Maybe I’m just really thick, but I couldn’t extract your argument from the plethora of platitudes (a predator is a predator; there is nothing more loathsome than a moral coward, it’s that simple), emotional outbursts (This site is filled with sick fucks…), mawkish martyrdom (The irony is-in real life, I am the guy who stops and helps people who are stranded , lost , or other wise in need of assistance.), and, despite my request, more chest-thumping (I also stated that I had made, and blew much more money than he will ever see, which is also accurate .I do fuck hot chicks, regularly.)
Again, I want to know why a serious analysis of the relevant details and conditions surrounding the tragedy is met by you with such aggrandizement. Up to now, one can only assume you have no argument to make, and that you’re purposefully obscuring the issue at hand to cover up that fact.
Thank you,
99. A. Macquart | April 11th, 2012 at 1:30 pm
Honestly, at this point I’m down with a complete economic collapse. The people who made this system possible deserve to spend their remaining days eating cat poop and freezing to death. I’m looking at you, paunchy neo-Babbit Tea Party type and your slightly more leftist contemporaries in the Democratic party.
Back in the 90’s, i.e. “the good old days”, when vapid fools will insist that everything was supposedly still great in America, I worked at a factory. I won’t name it, but they made “American Hero” jeans.
It was a soul-crushing experience with a soundtrack of cheesy musak, a mix of country and classic rock top 40’s; Air Supply and Boston still makes me want to cry for reasons unrelated to their lyrics.
At this factory my job entailed using a machine-operated pallet jack for moving loads of heavy stuff around. During safety training I was warned to keep hitting the horn as I rounded corners. Sounds like a reasonable safety requirement, don’t want to crush anyone’s toes. The problem was, as was explained to me very clearly by management, the women at the plant would purposely let you crush their feet so they could get comp. They would go so far as to stick their feet out if they thought you weren’t looking. One usually only hears of only of willful injury in war-zones.
And regarding Ames and Yasha’s most recent post- dang blast the Catholic church for dropping the ball and not burning that sick f%ck Jean Calvin. I’d almost be willing to forgive them for all the other stuff if they could have crushed the anti-human philosophy that is Calvinism in its demonic infancy.
100. DeeboCools | April 11th, 2012 at 1:35 pm
@ 68 “Rage” by Stephen King? I only know about that one since King declined to allow reprints after columbine, which I thought was bullshit.
101. TG | April 11th, 2012 at 1:53 pm
Adam @98, what it comes down to is that for all his supposedly Goh-like failures, Frank never used his collection of phallus substitutes to shoot anyone. So, y’know, give him one of those cookies he needs to make him feel special.
What Frank doesn’t take into account is that he was the author of his own career misfortunes, whereas Goh was scammed and exploited time and time again — probably by people with the same greedpig mindset as Frank.
102. vortexgods | April 11th, 2012 at 4:25 pm
Oh well, can’t take credit for that. It’s something Louis DePalma said to Alex Rieger on an episode of Taxi when he was bragging that, “He’d had his share of women and then some.”
103. EnableWeMuch | April 11th, 2012 at 5:19 pm
“Again, I want to know why a serious analysis of the relevant details and conditions surrounding the tragedy is met by you with such aggrandizement.”
Because he makes excuses for the inexcusable.
See, when someone is contemplating suicide, they usually just kill themselves. Some people can’t bring themselves to do it, so they engage in “suicide by cop”. Then there are other people, soulless narcissists, who feel that-they have been wronged, it isn’t fair! So they decide to get payback. They murder people. Never police, never the military, no. It has to be sheep. Why? Because they LIKE it, they love the feeling of power over helpless people begging for their lives. They don’t fight armed people because they don’t want to do battle(they’re cowards, remember), they want to murder.
I will give an example: Last year a Homicidal individual walked into a Detroit police station with a pump shotty, and opens fire.(he wanted battle) You might already be familiar with the case. The video is not to be believed. This guy never planned on leaving alive. He is engaged by every cop in the room and still keeps coming. Going so far as to jump over the counter and take ground. It was very impressive, but he still is a murderous, lowlife. He wasn’t however, a coward.
