Vanity Fair profiles The eXile: "Gutsy...visceral...serious journalism...abusive, defamatory...poignant...paranoid...and right!"
MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
new york times
Scrubbing Major Hasan: The Strange & Silly Media Rewrite Of The Fort Hood Shooting Spree

This story was first published on AlterNet. What happened to all the initial reports that accused Fort Hood killer Maj. Nidal Hasan snapped because he was distraught over the Army’s refusal to grant him either a discharge or an exemption…

November 25th, 2009 | Comments (19)

DEPRESSION GLOAT #5: Sundance Film Festival '09 Takes the Hit

This year, Sundance got shoved back toward its mid-‘80s roots as a small nowheresville festival in an ugly ski town showcasing bad independent films nobody wants to buy or see.

January 24th, 2009 | Comments (10)

How To Screw Up A War Story: The New York Times At Work

From the moment Georgia launched its invasion against the breakaway region of South Ossetia this past August, sparking a wider war with neighboring Russia, the New York Times‘s news coverage depicted Georgia as an innocent victim of Russia’s neo-imperialist evil….

December 22nd, 2008 | Comments (12)

DAILY INQUISITION: White America Achieves Perfection

Today’s Defendant: White America Statement of the Grand Inquisitor: Today we write in praise of White America. It’s long overdue, says Frank Rich, the New York Times columnist. He wrote a recent article called “In Defense of White America” in…

October 28th, 2008 | Leave Comment

The New Cold War's Premature Ejaculation

You may not have noticed it, but a couple of weeks ago, the New York Times slipped in a story that completely contradicted a narrative that it had been building up for two straight months, one that was leading America into…

October 23rd, 2008 | Comments (1)

Clifford J. Levy's Cold Shower

According to Pulitzer Prize-seeking reporter Clifford Levy of the New York Times, Russia still turns off its hot water to apartments for a month every summer. It’s the kind of scoop that has made Levy a star

July 16th, 2008 | Leave Comment

Feature: New York Times Hack Eats Horse Sperm Pie

His name was Pobornik. He had never read The New York Times. He would never be able to recognize a classic “pyramid lead.” His hours were occupied by other pursuits: grazing, sleeping standing up for long stretches, swatting away insects with…

April 5th, 2001 | Comments (9)