Mark Ames, discusses the U.S. military presence in Afghanistan that surpasses the levels during Soviet occupation, how Russia benefits from (and is gloating about) a U.S./Taliban stalemate, the slim chance of Russia’s inclusion in NATO and George F. Will’s “Walter Cronkite moment” on Afghanistan. (more…)
On this tragic day, Exiled Online caught up with one of Sen. Ted Kennedy’s closest confidants, the late Mary Jo Kopechne, whose intimate relationship with the late Senator was interrupted nearly 40 years ago.
Exiled: Thank you for joining us today, we know that it’s a very difficult time for those closest to Sen. Kennedy.
Last week, eXiled Online editor Mark Ames made two appearances on Dylan Ratigan’s new MSNBC show, “Morning Meeting.” Here are a couple of clips for your viewing pleasure.
Mark Ames appeared on MSNBC earlier this week as a guest on Dylan Ratigan‘s new “Morning Meeting” show. Ames squared off against Jack Matlock, ex-American ambassador to the Soviet Union, now known as perhaps the last true “Grumpy Old Man” kickin’ it grump-skewl.
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is in China today, doing whatever it takes–no matter how shameless and sordid– to make sure that the Chinese don’t pull out of American bonds, which are tanking in value thanks to Geithner’s multi-trillion-dollar gift to Wall Street. The Chinese are not happy, and since the Chinese loaned America all the money it’s now blowing, they call the shots.
The Tim Geithner lifting ass today in China sounds a lot different from the Tim Geithner who recently played the role of alpha Chinaman Dominator when he was trying to impress the wannabe macho men in Congress. The Treasury Secretary’s old self was captured perfectly in a NY Times article headlined “Geithner Hints At Harder Line on China Trade.” (more…)
No, this is not a joke. The eXiled is looking for someone in Chicago to do a heroic undercover operation, a citizen journalism assignment of the cloak-and-dagger type, if you will.
If you live in the Chicago area and think you’re up to it, email us at for more information.
Listen to the Radio War Nerd podcast [subscribe here] with guest Gunnar Hrafn Jonsson of Iceland Public Radio on the massacre in Orlando and how online Islamic State jihadis are dealing with battlefield defeats and the shrinking caliphate. Subscribe to Radio War Nerd through the show’s Patreon page.
I just found the perfect job for myself: media consultant for General Laurent Nkunda. Now there’s a job with perks. And General, you need me. I know you need me because I just saw an interview with you in the…
What’s going on in Gaza now is pretty easy to understand if you think a little bit about the way military trends have been going in the past century-but you also have to be willing to take a cold look…
Well ain’t that nice: Bono got another award. That’s what will help our world be a better and nicer place, Bono getting another award. What makes this one even more sickening than the rest is the name of the award:…
We’re in trouble now, people. The Somalis of Minneapolis are joining the jihad. That’s according to a story that came out this weekend claiming that young Somali-Americans are flocking to dear old Somalia to join the jihad.
Greece was supposedly “gripped” with big scary riots this week. I love that TV talk, “gripped.” Was it a firm, manly grip? I don’t think so, actually. People throw words like “riot” around pretty easily, and these were about the…
The F/A-18 that crashed on to a Korean family’s house in Miramar yesterday had me remembering that movie Donnie Darko. That’s the one where the guy has to decide whether to let a jet engine fall on his bedroom or…
Every day this week I’ve gone to the computer and googled the same question: “How many attackers Mumbai?” And I still haven’t gotten anything like a straight answer. Of course the official Indian story is “ten.” Right. Ten guys, kids…