As I already explained to you, Ames concocted this whole meme in order to make a case for more government intrusion( what else could you do?) He doesn’t hide it, it is the premise of his whole thesis.
Other than that, I don’t know what to tell you. It is that simple. Yes, this sight IS infested with sick fucks. Read. The. Comments.
Try this, “I don’t condone raping and strangling a woman[mass murder], but if your going to do IT right[murder the people who happens to be in charge,fuck ’em]. Why do these guys always pick out ugly, fat women?[not the people in charge] Not that I am condoning it-because I most certainly am not[I grow physically excited by the idea, and dream of it often, that’s why I am here]-but seriously [I am serious]..”
Sick. Fucks.
I did get quite the little chuckle over the desperate dissembling and projecting from the resident Lemmings,”I am so worried that Frank is going to use his guns,that he’s had forever, to murder some one”!eleventy11!
“Mawkish Martyrdom”That cute. T hose blessed souls at AAA should be Canonized and Sainted, STAT!
Hysterical pejoratives aside, thanks for making the effort, Adam.
“when you look back at all your failures, stop blaming everyone and everything else (“wahh! the nanny state”;
“ consider that the only common factor in these situations is you and your self-destructive, chaos-addicted toxic personality” got my number on that one .I do enjoy risk,.
@101:[ Sniff] Poor Goh..
OK. One more bit of Koch funded Reich Wing propaganda and I will leave you to your hand wringing, and shame closets. Per my original post:
IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream – and not make dreams your master;
If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
‘ Or walk with Kings – nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And – which is more – you’ll be a Man, my son!
Words to live by…
104. vortexgods | April 11th, 2012 at 5:28 pm
I keep coming out on the right side of these scams by blind luck. My parents made a small fortune investing my college fund in a Savings and Loan, and got out just before that organized fraud blew up. In fact, I was able to get a second Bachelors Degree years later when I needed it, paid for by what was left of my college fund and later by the company I started working at.
Oh, that! My salary was quite nice for a single young man with no dependents. Just basically took care of my few needs and watched the numbers in my bank account increase. Of course, when the company collapsed under the weight of it’s own fraud I had to coast on my savings for a bit before finding another tech job, but the contacts I had made at the served me well. Pity those stock options they kept trying to ply me with proved to be worthless.
Tech has been good to me. Steady, well paying employment for many years, never having to work very hard. (Avoid the “hot” fields, like video games or social media. Those are the usual places for grueling death marches. You want to work doing something that makes people’s eyes glaze over with boredom when you try to explain it, that’s the trick.)
Marriage, on the other hand, I can’t recommend. Oh, I love my wife… but she loves debt.
Still, even with her influence I did manage to put off getting shackled to a mortgage until after the great housing scam had blown up…. but you should have seen the wad of cash they waved under my wife’s nose to get me committed to a mortgage.
Well, anyway, now I have a kid who just got accepted to college, a nice job, and a house in the suburbs. I’ve been fortunate enough to survive a few rounds of layoffs at my current company (which have subsided into the past now), though I miss all my friends who got the axe (most of them are either employed elsewhere or enjoying semi-retirement now, anyway. There are a few, I admit, I’m hoping are rotting in some gutter somewhere.).
Oh well, the guys with the post-apocalyptic spite-zombie death-wish seem to be winning now, working their darnedest to collapse what’s left of the New Deal and even a functioning modern state into the muck so we can all find out what it’s like to be “middle class” in Pakistan… I mean, Hell, we aren’t even going to have postal service soon. My grandkids will probably have to go to private schools, whenever they show up, because the decent public schools I went to as a kid will have been sold to the same Wall Street scammers who’ve blown up everything from Iraq War military contracts to the housing market.
