Energy Minister • LUKoil
Steals: With friends like
LUKoil, who needs speed on the basepaths?
Lies: Petroliferously
Hair: Not bad for his age, but thinning
around the ears
Jewish: Hard to say
Connections: LukOIL
Career notes: Yet another “political
unkown” with “no government track-record”... 47 years old... Takes
over ministry which no longer contains the words “Fuel And”. though
no one knows what this means... Cut his teeth in legendary Tyumen,
graduating from the region’s technical institute... worked several
“energy-related” jobs before becoming “a LUKOil man in a big way”...
formerly the Mayor of Kogalym... currently expected to do good things,
like bringing Russia’s oil and gas sectors under strict regulatory
Minor League Notes:
Born in Zaporozhskaya oblast in Ukraine.