“The last half of the 20th century will seem like a wild party for rich kids.”–HST
The three year bad joke that is the Obama administration delivered its punchline last night, and as expected, it just wasn’t very funny. So, for the last time I will tell you progressives, liberals, Democrats whatever it is you ascribe to: This president will not be reelected. Your president is d-u-n-n, dunn!
The price of oil hit $125 today, a 33 percent increase since the start of the year, and will probably keep going up. For those wondering “why,” there’s a new theory that explains everything.
The Kochs Give a Big Enron Fuck You to America: Traders working for Koch Industries not only gave PowerPoint presentations outlining their plans to drive up the price of oil, but openly boasted about gaming the market in the business press.