105. rick | April 11th, 2012 at 6:59 pm
Great article, Mark, but it has little to do with why you’re a genius…I wish Ames’ id wrote more articles. I mean I recall an intermediate period where your id shit was strained a bit, and worn out, but it might come back. Maybe you know something I don’t(your id is as shitty now as a 70’s rockstar’s new song), but writing the eXile for years out of a Russian strip club WITHOUT MENTIONING IT was tragic in itself. I might be slightly delusional, but your literary talent in ransacking Americana in the eXile book is no small thing–that book fucked me and a handful of friends up hard, like punk rock.
106. ☭ mouse ☭ | April 11th, 2012 at 8:04 pm
Great Article, pretty depressing too though.
Sucks that innocent people got shot, but I cant blame the guy either really. I personally would’ve opted for the suicide ending though so you dont have to deal with the consequences of your actions!
I read your book Ames.. I cant remember have any of these guys ever got their target? Like the one commenter said, You gotta call ahead on the big day!
107. BasementBum | April 11th, 2012 at 8:10 pm
Consider the harm his nursing school was doing, Goh actually did the world a favor.
Over the next God knows how many years, hundreds if not thousands won’t have to be ripped off and screwed by that place.
If it still exists after what he did, they’ll be forced out of paranoia to improve 1000X fold.
Yeah it was evil, and yeah I’m sure some of em weren’t bullies, but it’s not like no good will come of what he did.
108. L. G. | April 11th, 2012 at 9:59 pm
I would like someone to do an article on why we have a death penalty that is never enacted, but instead we spend billions of dollars feeding, clothing and housing these creeps who have no thread of remorse for what they’ve done.
109. Ilich Sánchez | April 11th, 2012 at 11:28 pm
Deep, man. Was Hunter S Oppenheimer your relative?
110. adam | April 12th, 2012 at 5:27 am
Again, more platitudes and more grandstanding. And this is exactly what I anticipated from your limp mind. You couldn’t convince us that your anti-inquiry approach is a better alternative to this. However, you did try to tempt us with stories of spending gobs of cash and fucking white trash. And, just so you know, in most circles telling stories like those is like holding a big, blinding fluorescent sign over your head that says “my life is milquetoast”.
You call yourself a libertarian, but your comments make you sound more like a philistine, if there’s even a difference.
As far as I can tell, your answer to the problems the rest of us adults are trying to grapple with is “fuck it, just make money”.
In short, problems like what to fuck or buy seem well suited to your abilities; let us handle the rest.
111. adam | April 12th, 2012 at 5:30 am
And one quick aside:
If the day comes when you and your robber barons meet me and my moral leaders on the battlegfield, I will not enjoy claiming your scalp; it wasn’t fun doing it here, and it won’t be then either.
112. TG | April 12th, 2012 at 5:38 am
“Huh?” says the proud Libertarian, who no doubt grumbles about the moochers and risk-averse and brags about his squandered fortune and his Randian superman self as he tills the soil for near-minimum wage.
As I said earlier, there’s nothing wrong with being risk-friendly. But there’s a smart way to do it and a stupid way. All the Kipling in the world doesn’t change that (thanks for the earlier CS Lewis quote — if the religious propaganda wasn’t bad enough, now he’s downplaying the depredations of robber barons. Nasty).
As for Ames, he isn’t making excuses for Goh’s actions, he’s putting those actions in context. He’s pointing out that the guy, who seems not to have been the sharpest knife in the drawer to begin with, was preyed on and humiliated time and time again by grifters and bullies and, indirectly, a rigged casino economy. Goh was in “helpless and nothing left to lose” territory — territory deliberately created over the past 30 years by Reaganites and Libertarians like yourself. This Oikos University grift, a direct result of that conservative programme, was the thing that pushed Goh over the edge into this horror.
113. TG | April 12th, 2012 at 6:20 am
Dot-com veteran here, too, so yeah, words to live by for the young techies out there.
Sounds like you’re in a good place, now. So am I, thanks as much to good luck as my own hard work. But, man, do I feel sorry for the kids who are graduating into Frank’s Libertarian “paradise.” One of the few ways we have left to undermine the greedpigs who want to return us to the economic glory days of 1896 is to work with young people.
