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MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
Russia Babylon / August 4, 2008
By Yasha Levine

You know how Russia’s threatening to start sending nuke-carrying, long-range bombers to Cuba? Well, meet the Few, the Proud, and the Wasted of Russia’s VDV, the country’s elite Airborne Troops. Look at these faces long and hard, folks. And then look at them again. Chances are they’ll be parachuting into your backyard, striking camp and taking liberties with your young daughter.

On Saturday, August 2nd, they were out on the streets of Moscow celebrating Russia’s VDV Day. This photo essay captures them frolicking at the fountains in Gorky Park, the one immortalized by the Scorpions.

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