Russian companies know that sex sells. They also have a ridiculous amount of hot chicks working in them. Putting tyolka and tyolka together, they had a light bulb marketing moment: “Let us not imprison our talent in offices and simply waste it on paper pushing (and the occasional extra-marital blow job). Let us be proud and show them off to the world.” The girls couldn’t be more pleased. In fact, everyone was pleased. And that’s the story of how every Russian company got to have their own “Girls of [Insert Company Name Here]” calendar series. We’ll be running one every week until we run out.
Tyol • ka n [Russ, a chick; a young woman, especially one who is sexually desirable and in heat]
Today we’ll start off with the calendar girls of Musa Motors, a high-end car dealership:
Evgenia Yudenko, Sales Manager
Elena Kapinos, Sales Manager
Yulia Basova, Client Manager
Yekaterina Mazanko, Marketing Manager
Maria Solodyakhina, Administrator
We get a little sad looking at these tyolkas. Thing is, no one’s really buying cars over there any more. Pretty soon, these girs are gonna be servicing a totally different sort of client (although it will probably done inside of cars). At least, years from now, they’ll have this calendar to prove to their grandchildren that they weren’t always toothless strumpets. Long, long ago, they were on top of the world, loved and admired by all. And no one could take that memory away from them.
Read more: calendar, car, Russia, tyolka, Team eXiled, Russia Babylon

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Add your own1. kivera | November 26th, 2008 at 12:53 am
mmmmm the dark days are coming, lovely.
2. Seryoga | November 26th, 2008 at 2:48 pm
I’m doing my crisis dance! Pity I couldn’t seen it person and returned a year too soon.
3. John Pate | November 28th, 2008 at 2:56 am
More tyolka please!
4. Alex | November 29th, 2008 at 12:42 am
Hey, at least they already have somewhat of a modeling portfolio. Maybe that will allow them to skip the streets and go straight into basement movie studios. Still sad. *tear
5. Guni Iblis | December 4th, 2008 at 6:52 pm
God, for an hour with Maria… 🙂
6. Olga from Moscow | February 28th, 2009 at 11:25 am
Are you joking? If you are a specialist it won’t be difficult to find a job, even in creses. Really sad is to read your massages without any point.
7. hank | June 30th, 2009 at 4:15 am
I like foxy ladies who looks good i either their nighties or a swim suit,and if they are confident that much better.good luck ladys you look beautiful.
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