114. Mr. Bad | April 12th, 2012 at 9:55 am
@ EnableWeMuch
I don’t think you understand the difference between a healthy society and a sick one. Your macho bullshit code is suited only to one kind of person, you. At bottom, you’re just a Nazi, because the only logical “final solution” is the execution, enslavement or imprisonment of the weak. The libertarian ideal. You’d like lots of “clean”, noble deaths for the masses rather than the dirty, difficult task of implementing compassion on a mass scale. You’d rather a dozen welfare cases starve than one con man game the system, amiright? Look, you’re nothing new, just a 20th century hangover headache with no memories of how you got here and no plan on how to move ahead. Protip: Learn Spanish, gringo.
115. Mr. Bad | April 12th, 2012 at 10:06 am
@ EnableWeMuch
It must be comforting to know that you’re “philosophy”f life is compact enough to fit inside a single “meme”, older than the intertubes itself and promulgated by pubescent boys and gangsta rappers:
Oh right I forgot you also help little old ladies across the street and change tires or whatever the fuck. You are an hero.
116. Trevor | April 12th, 2012 at 11:00 am
Damn, EnableWeMuch is still around. Told ya that loser was easy to troll.
117. Doncha know they're gonna kill your sons? | April 12th, 2012 at 12:46 pm
Goh’s TV coerced TV apology is some real tasty humiliation porn. Think they’ll be able to top this before they fry him? Mos’ def. Wait till the trial, Mr. AEC!
118. Cum | April 12th, 2012 at 1:01 pm
Well Goh has expressed remorse. Not that it matters. The prison industrial complex is all about profit and they’ll make lots of money housing these guys. And also off their slave labor.
119. adam | April 12th, 2012 at 2:21 pm
From encyclopedia dramatica’s hilarious entry on libertarianism (
This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the US Department of Energy.
I then took a shower in the clean water provided by the municipal water utility. Then, I brushed my teeth with that water, filtered to standards set by the EPA and my state.
After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC regulated channels to see what the National Weather Service of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration determined the weather was going to be like using satellites designed, built, and launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. I watched this while eating my breakfast of US Department of Agriculture inspected food and taking the drugs which have been determined as safe by the Food and Drug Administration.
At the appropriate time as regulated by the US Congress and kept accurate by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the US Naval Observatory, I get into my National Highway Traffic Safety Administration approved automobile and set out to work on the roads built by the local, state, and federal Departments of Transportation, possibly stopping to purchase additional fuel of a quality level determined by the Environmental Protection Agency, using legal tender issued by the Federal Reserve Bank and printed by the Federal Bureau of Engraving and Printing. On the way out the door I deposit any mail I have to be sent out via the US Postal Service and drop the kids off at the public school.
I park my car on the street, paved and maintained by the Department of Transportation, and put quarters issued by the United States Mint into the parking meter.
Then, after spending another day not being maimed or killed at work thanks to the workplace regulations imposed by the Department of Labor and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, I drive back to my house which has not burned down in my absence because of the state and local building codes and the fire marshal’s inspection, and which has not been plundered of all its valuables thanks to the local police department.
I then log onto the Internet which was developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration and post on freerepublic and fox news forums about how SOCIALISM in medicine is BAD because the government can’t do anything right. Keep government out of my Medicare!
120. Zhu Bajie | April 12th, 2012 at 3:37 pm
“As a Libertarian, and a citizen of the reality based community…”
These two clauses do not belong together. Most Libertarians that I’ve met are NOT in contact with reality.
121. vortexgods | April 12th, 2012 at 7:01 pm
Here’s the future that I see coming. An inefficient, incompetent, but still quite brutal police state backing up a form of capitalism that can no longer create things that are useful or work properly or deliver services that aren’t simply egregious scams.
Nothing but Grifter Kings and Monopoly/Monopsony Extortionists as far as the eye can see.
Sure, it’ll all eventually end in violent revolution, but who wants to go through the intervening horrors. (Or bet that the outcome of the revolution will be “good.”)
