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Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
What You Should Know / April 3, 2010 -- Freelance journalist Alexander Zaitchik wrote several stories about Glenn Beck for Salon late last year. This February, the Daily Beast's book imprint published John Avlon's book, Wingnuts. Avlon's chapter on Glenn Beck borrows very liberally from Zaitchik's work.

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1 Comment

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  • 1. RecoverylessRecovery  |  April 3rd, 2010 at 1:44 am

    Excellent article.

    Do *I* think that Glenn Beck is a raging (probably even racist) stark-mad, raving lunatic?

    OF COURSE he is.

    BUT I ALSO happen to know that Barack Hussein Obama is an EVEN GREATER stark-mad, raving lunatic ..and the “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” school-of-thought dictates that I should offer old Glenn MY FULL SUPPORT.

    And therefore I DO.

    FUCK YOU GOLDMAN OBAMA! Show us your fucking birth certificate. IF you have one.

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