Today, Drudge and the rightwingers are going crazy red-alerting CNBC’s Rick Santelli as some kind of righteous anti-Obama freemarket revolutionary. There’s a clip of him standing in the middle of the Chicago Exchange, yelling: “The government is promoting bad behavior! Do we really want to subsidize the losers’ mortgages?!!!! This is America!!!!!” (Does anyone recall Santelli screaming like this over the much larger bailout of his Wall Street friends? Or does he only squeal when regular middle-class Americans get some help?) The big question for Santelli is this: Why does this idiot, who talked about how the global economy was “healthy” and America’s soon would be too, still have a job? (more…)
Posted: February 19th, 2009

Joe the Copywriter (whose identity we’re not revealing yet) was fired less than 24 hours after we posted an article with him railing on his incompetent bosses at the Yellow Pages company. He gloated that these Just-For-Men-highlight-wearing-morons were too clueless to fire him. But he spoke too soon. It seems there is something those execs are very good at: running a Gestapo-style espionage operation against their employees. (more…)
Posted: February 16th, 2009

This hussie, named Karina Barbie, is hugely popular in Russia, a kind of low provincial Carmen Elektra. She’s originally from the central Kazakh town of Karaganda, which is a euphemism in Russian for “backwater.” Buck-toothed and head slightly askew, it’s not clear how she broke through to national celebrity status or what she had to do to get there. But now she’s frequently interviewed on serious programs on Russian TV and is a regular fixture on the Kremlin-backed Internet TV for teens, Russia.ru. All you see in this video is real. She usually includes her sullen, unhappy babushka in her shots, while she strip dances in various trashy wigs and flashes her bare snapper. It would be avant-garde Vice magazine trash fashion, if only it weren’t so authentic.
Posted: February 3rd, 2009

This year, Sundance got shoved back toward its mid-‘80s roots as a small nowheresville festival in an ugly ski town showcasing bad independent films nobody wants to buy or see.
Posted: January 24th, 2009

Today’s calendar girl collection, newly minted for 2009, comes courtesy of Kerch Yard, a Ukrainian shipyard in the Eastern Crimean town of Kerch. According to our sources, “kerch” comes from an Old East Slavic word for “throat,” and the town’s name alludes to the narrow slit, eh, we meant strait, on which it has been situated for the last thousand years. But as this calendar shows, the “kerch” can allude to entirely something else. Thing is, “kerch yard” literally translates to “throat yard” or, more generally, “an area of land used for storing throats.” And gosh darn it, those Ukrainians really know how to make some really nice ones.
Posted: January 20th, 2009
As per our promise, we just posted four more eXile issues from way back when. Check ’em out below or go to the eXile Classics pages for a up-to-date listing. We’ll be updating it weekly.

Issue #4, April 1, 1997 — The eXile starts with the telephone pranks. First victim: German embassy. Topic: rumored buy-back of Kaliningrad for a few black Mercs. Limonov calls Solzhenitsyn a sell out. (more…)
Posted: January 13th, 2009