Vanity Fair profiles The eXile: "Gutsy...visceral...serious journalism...abusive, defamatory...poignant...paranoid...and right!"
MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
Water Wars: Billionaire Farmers Scheming to Privatize California's Water Are Under Attack

Good news from the trenches of California’s water war: The cabal of billionaire farmers and real estate developers that has been engineering a stealth privatization of the state’s water supply is under attack. Two devastating lawsuits have been filed this summer in an attempt to claw back hundreds of millions (and possibly billions) of dollars in ill-gotten profits from a group of wealthy farmers and to bring one of the world’s largest water banks back under public control.

September 15th, 2010 | Comments (6)

Water Wars: Billionaire Thugs Scheme To Pull Off Katrina-style Wealth Transfer That Could Destroy California

Imagine the devastating flooding of Hurricane Katrina multiplied by epic sandstorms, drought and economic collapse of the Dust Bowl. Now picture it happening an hour east of Apple’s headquarters in Silicon Valley and spreading all the way down to the Mexican border. It’s not as far-fetched as you think. A routine 6.7-magnitude earthquake would be enough to set it off…

March 23rd, 2010 | Comments (20)

Senator Feinstein Teams Up With Billionaire Farmers And Corporate Raiders To Mount Hostile Takeover of California's Water

California’s Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein showed Californians who she really serves this past Thursday, when news emerged that she was trying to ram through a massive transfer of precious water out of the hands of millions of state residents, and into the private pockets of a clique of billionaire corporate farmers…

February 13th, 2010 | Comments (14)

Billionaire Thugs Plot To Steal California's Water And Everything They Tell You Is A Lie

We’ve been lied to for years now about the severity of California’s water shortage. The media and state officials have been ringing the alarm,  warning that the state was in the grips of the quite possibly the “worst California drought…

January 8th, 2010 | Comments (29)

California's Student Body Isn't Being Fleeced Just By Wall Street Scammers, But By Grandma and Grandpa As Well

This article was first published by TruthDig ( In recent days, students have been rallying and barricading themselves inside buildings on University of California campuses to protest a 32 percent hike in tuition fees. Last Wednesday and Thursday, scuffles broke…

November 25th, 2009 | Comments (45)

The Story of How Beverly Hills Billionaire Farmers Stewart and Lynda Resnick Have Privatized California's Water Supply

This article was first published on A group of water oligarchs in California have engineered a disastrous deregulation and privatization scheme. And they’ve pulled in hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars without any real public outrage. The amount of…

November 19th, 2009 | Comments (27)

Crime Extravaganza in the High Desert: Murders, Drive-bys and Bank Heists

We had ourselves one hell of a crime-filled summer out here in the greater metropolitan area of Victorville. And it’s only getting hotter as the High Desert transitions into the icy nights and gale-force winds of autumn that are starting…

October 9th, 2009 | Comments (19)