122. BillyRubin | April 12th, 2012 at 7:07 pm
Two items to bear in mind:
1.) be careful judging a case like this; you are assuming that One has the same faculties and capacity for reason that you yourself possess. Intense mental anguish manifests itself in vastly different ways in different people depending on what glands are firing what ratio of what. We are all fucked-up bags of chemicals walking around an increasingly unnavigable playing field.
2.) the geeks who try to out-scathe one another in the comments section are effectively wiping your collective asshole all over Mark’s work. Most of the comments of this variety get to be real depressing real quick; they read like a bunch of spoiled brats or arrested adults going back-n-forth who think peppering their “I fucked yer mom last night/my dick is bigger than yours/my dad could rape your dad” bubububub with some overreaching vocabulary somehow elevates it to something clever. It doesn’t. It sucks. Die.
123. Zhu Bajie | April 12th, 2012 at 9:42 pm
@121 Vortexgods, I tend to agree. Look at the history of warlord China (just 100 years ago) for an example of what might happen. Imagine your favorite gun-nut or right-wing militia indulging their fantasies against YOU.
Flee the wrath which is to come!
124. ☭ mouse ☭ | April 12th, 2012 at 10:34 pm
@118 this is a perfect example of why you should just kill yourself after your rampage. I feel more sorry for One L Goh than the victims families at this point.
125. damn red | April 12th, 2012 at 11:17 pm
Why is it when I read anything posted by a libertarian the first thought the pops into my head is autistic sociopath?
And as a young tech worker my father an old timer in the field is just shocked that the starting wage today is less then what he made starting out.
126. damn red | April 12th, 2012 at 11:18 pm
I mean serious that is some serious word vomit from enablewemuch or what ever his name is
127. meh | April 13th, 2012 at 1:50 am
“The idea that you can reinvent yourself, that your fate is in your own hands, that you have the power inside of you to make yourself a winner (and if you fail, it’s all your own fault) — this may be America’s most toxic cultural snake-oil.”
Ames should definitely write more about this, it is so real and so true
128. TG | April 13th, 2012 at 5:23 am
Yep, Vortexgods. Don’t forget to throw in debtor prison and debt peonage. Also a gerontocracy to go along with the corpratocracy. Add a pervasive surveillance state that’s as much run by Frank’s beloved corporate persons as it is by the government. And a Gini co-efficient trending towards Brazil’s (plus side: increased employment in the guard labour sector!). Citizens supplanted by obedient and pliant human resources/consumers. All of this is already underway, and no-one in power seems to want to stop it.
Violent revolution? Who knows, given the doping up of American youth for every little thing and an education system that’s ensured that American Idol and Kim Khardasian are the most important news out there.
The only way I see to push back at this point is to opt out when you can (the opt-in approach allows human resources/consumers way too much freedom for the comfort of the corporations). You can’t bring the machine to a complete standstill that way, but with enough people opting out you can grind it down to a slower pace and starve out the predators.
Or, at least make the predators and third-rate warlords so conspicuously unwelcome in some places that they’ll start preying on each-other out in the dying exurbs and small towns and in rural areas.
I’m very interested to see what will happen with the May Day general strike called by Occupy, although organised labour’s total lack of support doesn’t bode well for it or the Occupy movement in general (on the other hand, I don’t underestimate what millions of young people walking out of their McJobs would do to our service economy). I’d like to see at least the same level of OWS activity as in 2011, but I’m prepared for disappointment.
129. vortexgods | April 13th, 2012 at 7:06 am
But it’s like he was deliberately trying to be a parody… anyway, I’m backing off.
130. Cum | April 13th, 2012 at 10:58 am
I wouldn’t exactly bet on the odds of a revolution resulting directly in a social democracy. At least in the 20th century, revolutions triggered by extreme austerity tended to be followed by a fascist or communist regime (or both!) before social democracy could be established. Neither of those outcomes are particularly good for Jews. Still, I wonder how much of a future I will have in this decaying empire so I’m throwing my lot in with the left and hoping I’ll survive whatever comes next.
