-- RIA NOVOSTI: An incident related to arresting people suspected of spying suggests internal political games of the US establishment and is aimed at undermining the US president's authority in the eyes of the Russian leadership, Aleksey Arbatov, head of the international security centre at the World Economy and International Relations Research Institute, has told Russian news agency RIA Novosti."Rather, this looks like some petty games. It is common knowledge that there is a huge opposition to (US President Barack) Obama. It most likely exists in the state apparatus as well as in US security services. They have brought up this trial idea to embarrass him, to make him put a spoonful of tar into the barrel of honey of Russian-American relations," Arbatov said.Director of the Institute of Strategic Assessment Sergey Oznobishchev believes that the "spy story" is a "manifestation of those political forces that have traditionally opposed rapprochement with Russia and establishment of normal relations with Russia as well as the ratification of the START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty)".
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