Calling yourself a libertarian today is a lot like wearing a mullet back in the nineteen eighties. It sends a clear signal: business up front, party in the back.
You know, those guys who call themselves “socially liberal but fiscally conservative”? Yeah. It’s for them. (more…)
We call our 1-point comeback campaign “Brigham Shrugs” and it boils down to this:
“Baptize Ayn Rand, already!”
Yesterday, our old friends the Koch brothers were back in the news. The DeSmog Blog exposed how some of the most rancid trolls in the world of climate change-denialism are on the payroll of the Heartland Institute, one of the Koch…
This is for my fellow Millennial. The one who gets his or her rocks off to visions of a glorious Boomer-hegemonic extinction, like those old claymation movies of dinosaurs getting nuked by meteor-fire. This is for those of you who, like me, need a vision of that mighty Boomer Brontosaurus keelin’ over for good…
Khloe Kardashian, Donna D’Errico of Baywatch, former Miss USA Susie Castillo, Playboy nude-model Tammy Banovac, Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones: to most Americans, a list of names like that sounds like the punch-line to an elaborate pop culture comedy routine….
When I left his ranch back in 2009, I was sure that Glenn Spencer had reached the end of his line. So it was surprising to learn that Spencer was a big player in the Tea Party scene. Suddenly, no one in Arizona cared about his past associations with white supremacists. Instead, Spencer was hanging out with Arizona state senators, hosting GOP political events, speaking at rallies and rubbing shoulders with the creme de la creme of Arizona’s Tea Party beau monde. He was not only back in the game, he’s bigger than ever.
Mark Ames goes on Boulder, Colorado radio station KGNU to explain the banality of Russian-born author Ayn Rand, the guiding light of the libertarian/teabagger movement. Ames discusses his article “Atlas Shrieked” about how a sad ‘n’ lonely half-wit, Ayn/Alyssa, was nothing but…