131. Cum | April 13th, 2012 at 4:10 pm
April is the month of going postal! Office slave, learn how to defend yourself from your co-slaves!
132. dominic | April 14th, 2012 at 12:58 pm
Mark, what does America breeds such assholes and bitch ass man-children-commenters like this guy typing this turd-comment? Man, why am I such a bitch ass loser who wasting his grandma’s bandwidth? Can you believe this comment man? Who am I working for that I have to say that you sound like the pussiest liberal bitch i’ve ever met….wah wah wah! Is it because I’m a big streched out pussy? Work is too hard! Wah! Gotta mooch of my poor widdwe grandma. I suck at football! Man, I don’t have the balls to do anything but sit here and munch of cheerios. I should put some fucking titanium bracers in my wrist or back to wacking off to Ames’ Going Postal book. Wah wah wah
133. CT | April 14th, 2012 at 5:55 pm
College is a brutal experience believe it or not. The astronomical tuition, the petty bullying by peers and professors, and the stress weighs heavily on college students. According to this study half of all college students have suicidal thoughts, compared with 15% of the general population.
134. Jim's Neighbor | April 14th, 2012 at 9:18 pm
Great reporting. Looking at the background sure reveal truths about our society. Social order is obtained partially through busy and productive people and to a greater extent by the love of life. Seem this guy had something missing in addition to good luck.
135. Damn dirty red | April 14th, 2012 at 11:49 pm
@132 I consider being called a liberal an insult, and ames didn’t you put a PDF of going postal up on this site, I read it and it had to be the sanest rendering of the 80s and 90s I have ever read.
I would also like to ask if I care to submit an article as a freelance asshole who doesn’t care for pay how would I go about doing that.
Back story and interesight concept I would like to submit, I used to live on the coast moved to a state in the midwest during the conservative revolution mid 90s and only by actually sitting down and studying this crap have did I realize what insight I was given for free. I have stories about school rallies celebrating a fictional assassination of bill clinton and more holy fuck moments that I did not notice.
136. Damn dirty red | April 14th, 2012 at 11:53 pm
I’d write about my time in Texas, but Texas was dull. No one ever talked to their neighbors not to mention I never thought I would say that gang shoot outs are boring till I moved to Texas.
137. Cum | April 15th, 2012 at 1:12 pm
You didn’t think gang shootouts would be fun did you?
138. Zhu Bajie | April 16th, 2012 at 4:09 am
“In today’s America, to live a basic life, you must be perfect in every way.”
So emigrate when you get the chance. Learn a world language first, and your opportunities will multiply. Teach English abroad.
139. GrumpusRex | April 18th, 2012 at 10:05 am
Thank you for contextualizing this mans life. Sad, but compelling writing. Well done.
140. Paul | April 27th, 2012 at 8:18 pm
who ever wrote this Fu*k you you little puss*s ass feel sorry for this motherfucker for being a useless piece of fat shit who couldn’t make shit out of himself or use the education given to him. you wouldn’t understand unless your daughter or wife was in that room getting shot you bitch then would you say the same. My sister was in that room, you don’t see us going postal to kill innocent family mates. fake feared pussies like you write this stuff. F u mate straight to your face and this fat piece of shit who had the chance to try for 43 years should get hung NOW! Those young adults didn’t even get the chance to fail in there life, because this piece of shit did all the failing for the seven dead and three wounded mentally and physically for life.
141. Count Awesome | May 1st, 2012 at 2:50 pm
Nice try but this guy was emotionally ill to begin with. He isn’t the only one trying to swim upstream against hopelessness and poverty. Millions of people are and many are suffering more than he could ever begin to imagine and they don’t go murdering people as a result. They get buy with a little help or none.
142. Count Awesome | May 1st, 2012 at 2:53 pm
Sorry “by not buy”…. still a look at the keyboard 2 finger typist and post before checking fool.
143. Alien rock | May 3rd, 2012 at 5:48 am
Every time a thing like this happens humans
are forced to briefly look into the mirror. We see the sad existence and history of homo sapiens. A history of chronic war, exploitation, oppression and general shittyness. A history of simple might makes
right in the last 100 years replaced by capitalism as disguised oil-drenched feudalism. Of course we don’t like what we
see that’s why we have collectively chosen
to deny the existence of the mirror.
