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russian army

Southern Ossetia  3

No dramatic photo compositions here, just grim pictures of burnt-out tanks, spent RPGs, charred human remains and columns of Russian armored machinery on patrol in South Ossetia and Georgia. Now updated with graphic photos straight from the battle scene. (more…)

August 15th, 2008 | Comments Off on Photo Essay: Russian Army in South Ossetia … Updated!

Russia's Airborne Troops Celebrate In Gorky Park!

You know how Russia’s threatening to start sending nuke-carrying, long-range bombers to Cuba? Well, meet the Few, the Proud, and the Wasted of Russia’s VDV, the country’s elite Airborne Troops. Look at these faces long and hard, folks. And then…

August 4th, 2008 | Comments Off on Russia’s Airborne Troops Celebrate In Gorky Park!