Vanity Fair profiles The eXile: "Gutsy...visceral...serious journalism...abusive, defamatory...poignant...paranoid...and right!"
MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America

Sarah Palin approves: “Just vote them out!”

Occupy Wall Street activists have good reason to be pissed off at Michael Pollok, the New York attorney trying to organize a national Occupy convention in Philadelphia this coming July 4th against the wishes of Occupy Philly and Occupy Wall Street. A quick look into Michael Pollok’s past, combined with his divisive push for a convention that most in the movement think is a disastrous idea, all point to yet another cynical political opportunist glomming onto the Occupy movement. Even worse, it looks like Pollok’s plan is to replicate the GOP’s Tea Party strategy: That is, to use public support for OWS in order to get a bunch of “independent” candidates elected into Congress. Pollok himself tried unsuccessfully running for Congress not long ago. (more…)

February 28th, 2012 | Comments (36)

Thirty More Years of Hell

This is for my fellow Millennial. The one who gets his or her rocks off to visions of a glorious Boomer-hegemonic extinction, like those old claymation movies of dinosaurs getting nuked by meteor-fire. This is for those of you who, like me, need a vision of that mighty Boomer Brontosaurus keelin’ over for good…

February 6th, 2012 | Comments (98)

Last Gasp For The Generation Of Swine

The three year bad joke that is the Obama administration delivered its punchline last night, and as expected, it just wasn’t very funny. So, for the last time I will tell you progressives, liberals, Democrats whatever it is you ascribe to: This president will not be reelected. Your president is d-u-n-n, dunn!

September 9th, 2011 | Comments (43)