And fiercely attack anyone who openly rebels and again briefly shows us the ugly truth:
The great majority of humans is exploited by a small group of humans.
Deep down we all know.
144. Jack Boot | May 7th, 2012 at 9:17 am
The top 1% in 18th Century France lived rather well – until 1789…
145. Vinny | December 15th, 2012 at 12:13 pm
I stopped reading this bullshit article right after I saw the bit about Reagan Revolution. Left wing bullshit propaganda. I’m gonna get into the tinfoil tent I live in my mom’s basement to protect myself from leftwing hyper-neural transmissions
146. watch Music movie | July 4th, 2015 at 11:47 pm
He described how his worship of Hitler had given way to unease concerning the
far proper’s homophobia.
147. Wayne Irwin | April 21st, 2016 at 12:39 am
Come ON! This guy was a loser psycho and anyone having sympathy for him is a psycho. I have NEVER heard students making fun or telling a Chinese to “go home” and this would especially be true at his school. People work their way through school and take loans and get pell grant. Part of an education IS socialization, but this guy was a psycho. It’s as though people reading this have no education. MOST of the people that I knew did NOT have help from their parents. Choosing a “private school” with high tuition is another loser proposition. He should have attended the local community college.
I knew GRADUATE students at UT that came from villages in which they went to Australia initially and worked in a factory and made their way to the USA. The problem with Goh was that life was TOO easy for him. He was abusive and mean and instead of making his dad proud, he left school.
He was a murderer. These mass killers always blame everyone else for their creepiness. He should have just killed himself and left everyone else alone. The doting son could have taken a life insurance policy and after a year, doffed his evil person. Most policies cover insanity now. So, it’s unfortunate he brought shame to others and his family, but he obviously didn’t care about his dad@#@!!!! What the hecko, do you seriously think he could NEVER pay is dad back?
The lazy bastard could have learned to drive a truck for free and received $500.00 a week. There are always alternatives to murdering those that are successful.
148. Wayne Irwin | April 21st, 2016 at 12:52 am
By the way, that $500 a week includes room, board, AND training!!! He might have been “Over the road” but …. do people really think it’s better to kill people so that he could what….
SWIFT will pay for your education to get a CDL. So will Schneider. So will other companies. He could have joined the military!!! Or The National Guard!! They have scholarship programs for college and since he was uneducated and lazy, they might have motivated him some!!! At any rate, they also train you for free and pay you while they train. If he was really stupid, he could have even driven a truck. Many drivers are smart, but you only need an IQ of about 80 to drive. That’s it.
He could have learned nursing in the military. He could have learned one of MORE THAN a Hundred studies in the military.
MOST Chinese in this country are hard working and superior in morality to others. It’s true. Some come from areas in which they have dirt floors and a stone bed in which they burn dung for warmth. They know REAL hardship. I was in school in the USA during the time of Mao where students could be put in prison or killed for learning calculus. Yet student made it, studied hard. Their reward was to bring their parents to the USA. A city like Houston has street names in Chinese and you don’t even have to learn English!!!! They can live their entire lives in comfort.
Goh had a sense of entitlement. That is the problem. We have to earn our benefits.
149. Wayne Irwin | April 21st, 2016 at 1:06 am
MOST of those murdered were beautiful Asian women known by other Asian students as kind and warm.
He lined them up and told them he was going to kill them all. He BOASTED of his violence. Like MOST killers of his ilk, he murdered them because it made him feel better about himself. The girls he killed also had parents or family. They also had to make their way threw the maze. They did it without daddy’s help.
In China, they were shoot him in the head and he would be more in debt to his dad, because they would charge his dad for the bullet and the rope. Note the students say they didn’t tell him to go back to China… that is really an odd thing. Killers typically blame everyone and try to destroy their reputations. They claim they were molested, or abused, or robbed.
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