June 29th, 2010 | Leave Comment

This article was first published in Alternet. Why are the hoppin’-mad Teabaggers so oddly quiet these days, ever since the BP oil disaster? That’s what Thomas Frank, author of What’s The Matter With Kansas? asked last week in his column, “Laissez-faire…
June 13th, 2010 | Comments (30)

This article was first published on Alternet.org “I would rather live under a bridge than live under socialism” —tea bagger slogan Everyone knows that Tea Party revolutionaries fear and hate socialism about as much as the Antichrist. Which is…
April 17th, 2010 | Comments (113)

This afternoon, groups of angry conservatives will gather on street corners and in parks across the country to protest. They will carry signs and deliver speeches expressing outrage over the Democrats’ stimulus bill, over entitlements, over budget pork, over taxes….
April 15th, 2009 | Comments (35)
Thanks to the slam dunk investigative piece by your humble correspondents, Rick Santelli was forced to cancel his appearance on the Daily Show last night, leading to this massively-blogged segment ripping Santelli and CNBC a gigantic bleeding asshole. If words…
March 5th, 2009 | Comments (16)

If you’re wondering why disgraced pseudo-rebel Rick Santelli and his pals at CNBC kept strangely quiet about the hundreds of billions in bailouts right up until a couple weeks ago, when the government finally extended its bailout program beyond the…
March 3rd, 2009 | Comments (21)

Our article last Friday exposing the familiar old rightwing corporate machine behind the fake “tea party” protests, and Rick Santelli’s highly questionable role as the one-man MC for the protests’ launch event, wound up crashing the tea party’s mojo, and…
March 2nd, 2009 | Comments (46)